The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 523: Stormy Building

Standing in the cold stone palace, Yao Ji felt an indescribable coldness, and the bad premonition in her heart became more and more serious. She recalled the terrifying look she saw just now, especially the blood-red eyes. , she still has a shadow in her heart. Is the original poster really... possessed?

In the next three days, she never saw the Rakshasa heroine again, and she didn't know where the Rakshasa heroine went. It was in the evening that she saw her return.

At this moment, the Rakshasa heroine has returned to her former appearance, but the frightening chill in her body is always looming and never disappears, making people dare not go with her. Too close.

"Where's Xiao Yichen, is he still there?"

"Master Xiao has been staying at Qingxiang Garden these days..."

"Yes, I understand." ♦

The Rakshasa heroine's tone was cold and indifferent. After speaking, she walked to her palace.

Yao Ji followed as usual, but when she arrived at the entrance of the palace, the Rakshasa heroine suddenly stopped, turned her head and gave her a cold look, "Why are you still following me?"

Yao Ji raised her head, was stunned for a moment, lowered her head again, cupped her hands and said, "Yes, I will resign..."

The cold moon was silent that night. Outside Qingxiang Garden, a layer of restrictions loomed. It was the most critical moment for Hua Weiyang to wake up. Xiao Chen had set up layers of restrictions outside the courtyard and the room. No one can break in.

In the room, Shen Jing was already sweating profusely. She kept performing spells on Hua Weiyang's behalf, and her face became increasingly pale.

"are you OK?"

Xiao Chen was assisting her with her exercises. Seeing that it was getting harder and harder for her to support her, he asked. Today was already the third day, and Wei Young still couldn't wake up, so he began to worry a little.

"It's okay, I can still hold on..."

Shen Jing gritted her teeth and kept applying needles to Hua Weiyang. Every needle must be precise. If she missed a single shot, all her previous efforts would be wasted, or even worse, Hua Weiyang would be kept sleeping.

It went like this until dawn. The two of them had not slept a wink for three days and three nights, and their spirits had been in a state of high tension. If this continued, Xiao Chen could still hold on, but Shen Jing might not be able to hold on anymore.

On the bed, Hua Weiyang's complexion has returned to normal. At first, she had no breathing or heartbeat, but now she is gradually breathing, her chest is also rising and falling, and the coldness on her body has also faded a lot.

About noon, Shen Jing was giving Hua Weiyang acupuncture. Just as she was about to place the needle, there was a sudden shock outside, causing her hand to sway. Fortunately, Xiao Chen had quick hands and eyes, and he held her wrist down, causing this to happen. The needle didn't drop.

"what happened?"

Shen Jing put down the silver needle in her hand and looked outside. Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, another shock came, and this shock seemed to come from Feng Manlou.

Xiao Chen recalled the divine consciousness at night a few days ago. Could it be that something had happened to Feng Manlou? He said, "Don't worry, maybe something happened outside."

"There can be no interruption now."

After seeing Hua Weiyang's breath gradually weakening after stopping for a moment, Shen Jing immediately picked up the silver needle, while Xiao Chen condensed his true energy to strengthen the restriction outside.

At this time, outside Fengmanlou, the sky was originally clear and clear, but suddenly the clouds were rolling, and a powerful aura was approaching Fengmanlou, causing the nearby buildings to shake.

The nearby cultivators knew that something was going on today, so they all avoided it early and hid in the dark, not daring to show up near Fengmanlou.

As for Feng Manlou's disciples, today they all felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, holding weapons and staring at the northwest sky. As the terrifying aura approached, everyone seemed to be about to stop breathing.

Not long after, I saw seven rays of rays flying in. When they arrived near Fengmanlou, they transformed into seven old men. The auras of the seven people were extremely strong, and it was obvious that all of them had reached the state of god transformation.

Seven spiritual cultivators arrived at the same time, how terrifying were their auras? This kind of posture has probably not been seen in Dingfeng City for thousands of years. At this moment, the seven people only need to stand there, without doing anything, to frighten the people in the city so that they dare not breathe.

The old man in purple clothes that night seemed to be among them, and these seven people were the seven elders of the Five Elements Sect, and the Five Elements Sect was a sect under the Lu family.

As for the Lu family, their clan members rarely traveled in the Five Immortal Realms in the past. They belonged to an ancient reclusive clan outside the territory. Their ancestors had already opened up a mysterious realm isolated from the world. Why did they appear in large numbers in the Five Immortal Realms this time and try to control the Immortal Realm? The goals of some forces in the Five Domains of the Yuan Dynasty are as unpredictable as the changing clouds in the sky.

At this moment, with the arrival of seven god-transforming cultivators, everyone in Fengmanlou immediately fell silent. Even if Fengmanlou has a forbidden ancient formation, if the seven god-transformation cultivators attack at the same time, the entire Fengmanlou will be completely destroyed. .

Yao Ji's face turned pale. She never expected that the other party would come out with seven cultivators of transforming gods. Why were there so many cultivators of transforming gods? Logically speaking, they would only have two cultivators of transforming gods at most. Why? Seven of them came at once today?

The old man in purple took a step forward and stared into Fengman Tower. He was the fifth among the seven elders, and his cultivation level was also ranked fifth. Even though all seven of their elders were here today, he still had no feelings about that night. The spiritual consciousness that he had arrived at still did not dare to take it lightly.

At this moment, another ray of light suddenly flew from behind. This time, it turned into dozens of figures. The leader was a noble prince holding a white paper fan and dressed in flawless white clothes. He was the white clothes that night. The man is also the third son of the Lu family, Lu Wuxin.

Lu Wuxin's qualifications are not bad either. He practiced the Void and the Tao a hundred years ago and is now on the verge of transforming into a god. However, he encountered a disaster not long ago. Some experts asserted that he has no hope of transforming into a god within three hundred years and will eventually die. Yu Shouyuan is exhausted.

In order to break this catastrophe, the Lu family worked hard and finally found a suitable dual cultivator for him. She was the Rakshasa heroine. Only in this way can he successfully transform into a god. As long as he successfully transforms into a god, the catastrophe will naturally It's broken.

At this moment, with the arrival of Lu Wuxin, the seven god-transforming elders of the Five Elements Sect subconsciously stepped aside. Lu Wuxin smiled lightly, held a folding fan, walked forward, glanced at the Twelve Concubines below, and said lightly, "I'm here as promised. Come on, why don’t you see the owner of Fengman come out?”

As soon as these words came out, not only everyone in Fengmanlou trembled in their hearts, but also the nearby cultivators who were hiding in the dark and had nothing to do with Fengmanlou felt very uncomfortable.

Feng Man Lou is also one of the three major forces in Dingfeng City, but when the Lu family came, they not only conquered Poison Dragon Castle in the south of the city and Wuji Palace in the west of the city, but now they also want to take over Feng Man Lou and want to swallow Feng Man Lou. That's all, but to forcefully marry the landlord Feng Man is too much of a deception.

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