When the two disciples received the talisman and heard that they were going to invite Mr. Gui Wu, they couldn't help but trembled slightly. They cupped their hands and quickly left without asking any questions.

In the cave, the four old men have all reached the level of spiritual transformation, but they are all frowning at this time. For some reason, all the plans were going smoothly, but since yesterday, there has been a vague feeling in the hearts of the four of them. Uneasy feeling.

"Three junior brothers, what do you think?"

The old man in green clothes looked at the other three people. These three people were his junior brothers. There was the old man in red clothes who wanted to attack Qian Yu Nishang and his group in the valley that day, the master of the man in white clothes, and another one who was also wearing a green shirt. black-haired old man.

The three of them were silent. After a long time, the black-haired old man said, "The four demon sects will not attack the formation easily, but this time they suddenly attack the formation. I'm afraid there is someone among them who can guide them." ✮


The old man in green smoothed his beard slightly and nodded, saying, "I think so too. Those four people from the Demon Sect have been wandering outside for a long time, not daring to join the battle. This time, countless people suddenly gathered. Someone must be guiding them, but who is the guiding person?" who is it?"

The other three people frowned again and fell into silence. After a while, the old man in red raised his head and said coldly, "No matter who it is, as long as Mr. Guiwu comes, he will know everything and let them in when the time comes." Come on, I can’t get out..."


The old man in green nodded again, looked at an old man in purple, and said, "Junior Brother Ding, let's put aside the matter of Feng Yi for the moment. Even though there are those Qianyu Nishang, the people from Xuanqing Sect, and the people from Qinghong Sect, I'm sorry. They must not be able to stir up any trouble. This time we will focus on dealing with the four demon sects and breaking through the barriers deep in the dense forest. Don’t cause any extraneous problems..."

"I see……"

The old man in purple nodded, but his expression was extremely gloomy. That day in the valley, the man in white who had a conflict with Qian Yu Nishang and his group was named Feng Yi. He was his favorite disciple, but his whole body was broken by someone from the Xuan Qing Sect. His meridians and cultivation were ruined, so how could he give up on this matter.

The twilight is closing outside, and the sky is getting later and later. At this time, under Gui Xiao Cliff, the strong wind is cold and whistling. Inside the dense forest, there are countless figures vaguely hidden, divided into four groups. He is a member of the Four Demonic Sects.

As the sky got darker, two figures finally appeared in the southeast. It was Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. As soon as they appeared, Xiaoyao Jun, Gongzi Bai, Xie Tianluo, and Yusha Xuanji also immediately emerged from the dense forest. Walked out.

"How is it? Are the four of you already prepared? There are many powerful restrictions in the poisonous mist. When the time comes, people from the Taishi Taoist Sect will definitely be blocking us secretly and want to assassinate us in the mist. So here we are. Okay…it can be said that there is no way out.”

Hua Weiyang looked at the four people and said slowly.

Xie Tianluo snorted coldly, "If you are hesitant, why are we here today? Needless to say, Master Lianhua, please tell us where those formations are located, and I will destroy them right away!"


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly. After a brief discussion, the group stopped delaying. When it got dark, they began to look for the formation outside and destroy it to loosen the formation restrictions in the poisonous mist. Once the formation restrictions completely collapsed, , the poisonous mist naturally dissipated.

This night was very restless. By midnight, most of the formations outside had been destroyed. People from the four demon sects, led by Hua Weiyang and Xiao Chen, broke into the formation set up by Taishi Taoism. In the poisonous misty forest, those formation restrictions were destroyed layer by layer.

It's just that the poisonous miasma in this forest is very terrifying, and the restrictions are also particularly severe. In addition, people from the Taishi Taoist Sect secretly attacked, and the people of the four major demon sects were also damaged a lot.

"Young... Young Master, there are a lot of monsters and monsters over there!"

On one side, Xie Tianluo Zheng and Yusha Xuanji joined forces to break the formation. Suddenly, two disciples of the Demon Sky Sect hurried over from the other side. Apparently, the demons and monsters they mentioned were brought out by Taishi Taoist Sect to attack them.


Xie Tianluo's face was gloomy and he snorted coldly. Before that, he actually had some doubts about Hua Weiyang's words, but now it seems that he has no choice but to believe what the other party said. Not only does the Taishi Dao Sect want to monopolize the people deep in the jungle. Yibao also wants to assassinate them all in this hundred thousand dense forest.

"You guys hold on here first, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Xie Tianluo's face was cold. He had not yet entered the depths of the dense forest, and the real battle of life and death had not yet begun. Naturally, he could not cause the people of his sect to suffer too heavy losses. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned into a black mist and moved away. Flying away.

This continued until the end of the fourth update. Nearly half of the formation restrictions in the misty forest had been destroyed. The poisonous mist began to dissipate, and the people of the four major demon sects also advanced into it with great momentum.


Inside the cave, the four god-transforming old men were still meditating with their eyes closed. Suddenly, the word "Bao" came quickly from outside, and then a disciple was seen running in in a panic. The old man in green opened his eyes and said, "Don't panic. Where is Mr. Guiwu?"

"Back... back to Master, Mr. Guiwu is coming here, but those four people from the Demon Sect have already broken through many of our formations. They have already entered with a quick attack. We really can't resist it... …”

The disciple lowered his head, his face turned pale, his body couldn't help shaking when he spoke, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.


The old man in green gradually frowned. At that moment, he seemed to have made some decision. He looked at the disciple and said, "Go and activate the last twelve absolute formations."

When the disciple heard this, he trembled all over, but at this time there was no room for hesitation. He nodded and quickly went outside.

Inside the cave, another black-haired old man in green clothes frowned and said, "Brother, do you really want to activate the last twelve formations? I'm afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man in green shook his hand, "Four people from the Demon Sect are attacking here, but we can't go there now, because at this moment, we must first ensure that we break the barrier formation deep in the dense forest. There must be no mistakes in the law, otherwise you and I will not be able to bear the blame from the two elders..."

At this point, he sighed deeply and his eyes gradually became deeper. "If we had the legendary 'Ghost Mist' in hand, we wouldn't have to go to such trouble..."

"Ghost mist..."

When the other three people heard the word "Ghost Mist", they all trembled slightly, with strange expressions on their faces.

Of course they knew that the "Guiwu" the senior brother was talking about at this moment did not refer to Mr. Guiwu who was coming here, and had nothing to do with Mr. Guiwu.

The "ghost mist" that the senior brother is talking about at this moment is an extremely terrifying mysterious weapon that has swallowed up the souls of countless gods and demons in ancient times and has independent consciousness...

It is one of the six peerless mysterious weapons in ancient times.

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