The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 526: Take action in time

This scene happened so suddenly that no one expected it, and no one saw it clearly. When the smoke cleared and everyone could see clearly, there was a man in black robe on the square.

The man in black robe was wearing a robe and hat, so he couldn't see his appearance, and the Rakshasa heroine was being held by him at this moment. There was no doubt that he was the one who saved the Rakshasa heroine just now.

"Your Excellency...who are you?"

The great elder's true energy gathered secretly in his palm, and he waited intently, thinking that this person could resist the power of his palm with a finger, and his cultivation level was obviously not inferior to his.

"Relying on the strong to bully the weak, using more to defeat the less, bullying a woman... Is this your sect's way of life?"

A cold man's voice came from under the black robe, but no one could see his appearance. Only the old man in purple shuddered. This voice... was the divine consciousness that night!


The Rakshasa heroine was about to say something, but she stopped immediately. She thought that since Xiao Yichen came out wearing a battle robe to hide his true appearance, it must be inappropriate for others to see him.

"Well, in that case, let me... come and meet a few of you."

Xiao Chen said calmly, while slowly putting the severely injured Rakshasa heroine down, looking at her and saying, "You are tired, please rest for a while."

The Rakshasa heroine raised her head. At this moment, she was the only one in the world who could see Xiao Chen's face under his robe and the look in his eyes at this moment.

Although his eyes at this moment were still as cold and ruthless as before, with no hint of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy, at this moment, she could clearly feel it, and the anger hidden in his eyes was because of... herself Are you injured?

"No matter what your cultivation level is, I advise you... to mind your own business."

While condensing his true energy, the great elder said coldly, "It's not the turn of anyone to take care of the affairs of the Five Elements Sect..."

"Five Elements that right?"

Xiao Chen's tone was still cold, but as soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot. The elder felt a strong wind coming towards his face, but could not see anything. In an instinctive reaction, he had to raise his inner energy to resist.

"Senior brother...behind!"

The old man in purple screamed in shock. Only then did the great elder react. Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back. At this moment, he felt like he was falling into the icy abyss. Only a sense of despair enveloped his heart.


There was a loud sound and blood splashed everywhere. The great elder had no time to resist. He slowly lowered his head and saw that a big hole had been opened in his chest and blood was constantly flowing out from it.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he squeezed hard, crushing his Yuanying immediately, just like when he destroyed King Senluo's Yuanying in the Wuji Palace, without any sloppiness.


The other five people were shocked when they saw that their senior brother Nascent Soul was destroyed, and their eyes were about to burst. If the Nascent Soul is destroyed, it is equivalent to becoming half a useless person. Even if you can still practice in the future, your skills will no longer exist, and your cultivation will only become lower day by day.

Everyone outside was even more shocked. How could a person who transformed into a god have his Nascent Soul crushed so easily? How could this be possible? He was a cultivator of transforming into a god...

"Transforming God? What, is Transforming God very strong..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he spoke calmly. At some point, he had arrived in front of the great elder.

The great elder had blood flowing out of his mouth. At this moment, he was facing him with only fear in his eyes, but not a word could come out of his mouth.

"Being strong does not mean bullying the weak. Since you don't understand this truth, you don't need to practice anymore from now on."

Xiao Chen said lightly. As soon as he finished speaking, the power of Nine Yin and Nine Yang suddenly came out and hit him on the chest with a palm. It immediately broke all the meridians in his body and dispersed the energy he had cultivated for hundreds of years. True essence of life.

If the Nascent Soul is destroyed and the meridians are severed, it will be impossible to practice any more. The true energy of one's life will be shattered, which is equivalent to the whole body's cultivation being reduced to nothing and will never be restored.

Hit by this palm, the great elder had no resistance at all. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards heavily.

First, his Nascent Soul was destroyed, and then his meridians were severed, and his true essence was shattered. This time, he was completely useless, worse than an ordinary person. Even if he took more miraculous medicines, he would not be able to survive for at least three months. They will also die at the end of their lives.

"Senior brother...senior brother!"

At this moment, the remaining five people were shocked and immediately stepped forward to catch the first elder. The second elder raised his head. He and the first elder had always been brothers and sisters. At this time, they looked at Xiao Chen with hatred in their eyes. Suddenly, his whole body was full of emotions. Yuan was shocked and flew over.

"Second Senior Brother...don't go!"

The face of the old man in purple suddenly changed. He wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Facing the attack of another person who transformed into a god, Xiao Chen remained unmoved. He raised his left hand and used it to control life and death in an instant. The second elder froze. At this moment, he seemed to be driven by a mysterious force. Controlled, unable to move again.

Then I saw that his eyes were gradually covered with bloodshot eyes, and finally his pupils dilated, and he fell to the ground with a plop, without any breath of life anymore.

Originally, with his level of cultivation, he should never have been so easily manipulated to take away his life. Unfortunately, he was bent on avenging his senior brother. Since he was so distracted, how could he prevent himself from being manipulated in every possible way?

At this moment, everyone was silent. The remaining four elders seemed to have fallen into an icy cold pool or an abyss. Who is this young man in black robe?

This person does not have the aura of the Transformation God, but his attacks are so terrifying, and he is even stronger than the Transformation Soul. Who is he? In the end, the old man in purple was the first to react, rolled up the corpse on the ground, and moved away. Tianji escaped.

The other three people also protected Lu Wuxin and fled towards the outside of the city. Xiao Chen did not pursue him. His true energy was shaken, and four flying swords immediately appeared in the air. They instantly turned into four sword lights and headed towards the four people who were escaping in front. The person flew away.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

I saw four flying swords, piercing through the chests of four people in an instant. It seemed like rain of blood suddenly fell from the sky. Everyone in the city was already stunned, as if they had lost their souls at this moment.

The four elders were pierced by flying swords. Although they were not killed immediately, they must have been severely injured. The next moment, they all disappeared into the vast clouds.

People all over the city still seemed to be in a dream at this moment. Although it was only for a moment, it was more shocking than when the Rakshasa heroine fought against the six elders just now. Who is that person? What kind of terrifying state of cultivation has reached... Everyone present felt a deep tremor at this moment, and they didn't even dare to breathe too hard.

Yao Ji and others also had no idea who the man in black robe who suddenly appeared was. Could it be Senior Sword Immortal? But the voice just now, although I couldn't hear it clearly, vaguely seemed to be that of a young man. Since it was a young man, it couldn't be Senior Sword Immortal, so who could it be?

For a moment, they found it hard to imagine that the person in front of them who could destroy the divine cultivator with one hand could actually be Xiao Chen.

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