The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 518: Seeing Old Friends Again

After a long time, the surrounding area slowly returned to calm. Looking at the broken cliff and the dissipating clouds and smoke, Xiao Chen slowly turned around, looked at Shen Jing who still looked stunned, and asked, "Do you think so?" , some of those people shouldn’t die?”

Shen Jing came back to her senses at this time and shook her head. She knew in her heart that no matter whether there were any of those people who did not deserve to die, if one person was left behind and their whereabouts were exposed, there would probably be unforeseen accidents. , the person she was carrying on her back could no longer withstand any accidents.

"Then...where are we going now?"

Shen Jing looked around, and suddenly felt that the sky was huge, but there was no place for Xiao Chen, especially this time he had killed so many people, and he had already entered into a never-ending situation with various sects. It's impossible to look back. ✿✱❁

So where to go now so that Hua Weiyang can wake up with peace of mind? Where is the end of such a desperate life?

"I know a place where... there is an old friend."

Xiao Chen turned around and looked to the northwest, and saw that under the shadow of the moon, there were numerous mountains connected to each other, boundless and endless. That was the direction he originally went to Dingfeng City in the ancient realm of Xianbei.

Half a month later, the two passed through many natural dangers and arrived outside Dingfeng City. The towering city walls were looming in the dusk.

Dingfeng City is located in the northwest of the Xianyuan Five Regions. Due to its relatively remote terrain, it is not within the jurisdiction of Tianmen and has little contact with the sects of the Xianyuan Five Regions.

Over time, Dingfeng City became a non-righteous and non-demon existence in this troubled world. Because of this, many people who violated the right path and taboos in the Five Immortal Realms often fled here. Eventually, three forces formed in the city. One is called "Wuji Hall", the second is called "Fengmanlou", and the third is called "Poisonous Dragon Castle".

The whole Dingfeng City is very big, just like a small country of cultivation. I recall that when Xiao Chen first came to this city, he went to the wrong place and went to the Poison Dragon Castle to inquire about Feng Manlou. As a result, he got into an innocent disaster and was killed. He killed Zong Qin, the seventh adopted son of Zong Xiaotian of Poison Dragon Fort, and got himself into a lot of trouble.

Later, because of the Nascent Soul incident, he had no choice but to help the Rakshasa heroine sneak into Wuji Palace and steal the first chapter of Yi Wuji's "Tianzong Volume". That time was extremely dangerous, but it caused the two of them to experience life and death hardships. It is to become a friend in this troubled world. When walking in the world, it is better to have many friends than many enemies.

As the night gradually fell, Xiao Chen thought back to everything in the past. Unknowingly, it had been many years. His friendship with the Rakshasa heroine was not very deep. Moreover, the last time they met was when he came back from the ancient realm of Xianbei four years ago. Without saying a few words, he left in a hurry the next day.

In the past four years, he and the Rakshasa heroine have had little interaction, and the friendship in the past has probably gradually faded away. He only hopes that the other party will still remember those things in the past and be willing to take in him, a person who has no place to live, and let Shen Jing can peacefully heal Weiyang's injuries here, and no longer sleeps on her pillow, worrying day and night that someone will come after her again.

When the night was completely enveloped, the two of them had arrived at the east gate of Dingfeng City. To the east of the city was the Fengman Tower. They were still singing and singing every night. Even outside the city, they could feel the bright lights inside. Atmosphere.

Both of them had put on black robes and wore bucket robes and hats on their heads. It was dark in the night and others could not see their faces clearly. When approaching the city gate, Shen Jing suddenly stopped, with a slightly nervous look on her face, "That Rakshasa?" Mistress, is she...reliable?"

"rest assured……"

Xiao Chen also stopped and looked at the bright lights and green willows in the city. Although his friendship with the Rakshasa heroine was not too deep, it was not as good as before with Luo Die in the Eastern Continent, who had experienced countless life and death. But he trusted the owner of Feng Manlou. If even the Rakshasa heroine betrayed him and reported the whereabouts of him and Hua Weiyang to Tianmen, then his half life would be a failure.

After burning incense, the two came to the East City. Under the night, they could vaguely see the dangerous building with red lights hanging high on it, floating in the wind. There was a wind-filled building.

After a while, the two came downstairs, and four men in black immediately stopped them. But soon, another figure came out of the building, but it was an old man in a green robe.

Xiao Chen naturally recognized this old man. He was Yue Youshi from Fengmanlou. His name was Yue Manfeng. However, Yue Manfeng was not his real name. It was the name given by the Rakshasa heroine in the past, so he was the same as the Qianjia Na in the Eastern Continent. There is no connection with the enemy Yue Manfeng.

"Yue...Yue Youshi."

Seeing Yue Youshi suddenly come out, the four men in black immediately got out of the way. Only then did they realize that the two people they had just stopped were not trivial. Otherwise, how could Yue Youshi come out to greet them in person.

"Haha... little friend, we meet again, please."

Yue Youshi had a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to say "please", and then subconsciously looked at the person next to Xiao Chen. He had a high level of cultivation. Naturally, when Xiao Chen approached, he had already felt the other person's aura. Yi just came out in a hurry.

Entering the building, I looked for a quiet room. After a while, a person pushed the door open and entered. The person was wearing a light purple dress, with icy muscles and jade bones. Her eyebrows were picturesque, and her slow pace made her more delicate. Charming, even Shen Jing was a little stunned at this time.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful woman with such an immortal appearance could actually be the Rakshasa heroine who acts decisively and is feared by everyone in Dingfeng City?

Seeing her old friend, the Rakshasa heroine smiled, like ice and snow melting for the first time, making people feel intoxicated. "Long time no see, Mr. Xiao, you are well..."

At the end of her words, she glanced at Hua Weiyang lying on the couch and asked, "What... is going on?"

Although Dingfeng City rarely interacts with the Xianyuan sects, how can Dingfeng City not know about any of the major events that have occurred in the Xianyuan Zhengdao sects in recent years? Obviously, the Rakshasa heroine has already known about Lianhua Palace and Hua Weiyang, and now she just wants Xiao Chen to explain his intention in person.

Xiao Chen knew what she was thinking, so he didn't beat around the bush and directly explained his purpose of coming. He wanted to stay with her for a while until Wei Young woke up.

After listening, the Rakshasa heroine frowned slightly. Xiao Chen saw that she was hesitant and embarrassed at the moment, so he naturally knew his current situation.

If the Tianmen and Xianyuan factions knew that they and Weiyang were hiding in Fengmanlou, I am afraid that the entire Fengmanlou would be razed to the ground.

But he was really helpless and came to Dingfeng City to ask for help from the Rakshasa heroine. Weiyang now needs quiet treatment and can no longer withstand any torture. In the five realms of Xianyuan, no place is safe. They could all be found just like that day at Qingmu Cliff.

Of course, he also thought about going to the Xianbei Ancient Realm, to Tianji Tower or Tianling Sect, or to Fairy Suwen. No matter where he was, he would be safer than in Dingfeng City.

But there are too many variables in crossing the vast desert of death, which is more dangerous than crossing the East China Sea. Weiyang can't have any accidents, so he doesn't dare to take the risk of crossing the desert of death.

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