I saw a figure coming to the cliff in an instant. The man was wearing a black robe and a robe and hat on his head. He hadn't gotten close yet, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Yusha Xuanji was the first to ask. Although the person in front of him had a restrained aura, the more so, the more inexplicable pressure it put on them. At this moment, the four of them were cautiously on guard.

"Four of you, don't you remember me..." A cold voice came from under the robe.

Hearing this voice, the four of them were startled. This voice was indeed somewhat familiar. Suddenly, the four of them shuddered at the same time. Yuchao Xuanji raised her head and looked at the person who was getting closer and closer in front of her with some disbelief. The man in black robe murmured, "You...you are..."

Xiao Chen slowly opened his robe and hat. After seeing his appearance clearly, the four of them felt suffocated. It was really that boy more than ten years ago...

It's just that now, on him, there is no longer any shadow of the past. What is left is just the terrifying infinite cold.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xiao..."

Yuchao Xuanji reacted first and smiled. The scene on Qiongshan Mountain more than ten years ago immediately appeared in her mind.

"If Master doesn't leave, I won't leave either! The worst is, I'll die here. If I don't leave, you guys come here!"

The young boy was born to be stubborn and even risked his own life. Such stubbornness really made all the demons feel a little scared at the time.

Especially the look in the other person's eyes at that time, the four of them can still recall it. At that time, they all thought in their hearts that when this kid grows up in the future, he will definitely be their number one enemy. How could they have expected that what happened later would happen? However, this kid is not tolerated by the right way, which is a good thing for them.

Today's Xiao Chen, except for his appearance, still has a few shadows of the past, and there is no longer any similarity with the past. The chill on his body now is the four demons who kill without blinking an eye at this moment. They all felt a little scared.

"I thought the four of you had forgotten..."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, and as he spoke, he slowly walked to Hua Weiyang's side.

"How could I forget, Ling Yin's apprentice..."

Xie Tianluo's eyes suddenly became extremely cold. More than 300 years ago, his left arm was cut off by Ling Yin's sword. He has always remembered this grudge in his heart. Even now, Xiao Chen is no longer a member of the Xuan Qing Sect. However, he was a disciple taught by Ling Yin. When he saw it, hatred naturally surged into his heart.

Suddenly, he moved and rushed towards Xiao Chen. A strong wind was immediately stirred up within a radius of ten feet. However, while the dust was rolling, Xiao Chen's two fingers were condensed, and the force of one finger instantly formed a sword energy. , pressed in front of Xie Tianluo's throat.

"Don't mention the word 'Ling Yin' in front of me..."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent, and the other three people held their breath at this moment. It was so fast. Xie Tianluo's cultivation level was already high, but they didn't see how Xiao Chen took action just now. This move If the sword energy is shot out, it can severely damage Xie Tianluo in an instant.

At this moment, a layer of cold sweat formed on Xie Tianluo's back. At this moment, he truly realized that the person in front of him was no longer the young boy who needed Ling Yin's protection more than ten years ago.

In just over ten years, why has his cultivation become so terrifying? Is it true that one of the volumes in the Book of Heaven is really in his possession, as rumored by the outside world?

At this moment, the four of them all began to ponder carefully. In just over ten years, people's cultivation has increased so much. Apart from the few volumes of heavenly books left by Patriarch Tianxin, what else can there be?

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, he flicked his sleeves and removed the force of his fingers, and the atmosphere relaxed. Xiaoyao Jun looked at Hua Weiyang and smiled, "Just now, Palace Master Weiyang said that there is a way to break the barrier deep in the dense forest. I don't know. What method?"

Hua Weiyang smiled, "Of course, just follow me." After saying that, he lightly tapped his feet and flew to the other side of the cliff.

Half an hour later, the group arrived in front of the poisonous miasma that she and Xiao Chen passed through that night. Xiaoyao Jun frowned and said, "Palace Master Weiyang said that the poisonous miasma here was just created by Taishi Dao Sect to hide the truth from others. The barrier deep in the dense forest is still inside..."

"Yes, that's right." Hua Weiyang smiled lightly.


Xie Tianluo snorted coldly, looked coldly into the depths of the mist, and said coldly, "This Taishi Taoist sect really doesn't take people seriously, and really regards itself as the master of this place..."

Yusha Xuanji frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, looked at Hua Weiyang and said, "I wonder, Lord Lianhua Palace, how can I break through this layer of fog and poisonous miasma?"

Hua Weiyang said, "The poisonous miasma inside is very powerful, and there are many restrictions to prevent it. If you don't pay attention, you will end up with physical and mental destruction. However, these poisonous miasma and restrictions are all supported by formations. There are some formations outside." , there are also some formations inside. We only need to find these formations and destroy them with strong enough profound strength, and the mist and poisonous miasma here will naturally dissipate..."

"I see……"

Xiaoyao Jun concentrated his attention and said slowly, "The formations outside are not used by Taishi Dao Sect to break the barrier, but are used to support this foggy miasma and the restrictions inside..."

Hua Weiyang nodded, "That's right."

"So, Palace Master Lianhua, what are your plans?" At this time, Young Master Bai came over and asked her.

"It's very simple. I already know where some of the formations are. When the time comes, I only need the four of you to join forces with me to destroy those formations."

Hua Weiyang spoke slowly, and the four of them pondered for a while. Yusha Xuanji said, "Palace Master Lianhua, this method is indeed feasible. In these three days, the four of us will go back and prepare a little. After three days, Guixiaoya will See you, how about it?”

Xie Tianluo snorted coldly, "I have to go back and prepare well."

Obviously the four people here have their own thoughts, and they are all determined to obtain the secret treasure deep in the dense forest. Only because they have the common enemy of Taishi Daomen, can they stand together temporarily. Once they enter the deep forest, , then I’m afraid there will be constant infighting...

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to have seen the scene of a river of blood flowing deep in the jungle half a month later...

After the four people left, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang looked at each other, understood each other, and left immediately.

Three days later in the evening, in a certain cave, there were four old men sitting in the cave, meditating with their eyes closed and doing exercises. They were members of Taishi Taoism. At this moment, two disciples suddenly walked in quickly from outside.

Seeing the two disciples acting in a panic, the old man in green said, "Why are you panicking?"

"Go back... back to Master."

The two disciples looked a little pale. The disciple on the left said, "I just noticed that many people from the Demon Sect gathered outside. I am worried that they have discovered something. I am afraid they are going to attack the formation tonight..."


The old man in green slowly opened his eyes and said to himself, "It's still seven days before the barrier can be broken. It's a pity. What is supposed to come will always come, alas..."

After sighing, his eyes gradually became sharp. With a wave of his hand, a talisman flew towards the two disciples. "Take this talisman and invite Mr. Guiwu."

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