The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 519 Three Flower Seal

At this moment, seeing the troubled look of the Rakshasa heroine, Xiao Chen didn't know what she was thinking, so he stood up and said, "If the host has any inconvenience, I will leave right now.

"No, no."

The Rakshasa Mistress smiled and said, "It's okay for Young Master Xiao to stay. However, in recent days, there has been some unrest in Dingfeng City. However, Young Master does not need to worry about this. He is here to heal Palace Master Weiyang's wounds with peace of mind." yes."

"Well, thank you to the host." Xiao Chen faced her and clasped his hands slightly.

The Rakshasa heroine smiled softly, "Young Master Xiao is too polite. You and I have not known each other for a day, so there is no need to be so unfamiliar... Come, I will take you to a peaceful place."

The so-called peaceful place is actually a unique courtyard with pavilions, bridges, flowing water, bamboo gardens, and everything you need. It is far away from the hustle and bustle outside and has abundant spiritual energy. It is indeed very suitable for Shen Jing to treat Hua Weiyang.

"No one can disturb you here. Mr. Xiao is here to heal Palace Master Weiyang's injuries with peace of mind."

The Rakshasa heroine smiled slightly, looked outside again, and said with a smile, "Then I won't disturb you. If you need anything, just give me your instructions." After that, she turned around and walked away from the small bridge.

It was in the dead of night that Xiao Chen finished taking care of everything. Shen Jing was here to treat Weiyang. She no longer had to worry about being chased by Tianmen and various factions. It was also easy to find some strange herbs and elixirs. This couldn't be better.

But for some reason, Xiao Chen always felt that there was something weird about the Rakshasa heroine this time. When he entered the city before, he also vaguely felt a strange, vague aura in the city, but he was concerned about it at the time, but not at all. Just worry about it. ❆

He didn't rest that night and left a layer of consciousness outside the entire courtyard. It wasn't that he didn't trust the Rakshasa heroine, but it was always a good thing to be careful.

Three days later at night, in a cold palace, a muffled groan suddenly came from behind the light curtain. The Rakshasa heroine's face turned pale, and her whole body was covered in cold sweat, which even wet the sheets on the couch.

"Failed again..."

The Rakshasa heroine raised her palm and watched as a wisp of purple energy gradually disappeared in her palm. Since she obtained the first chapter of "Tianzong Volume", her cultivation has been advancing rapidly, but now she has stagnated in the Shangxuan realm, only half a step away. If you step forward, you can become a god, but your cultivation is blocked.

Transforming into a god is not a state, let alone the purpose of cultivation. However, if the transformation into a god is successful, then the whole person will be equivalent to a qualitative leap. At that time, you can practice all kinds of wonderful magical powers that you could not practice before, such as incarnation outside the body, the law of heaven and earth, etc.

And if you cannot transform into a god, then you will have no hope of reaching the realm of cave ruins forever, and you will always be able to wander in the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao. Once your life span is exhausted, you will enter reincarnation again, but once you enter reincarnation, your Qi will Luck has been consumed in one life, but it is still unclear whether one can return to the path of cultivation in the next life.

At this moment, the Rakshasa heroine was sweating profusely. She knew very well that if she could no longer successfully transform into a god, her luck would weaken layer by layer. When the time came, there would be no hope of transforming into a god, and she would definitely be worse off than dead.

The crisis in front of her was already very difficult for her to cope with. If Fengmanlou didn't have a powerful ancient restriction, it would have been broken by Wuji Palace and Poison Dragon Castle. Once Yi Wuji and Zong Xiaotian succeeded in transforming into gods first, she would die. undoubtedly.

But what worries her most now is that both Yi Wuji and Zong Xiaotian have accepted that power... But she doesn't want to see the Fengman Building that she has built layer by layer with her own hands over the years, in Dingfeng City. He was omnipotent, but in the end he became a puppet of that force.

Even that person forced her to marry the young master of their family and become Lu Wuxin's double cultivator. She wanted to be a dignified Rakshasa heroine and the dignified master of Fengmanlou, but the ending was so sad and ridiculous.

She would rather be killed by Yi Wuji and Zong Xiaotian, die cleanly, and be done with it. At least this body will not be defiled by anyone.

"There are still three months..."

On the soft couch, the Rakshasa heroine suddenly smiled sadly, and then slowly took off her clothes, revealing her snow-like skin. Under her left shoulder, there was a light red mark, but it was three strange flowers connected together. .

"Everyone is afraid of me and calls me Rakshasa, but you know that the word Rakshasa is not my real name..."

The Rakshasa heroine looked at the three-flower mark in the mirror, and the look of sadness on her face became even more sad. At the end of her words, she saw a sharp look in her eyes, and suddenly raised her right hand, with her five fingers forming blades, and her true energy gathered at her fingertips, and her heart ached. Horizontally, he grabbed the three-flower mark under the shoulder.

With a "chi" sound, the skin and flesh split, blood spilled out, and the three-flower mark under the shoulder was erased by her.

As if she had to endure incomparable pain, the Rakshasa heroine's already bloodless face became even more pale at this time. Looking at the three-flower seal that had disappeared, tears slowly gathered in her eyes.

For hundreds of years, everyone has only known her as decisive and ruthless in her actions, but who has ever seen her crying in front of the mirror like this tonight?

If she hadn't been in despair, if she hadn't already planned to risk everything and fall into the devil's path, how could she have erased the three-flower seal on her body that was the only one that could prove her bloodline...

I don't know how long it took, but the cold wind outside the window blew in through the gauze curtain, gently hitting the blood-stained back. The blood had solidified, but there was another wound in my heart.


Suddenly there were footsteps approaching outside the hall. The Rakshasa heroine quickly put on her clothes, and her expression instantly returned to normal. Through the gauze curtain, she looked at the figure approaching outside the hall.

"Yao Ji? Didn't I say that I have been practicing in the palace these days, and you are not allowed to enter without my instructions?"

"Please forgive me, owner..."

The graceful figure outside the hall is none other than Yao Ji, who has won the heart of the Rakshasa heroine the most. She is wearing a light red dress and slowly walks in. She seems to have a lot of thoughts tonight.

"That's all, tell me, why are you so sad?"

The Rakshasa heroine sat cross-legged on the couch and spoke slowly.

Yao Ji frowned slightly. Through the gauze curtain, she could feel her chaotic aura at this time. She must have failed to transform into a spirit just now. She said, "In three months, the Lu family will be here..."

"Of course I know."

From inside the gauze curtain, the lukewarm voice of the Rakshasa heroine came out.

Yao Ji squeezed her hands tightly, bit her lips lightly, and finally took a step forward, but she lowered her head and did not dare to look inside. She only whispered, "Otherwise, I will transform my subordinate into the host." , the poster...leave Dingfeng City."

The whole hall suddenly became quiet, and a layer of frost seemed to have suddenly condensed in the air. Then the cold voice of the Rakshasa heroine sounded, "Yao Ji, you are so brave. Could it be that you want to take my place now?" ?”

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