"This this……"

Ancestor Jiu Ming suddenly felt as if he had received an amnesty, and then slowly stood up, looked at Xiao Chen next to him, and smiled with a smile on his face, "Xiao... Young Master Xiao... you are here too..."

Needless to say, the pressure Xiao Chen has put on him now, of course, he certainly doesn't dare to lie.

Hua Weiyang looked at him with cold eyes and asked, "Let me ask you, what happened before? Why did Madam Xianshu activate the Hundred Flowers Formation and hide the Lianhua Palace in a secret realm?"

"This this……"

"This, this, this! Just tell me if you know it!"

"Yes Yes!"

Ancestor Jiu Ming was startled and said quickly, "Before, it was attacked by various factions, and Madam Xianshu finally had no choice but to activate the Hundred Flowers Formation..."

"Attacked by various factions?"

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed. She naturally knew that they were being attacked by various factions, but which sects were they and who took the lead? Things will never be simple.

But at this moment, she no longer continued to ask about Lianhua Palace, but asked what was going on with the cultivators outside.

Ancestor Jiu Ming trembled slightly and carefully looked outside. This was his own place, but at this moment, he felt guilty as if he was a thief. He whispered, "When you came in before, no one noticed you, right?" "

"Of course not, tell me quickly! What's going on?"


Ancestor Jiu Ming sighed heavily, and then told everything in detail. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang fell into deep thought after listening.

"Taishi Taoist Gate..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly. She had never heard of this sect before. Where did it come from?

Ancestor Jiu Ming sighed and said, "Yes, tell me, where did the Taishi Taoist Sect come from? In just a few years, it has controlled many sects, and is faintly competing with the Xuanqing Sect. The situation is really hard to understand.”

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly and asked, "Then what do they want you to do when they control you?"

"What else can be done?"

Ancestor Jiu Ming spread his hands and said, "It's just asking us to work hard for them to break through the poisonous miasma in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests. Doesn't the Palace Master not know about the rumors in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Thousand Forests in recent years?"

When he said this, he paused for a while before continuing, "Two or three years ago, the sky suddenly appeared in the depths of the dense forest. The rays of light at night were astonishing. Such a vision naturally attracted countless people to come one after another. All the rumors in the depths of the dense forest are related to the disappearance of the previous era. Therefore, in recent years, people from both the good and the evil paths have come to the Hundred Thousand Thousand Jungles, hoping to find the fragments left over from the previous era. Secret books and countless secret treasures..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed, and she lowered her head and said to herself, "So, those people really entered the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forest just for the legend inside..."

Ancestor Jiu Ming said, "That's not true!" At this point, he sneered again, "It's just that I've been here for more than two years, and I haven't even been able to enter the depths of the dense forest. The outside is shrouded in fog. Once you enter, you will inevitably Lost in it, he ended up with no body left, so up to now, people from the good and evil paths are still looking for ways to enter the depths of the dense forest.

Hua Weiyang asked, "So, the Taishi Dao Sect has not been able to enter it for the time being?"

"It's natural. If they go in, why do they need us to die? The heavy fog and poisonous miasma can't be broken at all. No matter how many people go, they will die. Alas, it's pitiful that so many disciples in my sect have died in vain. That damn place..."

Ancestor Jiu Ming couldn't help sighing as he spoke, and finally raised his head again, looked at Hua Weiyang in front of him, smiled bitterly and said, "I am really happy to see the Palace Master again today. In the past two years, we have been thirty-six The sect was enslaved by them and lived a life of darkness. They always wanted to wait for the palace master and Xiao Shaoxia to come back. However, in these years, there was no news about the palace master and Xiao Shaoxia. The disciples died, and eventually they gradually became desperate..."

Listening to what he said to the end, Hua Weiyang could also feel the pain they had suffered over the years. When she came in, she discovered that there were all people from the Taishi Taoist sect outside. In front of these people, the disciples of the Jiuming God Sect were He didn't even dare to raise his head. The Thirty-six Sect had long existed in name only.

"Then more than two years ago, it was Taishi Daomen who led people to invade Lianhua Palace?" Hua Weiyang asked with a frown.

"Who else could be there besides them?"

Ancestor Jiu Ming couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. At the end of his words, he raised his head again and looked at Hua Weiyang slightly nervously. "Palace Master, you are back now. Don't let them find out. This Taishi Dao Sect, with those The bullshit Zhengdao Xuanmen are all in the same group. They talk about benevolence, justice and morality, but in fact they do all these dirty and despicable things secretly..."

"Taishi Taoist Gate..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes suddenly revealed two gleams of coldness. If the restrictions between the world of human and ghost were immediately lifted, she would have to level the Taishi Dao Gate to the ground!


After a moment of silence, Patriarch Jiu Ming sighed again, raised his head, and asked, "Palace Master, what are you going to do now? The Thirty-Six Sect has now become a slave land of Taishi Taoist Sect. We would like to help You can't do anything..."

Hua Weiyang said, "Xianshu and the others are trapped in the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers. Originally, I came here to ask for your help. With tens of thousands of people, we can work together to break open the secret realm and rescue them, but now... it's obviously impossible." ”


Ancestor Jiu Ming was slightly startled. It is not easy to break through the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers. To be honest, they don't have the manpower here right now. Even if they gather tens of thousands of people, they may not be able to succeed. It may even be counterproductive and cause a catastrophe.

After a while, he suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly became solemn, and he said, "Palace Master, at this point, there is no other way. I have a way, but it is very dangerous. Do you want to listen?" "

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, "You say."


Ancestor Jiu Ming nodded and said seriously, "Although I don't know whether the rumors about the depths of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests are true or false, but starting two or three years ago, the sky light suddenly appeared there, and the glow was endless. This matter is absolutely true. , can cause such a vision, I guess something is about to appear..."

When he said this, he paused for a while and continued, "Some time ago, I tried to eavesdrop on what the people at Taishi Daomen were saying, but I didn't dare to go too close. I could only faintly hear them saying that the things inside must be removed. Take it back, if something goes wrong, everyone will be killed, so I guess they must know what is inside, and that thing must be very powerful..."

After hearing what he said, Hua Weiyang already understood. In fact, she herself had thought this way just now.

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