At the fifth watch, it was already dawn, and almost all the formation restrictions in the poisonous fog forest had been destroyed. The fog gradually dissipated, and the poisonous miasma gradually disappeared.

After a night of attacking, everyone in the four major demon sects felt tired, but they could not relax at this time. Seeing that the fog and poisonous miasma was about to disappear, instead of resting at this moment, it was better to work hard to destroy this place and cut off a finger of Taishi's Taoism.

"I see there are not many formations in front. Do you still have the strength to attack directly?"

Yusha Xuanji was attacking the formation while passing words to the other three people. The three of them had their own thoughts in their hearts. At this time, they naturally had to break through the poisonous misty forest in one fell swoop. Otherwise, once the Taishi Dao Sect inside came out, If you plan to deal with them, all your efforts will be in vain, and you may even be put in danger.

However, they all know clearly in their hearts that once the poisonous misty forest is breached, their cooperation will end here. After entering the depths of the dense forest, they will fight against each other for the rare treasure that is about to appear there. There will inevitably be fights among them.

So at this moment, all four of them want to preserve their own strength so that they can catch the other party by surprise.

How could Hua Weiyang not see that these four people had their own agenda at this moment, and said, "Taishi Daomen has set up more than ten extremely powerful prohibition formations in front of them. If these formations cannot be broken by daybreak, everything we have done tonight will , it’s all in vain.”

Xiaoyao Jun said, "Instead of guessing each other now, it is better to use all our strength to destroy the dozen formations in front first."

Several people said nothing. While retaining their strength, they did not forget to break the formation. After more than an hour, with the combined efforts of everyone, the twelve formations were finally broken.

At this time, the sky was still dark, not even the stars or the moon could be seen, just like the last darkness before dawn.

Yusha Xuanji smiled and said, "Okay, all twelve formations have been destroyed, and it's not even bright yet. It seems that our speed is not slow."

The other three also gradually relaxed, began to recover their skills, and gradually became wary of each other.

But Xiao Chen's expression became more and more solemn. He had been counting the hours just now, and more than an hour had passed since the fifth watch. Logically speaking, it should be dawn, but why is the sky still dark now?

"You noticed something was wrong too, didn't you?"

Next to her, Hua Weiyang frowned and looked at him. Apparently, she had been counting the hours since it got dark last night. It should be dawn now, but why was it still dark all around?

"What's wrong with you two?"

Seeing the solemn expressions on the two of them, Yuchao Xuanji slowly walked over. The other three people were worried that things had changed, so they also walked over at this time.

Hua Weiyang glanced at the four people, frowned and said, "We started to attack the formation after dark last night. It has been seven hours now. It should have been dawn, but now the sky is still dark. Don't you guys have any idea?" Didn't you find anything strange?"

"The strange thing..."

Hearing what she said, the four Yusha, Xuanji and others became serious. Counting the time, it seems that it should be dawn now, but why is this dense forest still in the dark?


Hua Weiyang counted her fingers, and the expression on her face suddenly changed. Seeing her change of expression, the four people asked attentively, "What did Master Lianhua find?"

Hua Weiyang slowly calmed down, looked at the four people and said, "The other party invited an expert. This person trapped us here with an extremely powerful and strange spell. Until the spell is unlocked, the sky will not rise." It’s gone, we can’t get out either…”


The four people's eyes narrowed slightly. What kind of expert could trap them all here quietly? Xiaoyao Jun said, "The most urgent task now is to think about whether we can break this person's spell. Let's search separately to see if there is any gap.


Xie Tianluo's face was gloomy, and the others had no objections. They immediately split up to look for an opening. However, the power of this spell may be far beyond their imagination. After searching for a long time, they could not find any opening at all. The sky was still a piece of water. It was pitch dark, the whole forest was dead silent, and there was no way to get out.

At this moment, in a ghostly cave, the four old gods of Taishi Dao Sect were all there. In addition, there was one more person. The whole body of that person was hidden in a black mist, suspended in the air. , because of this, he was called Mr. Ghost Mist.

"Those people have been trapped. Thank you Mr. Guiwu for coming this time to relieve our urgent needs." The leader, the old man in green, said with his hands.


A gloomy voice came from the black mist, "It's too early to relax now. Those people are not ordinary people. The spell can only last for seven days at most, so you must open the barrier within seven days... …”

When the four of them heard this, they looked at each other. The old man in green bowed his hand towards the black mist in mid-air again. "Thank you sir for reminding me, but there is one thing that the four of us still don't know yet. Sir, I can figure out that apart from the four magic gates, People, who else..."

"The other two people, one is the master of Lianhua Palace, and the other is... the abandoned disciple of Xuanqing Sect, Xiao Yichen." From the black mist, Mr. Guiwu's sinister voice came out.


Suddenly hearing about these two people, the four people in the cave felt suffocated. They didn't expect these two people to come back.

Especially the old man in red, whose face suddenly became extremely ugly. He suddenly thought that the consciousness that put great pressure on him that day in the valley, could it be Xiao Yichen?

The old man in green clothes at the head was stunned, and he looked a little unbelievable. No wonder he could easily find their formation restrictions. It turned out to be these two people. At this moment, he could only hear him muttering to himself: "Then Xiao Yichen, it is rumored that he yes……"

"It doesn't matter what the rumors are. What's important is... if you want to accomplish what you want, you must get rid of this person first."

Mr. Guiwu said slowly as he floated outside the cave, "If this person is not eliminated, there will be a big trouble in the future..." At the end of the words, the shadow gradually disappeared into the void.

Inside the cave, the four god-transforming old men still felt cold sweat running down their backs. The four of them looked at each other and made up their minds.

Of course Xiao Yichen wants to get rid of them, but the most important thing now is to open the barrier deep in the dense forest before those people escape, and then wait for the two elders to lead people in, and then close the barrier immediately to avoid others He also followed in.

A few days have passed, and the depths of the dense forest have been very unstable these days. Sometimes there are shocks, sometimes rays of light fall from the sky, sometimes dark clouds roll into the sky, and sometimes there are thunder and lightning.

In the misty forest before, Xiao Chen, Hua Weiyang, and the four demon sects were still trapped in Mr. Guiwu's spell. For these days, the misty forest has always been dark, and the surroundings were pitch black, with no dawn. .

"what to do?"

Yusha Xuanji and others frowned, and they could naturally sense that the barrier deep in the dense forest was about to be opened by the Taishi Taoist people, and the things inside had been silent for tens of thousands of years, and now they are finally about to open it. It's come to light again.

At this moment, in the depths of the dense forest where no one has ever been, black mist can be seen rolling in, evil spirits surging, an unknown land is slowly collapsing, and a peerless aura of an emperor coming to the world is coming from thousands of years ago. The previously buried ground slowly surged up, slowly dispelling the boundless evil spirit that had shrouded this place for thousands of years.

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