The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 525: Magical Skills Reversal of Luck (Part 2)

The cold wind was blowing wildly, and the air was as cold as frost. The Rakshasa heroine slowly wiped the blood from her hands and said coldly, "It's still too late to leave now, otherwise... one of them will die."

The cold voice echoed, intimidating everyone. At this moment, she stood there, like a blood-red flower on the other side of the River Styx, exuding a cold breath of death, making people deeply fearful and afraid to approach.

"I don't care what Mr. Lu wants you to do, but if you kill my junior brother, the Five Elements Sect... will never give up easily!"

The great elder's voice was stern. As soon as he finished speaking, several strands of true energy suddenly wrapped around his body. The other five people also activated their true energy and quickly attacked the female Rakshasa.

The six people attacked fiercely. Even though Fengmanlou had a powerful ancient forbidden formation, the whole building began to sway. The disciples could not bear the overwhelming aura and retreated one after another.

The Rakshasa heroine faced the six elders of the Five Elements Sect, but she was not at all confused at this time. She raised her palm, and a bloody light suddenly gathered in her palm, and then turned into red mist, overwhelmingly covering the six people.

Knowing that this red mist was something serious, the six of them did not dare to take it lightly. They used their best footwork to avoid the fierce moves of the Rakshasa heroine while looking for openings to wait for opportunities to attack.

Killing moves followed killing moves, and a cold murderous aura gradually filled the air. The Rakshasa heroine was like a ghost, phantom without a trace, and the six elders attacked fiercely, shaking the sky.

After a moment of awkwardness, everyone around was already dumbfounded. In the battle with the six elders who transformed into gods, the Rakshasa heroine showed no disadvantage at all. The tricks in her hands were even more varied. What level of cultivation had she reached? ?

Everyone watched with bated breath, only to see the Great Elder of the Five Elements Sect leap into the air, and several green thunders suddenly flew up from his body. With a movement of his fingers, the several green thunders gathered together, with infinite power, like a thunder of ten thousand feet, heading straight towards The Rakshasa heroine arrived with a bombardment.

At this moment, all the disciples in the building were worried. At this tense moment, they saw the Rakshasa heroine raise her palms, and several strange blood mist suddenly appeared on her body. In an instant, a strong wind blew, and countless blood mist enveloped her for several miles. He came and suddenly blocked the great elder's green thunder.

The other elders were all shocked. What kind of skills did this woman practice to be so powerful and terrifying?

"As expected of the landlord Fengman."

The great elder's eyes were sharp, he struck again, and when he raised his palm, thousands of thunder struck him.

As the dust rolled, the Rakshasa heroine was covered in blood, and she was facing the palm in the air. However, just when she flew into the air, a muffled groan came from her throat without any warning. She came out, and at this moment, her face turned extremely pale.

The duel between masters often only lasts for a moment. In such a short and fleeting moment, the Rakshasa heroine failed to raise her profound strength, and with a "bang", she was hit in the chest by the thunder palm of the great elder. , a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, and the whole person flew backwards.

"The landlord..."

Yao Ji and others were frightened and were about to step forward, but how could they withstand the attack of several elders who transformed themselves into gods? In the midst of lightning and flint, Yue Manfeng sent them back, but like a bolt of lightning, he flew towards the Rakshasa heroine.

But the Great Elder of the Five Elements Sect had taken advantage of the situation to attack again. Yue Manfeng quickly raised his true energy and struck out with one palm. However, when he encountered the opponent's unparalleled palm power, his whole body was shocked and his internal organs were about to burst. The next moment, unexpectedly, The injury was more serious than that of the Rakshasa heroine. She was covered in blood and flew backwards, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

However, the Rakshasa heroine was relieved because of this. When the great elder attacked again, the blood mist on her body shook and surged out all over the sky. With a "bang", she was pushed back.

"Today... none of you can leave alive!"

At this moment, the Rakshasa heroine's eyes became even more blood-red, a bloody mark appeared between her eyebrows, and her lips turned red and black. The six people opposite were slightly startled, and they no longer held back at this time. "Zhengzhengzheng!", they sacrificed their fairy swords at once.


At this moment, Lu Wuxin suddenly stepped forward, with a cold face, and sent a secret message to the six of them, "Don't hurt her life!"

The great elder's body was filled with murderous aura, and he sent back a secret message: "She has become a demon, can't Master Lu still not see it? Now that she has become a demon, she can no longer practice dual cultivation with you, so please get out of the way!"

