The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 522: Demonic Skills Accomplished

When he returned to the courtyard, it was already late in the morning. Xiao Chen came outside Shen Jing's house and saw candlelight swaying inside, and a cold air was faintly coming out.

"You don't have to come here these days. I need to be alone. I'll find you again when the coldness in her body dissipates." Shen Jing's voice came from the room.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, then turned and left. In the next more than a month, he practiced quietly at his residence, using the fragments of the Heavenly Book. Every time he circulated the true energy in his body for one week, he could superimpose his skills by one. layer.

Although this level is very insignificant, over time, his skills have become much deeper. Breaking through the shackles of transforming into gods is just around the corner.

The stars and the moon were dim that night, and Xiao Chen was meditating in the house. Just as he was circulating his true energy for twelve weeks, a ray of spiritual consciousness suddenly shot in from outside.

This spiritual consciousness was very powerful, and it came very quickly, almost causing him to lose his true energy. The most important thing to avoid when meditating is to be disturbed by others, which would cause the true energy to be disordered, especially when he was preparing to transform into a god. Fortunately, he just used Xuan Qing Zhenjue in time. Stabilize your heart, otherwise all your practice and efforts these days will be in vain.

This piece of spiritual consciousness was exposed, but it has not left at this moment, still staying in the room, staring straight at him. In the world of cultivation, if someone peeks at others with spiritual consciousness, once the spiritual consciousness is discovered, He must evacuate quickly, but at this moment, this spiritual consciousness has been exposed but still doesn't leave, which inevitably seems contemptuous and provocative.

This feeling was like being stared at without scruples. Xiao Chen was very disgusted. As soon as his consciousness came out, he said coldly, "If you don't get out, I will destroy you physically and mentally!"

At this moment, the spiritual consciousness withdrew, and at this time, on a cliff fifty miles outside the city, an old man in purple covered his chest and stepped back. His face suddenly turned extremely pale, as if his soul had been affected. Same trauma.

Behind him, there were about twenty figures standing in shadow. Seeing this, a man in white quickly stepped forward to support him, frowning: "Elder, what's wrong?"

"Go back...go back immediately."

The face of the old man in purple clothes was extremely pale, and there was a look of fear in his eyes. He murmured, "You can't go tonight, there are experts in Fengmanlou."


The man in white walked up, looked in the direction of Dingfeng City, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and said coldly, "How tall is he?"

"The cultivation level is not inferior to mine."

"It's like becoming a god."

The man in white had a cold expression on his face and didn't seem to care much.

If an ordinary person hears the word transforming into a god, he will definitely be timid. But at this moment, the man in white seems ordinary, so his identity must be extraordinary.

"Let's go, let's wait until a few days later...when the other elders in the sect arrive."

The old man in purple spoke slowly, and at the end of his words, he looked towards the direction of the city. At that moment, although it was only such a short moment, the other party's spiritual consciousness caused a great pressure on him. Since becoming a god, I have never experienced such powerful spiritual consciousness.

In the room, Xiao Chen slowly stood up, wondering who was peeking at Feng Manlou just now? That spiritual consciousness came and left quickly. The opponent was at least a cultivator who had already transformed into a god, a person who had transformed into a god. Peering into Feng Man Lou, could it be Wuji Palace or the Poisonous Dragon Castle?

At this time, there were light footsteps outside. Except for Shen Jing, no one usually came outside his room.

"Sister Shen Jing, is something wrong?"

"It's okay. I just heard some noise from your side. Come and take a look... It's so dark, why don't you light up the lamp?"

Obviously, with Shen Jing's current cultivation level, she had only sensed it slightly and was unable to detect the divine consciousness, so she was worried about what was going on and came over to take a look.

"I was just meditating in the house."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he lit the candles on the table and went to the door to open it. He saw Shen Jing standing outside the door and asked, "Has the coldness in Weiyang's body been removed?"


Shen Jing nodded slightly and added, "The next few days are critical. Whether she can wake up depends on these few days. I want you to help me by my side, and you must stay close to me."


Xiao Chen agreed without hesitation. Nothing is more important now than rescuing Wei Young. Although the divine consciousness just now made people suspicious, he believed that the Rakshasa heroine would handle it on her own. This is Fengmanlou. , there is no need for him to intervene.

At this moment, in a cold secret hall, I saw a figure sitting on the stone platform at the head of the hall. That person was the Rakshasa heroine who came here for retreat three months ago.

At this moment, there was blood mist around her body. Suddenly, she opened her eyes. Her eyes turned as red as blood, her lips also turned blood red, and the nails on her hands also grew a lot longer. It became as red as blood, and what was even weirder was that a blood mark appeared between her eyebrows.

"Finally...I've done it, haha..."

The Rakshasa heroine raised her palms, looked at the looming bloody essence in her palms, and smiled with satisfaction. At this time, her whole person was completely different from three months ago. Not only did she look more beautiful, but her body was even more beautiful. There is a very terrible chill.

At this moment, there was a sound of thin footsteps outside. The footsteps stopped at the door of the secret palace.

"Come in."


I saw Yao Ji slowly walking in, but when she raised her head and saw the appearance of the Rakshasa heroine at this moment, she couldn't help but stay where she was. "Lord...Lost?"

"am I pretty……"

A strange and cold smile appeared on the face of the Rakshasa heroine, as if she had the ability to capture people's hearts. Yao Ji couldn't help but tremble all over and nodded calmly.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

The Rakshasa heroine looked at her long red nails and asked coldly. In the past, Yao Ji was the person who won her heart the most, but now her cold and indifferent appearance is completely different from three months ago. .

Yao Ji didn't know why, but she was inexplicably afraid of the person in front of her. Her body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and she said in a trembling voice, "Back to... back to the host, just now... Yue Youshi found a spiritual consciousness, but it didn't pass. How long did it take for that divine consciousness to disappear..."


The Rakshasa heroine responded coldly, "Are you from the Lu family?"

"Should...should be."

Yao Ji lowered her head and said softly.


The Rakshasa heroine smiled coldly, "They will be here in three days."

Yao Ji raised her head and looked at the Rakshasa heroine who didn't care at all. She asked in a low voice, " does the host plan to deal with it?"

"It doesn't matter, you can go back and do your thing, and I... will go and do mine."

The Rakshasa heroine said lightly, but before she finished her words, Yao Ji only felt a cold wind passing by her side. Without even blinking, the Rakshasa heroine had disappeared in the entire secret palace.

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