The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 524: Magical Skills Reversal of Luck (Part 1)

After a while, no one spoke, Yao Ji took a step forward, looked coldly at Lu Wuxin and the others, and said, "The host has been unwell recently and is recuperating in the palace, so it is inconvenient to see guests.

"I'm not feeling well and it's inconvenient to see guests..."

Lu Wuxin gently shook the folding fan in his hand and smiled faintly, "I said it three months ago, but now I want to send Lu away just because I am sick? However, Lu is not a rude person. He has already prepared a sedan chair. I guess it is not rude." "

As soon as he finished speaking, four people came up from behind, carrying a jade sedan. The sedan was surrounded by green beads and fairy light flowed, making it extremely luxurious. ❉✻✾

"Go and pick up the landlord."

Lu Wuxin said lightly, and the four people immediately carried the sedan and flew towards Fengmanlou. Seeing this, Yao Ji immediately led people forward to stop her, "Don't force your way in!"

The four people couldn't help but carry the sedan and forcefully break through. A strong wind immediately rushed forward. Seeing that the other party was about to break through forcefully, Yao Ji and the other twelve people immediately formed a formation to resist.

With a "boom", the four of them were blocked, but from behind, two more sword lights suddenly flew up, but they were the other two people beside Lu Wuxin. Each of them stabbed Yao Ji with a sword.

These two swords were so powerful. Before the swords arrived, the ground where Yao Ji was standing was already cracked. She was determined not to be able to withstand the force of these swords.

At the critical moment, in the windy building, a red light suddenly came over, and there was a "chi" sound, and blood suddenly splashed everywhere. Before everyone could see clearly, the two people who attacked Yao Ji had been separated from their heads and bodies, and their bodies were in a mess. Fly out.

This scene, to say the least, everyone in Fengmanlou was shocked. Even the cultivators in the city in the distance felt a sense of fear. The attacker struck too quickly, and none of them could see clearly. When they saw clearly, they saw The Rakshasa heroine landed lightly on the ground.

Many people took a breath of air-conditioning, and saw that the Rakshasa heroine had changed into a blood-like red outfit today. She was standing there with a breathtaking beauty, a terrifying coldness, and There are three points, which is actually an unspeakable evil.

It’s hard to imagine that the woman in red, who is as beautiful as a peach and plum, as cold as ice, is really the former Fengman landlord? Thinking back to the scene just now, many people in the distance felt an inexplicable coldness.

There were two headless corpses on the ground, still stained with blood. At that moment, the atmosphere was extremely cold, and the eyes of the seven deity-forming elders of the Five Elements Sect suddenly became cold.

Lu Wuxin said coldly, "Master Fengman, what do you mean? I kindly asked someone to pick you up, but you killed my people..."

When he said this, he suddenly smiled coldly, "But it doesn't matter. These two people were ignorant. They just offended the poster, so they didn't die unjustly." After that, he flicked his sleeves and brushed the two corpses away. , said coldly, "Master, please get on the sedan.

However, this time, the four people carrying the sedan stood still and did not dare to move. Yao Ji was about to say something when the Rakshasa heroine stretched out her hand and ordered the twelve of them to retreat. At this time Yue Manfeng also flew out and silently led Yao Ji and others back.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became stiff. The four people carrying the sedan did not dare to disobey Lu Wuxin. However, facing the Rakshasa heroine at this moment, they felt a great pressure and rushed forward. I am afraid that they would end up like the two people before. People generally end up.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Please get on the sedan chair!"

Lu Wuxin shouted coldly again, and the four people trembled. At this time, they had no choice but to step forward. However, before they could say anything, the Rakshasa heroine flicked her palm, and the four people immediately felt like they were seriously injured, and they all vomited blood. It flew upside down, and the sedan, including the sedan, was shattered by the force of the palm.


Among the seven elders of the Five Elements Sect, the last thin old man in blue clothes shouted coldly. He was the seventh elder who ranked last among the seven. Although his cultivation was slightly inferior to the other six, he had already transformed into a god.

As soon as he finished shouting, he stretched out his hand, and the true energy in his body rushed towards the Rakshasa heroine like lightning.

The strong wind blew against my face, as cold as frost. Even though Yao Ji and others were far behind at this moment, they felt deeply suffocated. At this moment, they saw the Rakshasa heroine suddenly disappear from where she was, and the seventh elder unexpectedly He threw himself into the air, but because he couldn't hold back enough, he threw himself forward instead.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Just as the seventh elder rushed forward, a heavy cold murderous aura suddenly appeared in the air. The first elder was suddenly startled and wanted to step forward to prevent the tragedy from happening, but it was already too late.

The Seventh Elder also sensed something at this moment, and suddenly felt fear in his heart. The moment he turned around, he heard a "chi" sound, and the Rakshasa heroine's five fingers were as sharp as blades, piercing his chest. It instantly shattered his heart.


The seventh elder let out a scream and staggered back. At this moment, he saw something bloody in the hands of the Rakshasa heroine. It turned out to be the seventh elder's heart, which was still beating violently at this moment.


The seventh elder's eyes were wide open, full of fear. Before he could even say a word, the Rakshasa heroine squeezed his heart hard with her fingers.


The moment his heart was broken, the seventh elder spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with the broken internal organs. The next moment, the Rakshasa heroine moved in front of him like a ghost and patted his heavenly spirit, " There was a loud bang, and blood spurted out from his brain. Even his soul was shocked and he was unable to escape.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. The other six elders watched helplessly and wanted to rescue them, but they were too late.

"Junior brother!"

The elder in green clothes had eyes that were about to burst. He watched his junior brother die tragically. He was filled with grief and anger. Looking at the Rakshasa heroine, his eyes seemed to be about to bulge with blood.

The rest of the people in the distance also reacted at this time. Looking at the blood on the ground and the Rakshasa heroine in red, everyone seemed to have fallen into an icy cold pool.

I saw the Rakshasa heroine wearing fluttering red clothes, her eyes became blood red, and her nails became much longer, like sharp blades. She just cut through the chest of the seventh elder, killing one so easily. The cultivator of spiritual transformation...

Everyone present was trembling with fear, and the people in Fengmanlou had also lost their composure. They had never seen the owner of the building so cold and terrifying, or his methods so cruel and powerful...

"Protect the young master!"

The third elder of the purple-clothed old man suddenly let out a loud shout, and dozens of figures immediately protected Lu Wuxin. Lu Wuxin had just seen the seventh elder of the Five Elements Sect die tragically in the hands of the female Rakshasa, and her expression changed at this time.

Now that he saw the cold appearance of the Rakshasa heroine, especially the blood mark on the other party's eyebrows, he seemed to have thought of something. The other party must have practiced an extremely powerful magic skill in the past three months.

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