Obviously, the six people have real murderous intentions at this moment. Whether they can conquer Feng Manlou today is only secondary. The most important thing is that if they do not get rid of this terrifying woman in front of them, they will definitely leave a huge hidden danger for the Five Elements Sect in the future.

At this moment, the Rakshasa heroine was suddenly covered in blood mist, and she attacked at once. A strong wind hit her face, as cold as ice. The second elder exclaimed in shock, "Brother, be careful!" At the end of the words, he pointed his finger, and the sword in front of him suddenly became powerful. In an instant, it turned into a hundred-foot-long golden light and flew over.


There was a sharp sound, hundreds of feet in the area trembled violently, and dust was flying. The Rakshasa heroine used her hands to block the flying sword of the second elder.

When the other elders saw this, they no longer hesitated. With a rush of true energy, they instantly slashed through the immortal sword. With the combined efforts of the six of them, it was not easy. Even if the Rakshasa heroine countered the Tianzong scroll, no matter how strong she was, she could not resist it. You can hold it, now being forced to retreat all the way by these six swords, everyone in Fengmanlou was trembling with fear.

Seeing that the opponent finally had the upper hand, the great elder pushed hard, and the flying sword suddenly glowed with green light. With a "chi" sound, it penetrated through the Rakshasa heroine's body, bringing up a long string of blood flowers.


At this moment, everyone in Feng Manlou was shocked, and Yao Ji, who was healing Yue Manfeng's injuries, was even more shocked.

Lu Wuxin's expression also changed slightly. He wanted to practice dual cultivation with the Rakshasa heroine. He was not only interested in the pure Yin Yuan in her body. At this moment, seeing the murderous intention of the great elder, he immediately sent a secret message: "This woman is useful to me. I told you not to hurt her life, didn’t you hear me?”

At this time, the Great Elder had completely turned a deaf ear. Today, he was determined to avenge his junior brother and eliminate this trouble for the Five Elements Sect. Even if he offended the Lu family and went back to be punished, he would not hesitate.


There was a sword roar, and the green flying sword struck behind the Rakshasa heroine again. When Yao Ji saw this, her expression immediately changed, and she flew over to block it. However, how could she resist a transformation with her sword alone? The flying sword of the divine cultivator?


There was a sharp sound, and as expected, the sword in her hand was broken directly, and the green flying sword passed through her abdomen without any suspense.

"Yao Ji..."

The Rakshasa heroine turned around and stretched out her hand to hug her.

Yao Ji's face was covered with blood. At this moment, she couldn't even utter a word. She had just practiced Xuhe Dao not long ago, and was penetrated by a flying sword of a spiritual transformation cultivator. There was almost no possibility of survival.

At this moment, the great elder's murderous intention only increased. With a single stroke of his finger, the flying sword turned into a ray of green light and slashed away. The Rakshasa heroine's face was gloomy, and her inner energy was shocked, and she immediately pushed back all the flying swords. .

"You go back……"

After knocking back the flying swords of several gods-forming elders, the Rakshasa heroine sent Yao Ji back to Feng Manlou with a force of her palm, then turned around and stared coldly at the six people opposite.

Blood slowly flowed out from the corner of her mouth. At this moment, an extremely terrifying chill appeared on her body. Even the cultivators far away at this moment felt terrified.

Suddenly, she raised her palms, and red mist flowed all over her body. At this moment, she moved the Tianzong scroll in the reverse direction again. In an instant, the sky was full of dark clouds, and the air was filled with blood mist, like a hundred ghosts crying. Generally, creepy.

Despite this, it is very likely that she will go crazy and die violently on the spot, but at this moment, she is really helpless.

Just as the blood mist filled the sky, the six elders once again attacked with their swords. The six flying swords were extremely powerful. Finally, the Rakshasa heroine was still at a loss and was pierced by the six flying swords at once. Her body was dripping with blood. , was severely injured and flew backwards again.

At the same moment, the great elder's eyes were full of murderous intent. The true energy in his body reached the limit, and with a force that destroyed the world, he struck the head of the Rakshasa heroine with a palm.

Obviously, this move leaves no room for anything, as there are bursts of green thunder in his palm. If this palm hits, even if the Rakshasa heroine does not die, her heart will definitely be cut off!

At this extremely critical moment, a black shadow suddenly flew from the distance, and with a "bang", the unparalleled palm power of the great elder was dispersed with just one finger force.

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