Yao Ji and others did not expect that this person was Xiao Chen for a moment, but Yue Manfeng looked at the man in black robe with an incredulous look. He must have guessed that the man in black robe in front of him was Xiao Chen.

When Xiao Chen was healing him that night, he had already guessed what the other person's current level of cultivation was, but he never expected that Xiao Chen's current level of cultivation was so high that he didn't even look down on the cultivator of the Soul Transformation. It's really unbelievable.

"How are you?"

Xiao Chen walked back and saw that the Rakshasa heroine was seriously injured. The most important thing was that she didn't know what kind of skills she had practiced. Now it seemed that the Xuan Gong had backfired. If she didn't suppress her skills in time, she might... There is a risk of going crazy. ❁

"No problem, go back first..."

The Rakshasa heroine's face was very pale. She was not only seriously injured at this moment, but also had the backlash caused by her retrograde movement of the Tianzong scroll.

The cold moon was silent at night, and in the secret palace, the clothes on the Rakshasa heroine's body were still stained with blood. The two of them were sitting on the stone platform, and Xiao Chen was doing exercises to heal her injuries.

"I didn't expect... you hid it so deeply."

The Rakshasa heroine turned her head slightly, her face still very pale. Looking back on the scene during the day today, it was obvious what the consequences would have been if Xiao Chen hadn't taken action in time in the end.

At this moment, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and said nothing. After a long time, he asked, "What do you practice?"

The Rakshasa heroine snorted coldly, "What? Have you forgotten?"

“It’s Tian Zongjuan.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and he naturally remembered that it was the time he sneaked into Wuji Hall and stole this secret book for the Rakshasa heroine.

I just didn't expect that this technique can be practiced in the opposite direction. Cultivation along the way is the way, and practice against it is the devil. One path and one devil. It can be said to be an extremely weird technique.

The Rakshasa heroine snorted and said meaningfully, "I forgot, you are a disciple of Xuan Qing, and I practice demonic arts. If I become a demon in the future...are you going to kill me? In the righteous Xuanmen, And you, Xuan Qing Sect, don’t you talk about ‘killing demons and slaying demons’ all day long?”

"First, the Xuan Qing Sect will never talk about 'killing demons and slaying demons' all day long. Second, I am no longer a Xuan Qing disciple."

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said lukewarmly.


The Rakshasa heroine smiled meaningfully again, and this time she said a lot of words, "I heard that that person back then was also a member of the Xuan Qing Sect, but do you know why you couldn't fight that person? Because you didn't have him. He is cruel and ruthless. In order to get revenge, he can do whatever it takes. He has no emotions and can cut off everything. He only lives for revenge and has no worries... But you, you are different. You care about your master and Lianhua. Palace Master, I worry about your friend and worry about too many things... How can I fight with that person? "

Xiao Chen did not speak, and the figure of Shen Cangming slowly emerged in his mind. This man could cut off everything for revenge. More than three hundred years ago, in the desert, the master of Kuangsha Castle, Nianxiang Quilt, had a deep love for him. She would rather sacrifice her own life force in exchange for his life, but he can still cut off. How can a person who can be so ruthless and unjust...how can people not be afraid?

The fact that Shen Cangming can be so decisive and ruthless is destined to be extraordinary.

But Xiao Chen can't do this kind of ruthlessness now. Every time he closes his eyes, A Niang's face always appears in his mind, and his heart feels like it's being cut by thousands of knives...

He must find the murderer who massacred Ningcun, and then bring that person's head to Ningcun to pay homage to the souls of more than 300 people.

"You're really angry."

The Rakshasa heroine felt that his aura was beginning to become disordered, and immediately spoke to remind him.

Xiao Chen came back to his senses, took a deep breath, slowly adjusted his breath, stopped thinking about Ning Cun, and asked, "Who are those today."

"Those seven elders are the seven elders of the Five Elements Sect, and the Five Elements Sect is just a sect under the name of the Lu family, but it is not completely obedient to the Lu family. There are many such sects in the Lu family... "

"The legendary...ancient clan."

Xiao Chen calmed down, and suddenly recalled in his mind the six ancient aristocratic families that the twelve-fingered inner demon told him in the inner demon forbidden land, namely the Xiao family in the Central Plains, the Chen family in the Eastern Land, the Su family in Runan, the Mo family in Jibei, Xikun Beigong, Hidden Murong...

There is no Lu family among these six ancient families. Where did this Lu family come from?

The Rakshasa heroine continued, "It's not just Dingfeng City. The Lu family has also sent people to other places in the Five Immortal Domains. I don't know what they are doing in other places, but when they come to Dingfeng City, I'm sure they are For the power of the earth’s spiritual veins below Dingfeng City…”

"The power of spiritual veins..."

Xiao Chen frowned. It seemed that things were not simple anymore. An ancient immortal family that was hidden in the mysterious realm suddenly appeared in the world just to gather the power of the earth's spiritual veins. It would never do anything good.

"There is an earth spiritual vein under the Xuanqing Mountain. Its spiritual power is far beyond the spiritual power of this branch of the spiritual vein in Dingfeng City. I think that the Lu family will eventually target the Xuanqing Sect. Maybe... has already targeted it. On."

The Rakshasa heroine spoke slowly, and at the end of her words, she smiled meaningfully.

Xiao Chen frowned more and more. Recently, the five realms of the Immortal Yuan, especially the Middle Earth of the Immortal Yuan, were indeed very uneasy. Some time ago, he seemed to have added fuel to the fire, but behind the whole thing, there must be something... Someone is deliberately adding fuel to the flames...

Seeing that he was thoughtful at this moment, the Rakshasa heroine continued, "Now the various sects in the five realms of Xianyuan are almost in chaos. The Lu family naturally has an opportunity to take advantage of it, but they seem to have overlooked one thing."

"What's the matter? Do you mean Tianmen?"

Xiao Chen looked at her, raised his eyebrows and asked, if this Lu family really intends to turn the entire Five Immortal Realms into a pool of muddy water, and then fish in troubled waters to steal the power of spiritual veins, Tianmen will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

"No no no..."

The Rakshasa heroine smiled and said, "It's not Tianmen, but the Great Demon Sect, Demonic Sect, Baiyun Pavilion, Xiaoyao Tower, and Mengxian Sect..."

Hearing her mention, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. For such a long time, he seemed to have forgotten these extremely powerful demon sects. At this moment, he slowly thought of something.

Nowadays, the situation in the five realms of Xianyuan is chaotic, but those demon sects have been peeping in the dark. The demon sects will not behave like the righteous sects. If what the Lu family does is not good for them, they will step on it. When it comes to their interests, they will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it...

The Rakshasa heroine laughed and said, "Have you finally figured it out? The Lu family wants to control all the forces in the five realms of Xianyuan, especially those unknown forces in Tianmen, and some of these forces may be related to several demon sects. , so they... will have a conflict for the power of their spiritual veins."

When she said this, she paused for a while and then continued, "Today, of the seven elders of the Five Elements Sect, two died here and one was disabled. But as long as Lu Wuxin is fine, no matter how many people in the Five Elements Sect die, the Lu family will I won’t stand up for them, so you don’t have to worry about me here... By the way, you suddenly came out today, Palace Master Lianhua, how is she? "

"Shen Jing said she is out of danger and will probably wake up in a few days."

Xiao Chen spoke slowly, but in his mind, he was still thinking about the Lu family. There were some things, and he always felt that something was wrong. He had previously suspected that Shen Cangming was responsible for the incident in Ningcun, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find it. Apart from Shen Cangming, who else could be the reason for doing this?

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