The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 535: Ghost Wind Ridge

Seeing that she had decided to go, Xiao Chen couldn't let her go alone, so he said, "I'll go with you."


Hua Weiyang raised her head and looked at him quietly at this moment. Only then did she suddenly realize that the person in front of her was very different from the Xuan Qing disciple she knew before. "The boy who called her was completely different.

This feeling is like, in the past ten years, the handsome boy in white has grown up...but why does he never smile like before?


At this moment, there was a sudden muffled thunder, followed by raindrops as big as beans. The weather in the Ten Thousand Thousand Forests was weird, often cloudy and sunny.

"It's raining. Find a place to take shelter first."

The rain was getting heavier, and the two of them found a cave to take shelter from the rain. Hua Weiyang was soaked by the rain, and her hair was stuck to her face, looking very charming.

Xiao Chen went outside to find some wood, used his true energy to drive out the water, and built a fire in the cave. This made the surroundings much warmer and brighter.

Hua Weiyang sat in front of the fire, holding her knees with both hands, looking at the dancing flames in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. After being out for so long this time, her elder brother and younger brother must be worried, and her father, who usually He ignored himself, but in his heart...


Thinking of this, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but sigh softly. Why has the restriction between the world of human and ghost become so heavy now? Now even she can't go back, and the little brother and the eldest brother will definitely not be able to come to the human world...

"Why sigh?"

Xiao Chen saw her suddenly sighing and asked.

Hua Weiyang raised her head and glanced at him, shook her head and said nothing.

Around mid-night, the rain outside slowly stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. A bright moon appeared in the clouds, reflecting the mountains as clear as water.


Just when everything was silent, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the cave. Hua Weiyang quickly covered her stomach and secretly glanced at Xiao Chen. Fortunately, he was meditating with his eyes closed and didn't hear it.

Cultivators do not need to eat three meals a day like ordinary people, but if they do not eat for a long time and consume too much, they will inevitably become hungry.


There was another sound. Hua Weiyang couldn't help but blush on her face. She covered her stomach and looked at Xiao Chen, "Then who... you meditate just meditate. Why is your stomach always growling?"

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, glanced at her strangely, and said, "It's obviously your stomach that's growling."


Hua Weiyang bit her lips and lowered her head, thinking that everything about this idiot has changed, but this one thing has not changed. He is still the same as before, which is really annoying.

Xiao Chen shook his head, got up and went outside. Not long after, he caught two fat fish and came back. When he was in Ningcun, he was naturally good at running in the mountains, swimming in rivers, catching rabbits and fish, and now he Peel off the scales of the fish, then skewer them on the fire and grill them. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Not long after, the cave was filled with fragrance. Hua Weiyang put her hands on her shoulders and smiled softly, "I didn't realize that you still have such skills. Could it be that your master taught you."

After a while, the fish gradually became cooked, and Hua Weiyang said again, "Then... I pretended to be my mother-in-law to tease you before, you won't be angry, right?"

"of course not."

While grilling the fish, Xiao Chen replied, "That day on Pingding Mountain, you pretended to be me and deceived many people. Later, the person who fought with me in the sub-altar was also you. Anyway, every time I see you, you Everything has changed."


Hua Weiyang scratched her head and smiled softly, "So you already know it..." After a while, she asked again, "Then... why did you leave Xuanqingmen?"

At this moment, the cave suddenly became quiet, and the air seemed to be frozen. Hua Weiyang couldn't help but be stunned. Did she ask something wrong?

"The fish is ready."

Xiao Chen turned around and handed the grilled fish to her.

"Oh, thank you."

Hua Weiyang took the grilled fish from him and stopped asking the question just now.

The next day, the weather was fine. Xiao Chen came outside the cave, looked at the endless mountains and forests, and asked, "Thirty-Six Sect, where do you plan to go first?"

"Jiu Ming Divine Cult, I am relatively familiar with Jiu Ming Ancestor." Hua Weiyang walked up and looked at him.

Seven days later at night, the two came to the "Ghost Wind Ridge" where the Jiu Ming Ancestor was. Among the thirty-six sects, the Jiu Ming God Sect, the Blood Eagle Sect, and the Xueyang God Sect were the strongest. There are nearly ten thousand believers.

However, tonight, Guifengling seemed unusual. Originally, only people from the Demon Sect would come here, but at this moment, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang actually found many Xuanmen cultivators coming in and out.

"It seems that Xianshu is right. The people of the Thirty-six Sect have really rebelled..."

Looking at the looming building below, Hua Weiyang gradually frowned. Due to the steep terrain of the border area, all the righteous sects have not been able to eradicate the Thirty-six Sects in the border area for so many years. But at this moment, those cultivators, Which sect does he belong to? He seems to be quite powerful...

"Do you know which sect those people are from?"

"Never seen it before."

Xiao Chen shook his head. Although he didn't know much about the sects of the Five Immortal Realms in recent years, he would definitely be able to recognize them if they were sects from the Five Immortal Realms. However, it seems that these people in Guifengling are not immortals at the moment. The righteous sect of the Five Domains of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Would you like to... go down and take a look?"

Hua Weiyang looked up at him and asked softly, feeling that something was a little unusual this time.


Xiao Chen nodded. If he wanted to know what happened in the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests, he only had to enter Guifeng Ridge and find Ancestor Jiu Ming and ask. Then he would naturally know everything.

At this moment, in a dark stone hall in Guifengling, there was only one person sitting in the hall. The person was holding a black stone in his hand and smiling non-stop on his face.

This person was none other than the leader of the Jiu Ming Divine Sect, who called himself the ancestor of Jiu Ming. He looked at the black stone in his hand, looked at it again and again, and said with a smile, "With this soul stone, your cultivation will be even better." The third floor is not a problem at all. If we can get more from them, then..."

"When the time comes, our ancestor will be blessed with great blessings and his power will be boundless, right or wrong?"

At this moment, a girl's voice came from outside the palace. Ancestor Jiu Ming was so frightened that he almost slipped the soul stone out of his hand, "Who... who... is a human or a ghost!"

"What do you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared at the door of the palace, it was Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang.

The light in the palace was dim. Ancestor Jiu Ming blinked hard, as if he had seen a ghost. "Palace... Palace Master... no, no, you... you... haven't you already..."

"I'm not dead, right?"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold and she walked towards him step by step. Ancestor Jiu Ming was so frightened that he knelt down quickly and said unclearly, "Palace Master... It's really not that I want to betray Lianhua Palace, but …but…”

"But what? Get up and say it."

Hua Weiyang looked at him with cold eyes and said coldly.

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