Inside the misty forest, Xie Tianluo and others all stood up. Xiaoyao Jun frowned slightly, "There is no way to continue like this. Once the Taishi Dao Gate opens the barrier deep in the dense forest, even if it is broken by then, Even if I tried this spell, it would be useless.

"Then let's work together to see if we can break this spell."

Yuchao Xuanji said with focused eyes. At the end of her words, she looked at Hua Weiyang and Xiao Chen who were not far away. She smiled softly and said, "Palace Master Weiyang, Young Master Xiao... you two are not going to look at each other like this." Are you ready?"


Hua Weiyang stood up slowly from under a tree. Just when she was about to say something, there was suddenly a violent shock from outside. Then she saw a mysterious light rising from the depths of the dense forest. This dark night also shines as brightly as day.

"The barrier will be opened!"

Xie Tianluo focused his eyes and stared at the ten thousand feet of mysterious light. As the ten thousand feet of mysterious light rose in the distance, the hearts of everyone here began to beat violently.

"If we don't break through the magical confinement here, once the people from the Taishi Dao Sect open the barrier and enter the depths of the dense forest, by then, we will never be able to go in again."

Yusha Xuanji said solemnly, Hua Weiyang no longer hesitated, looked at Xiao Chen, and the two immediately flew in the direction of the mysterious light.

When Xie Tianluo and others saw this, they immediately spread out their bodies and went over there without any further delay.

They were trapped in this boundless night before. It was precisely because there was no light from the outside that they could break through Mr. Ghost Mist's spell. But now, the mysterious light deep in the jungle has penetrated, and they can use it. This ray of light broke Mr. Ghost Mist's spell.

At this moment, the sky is about to break outside. Outside the barrier deep in the dense forest, only people can be seen surging, all of them are people from the Taishi Taoist Sect. They set up a large formation here two years ago. In the past two years, they have spent countless With manpower and resources, it was only today that we were finally able to successfully break through the barrier deep in the dense forest.

Looking at the ten thousand feet of mysterious light that shot straight into the sky, not only were the disciples uneasy, but even the old men who had already reached the level of becoming gods had a look of horror on their faces at this moment.

This mysterious light was not created by them, but it reflected the surrounding area like daylight. If this continues, it will soon attract those cultivators of good and evil outside, as well as the group of people trapped in the misty forest. , will definitely use this mysterious light to break Mr. Gui Wu’s spell.

"what to do……"

The eyebrows of several old men were deeply furrowed. When the light suddenly appeared, it must have been caused by the thing that was about to appear in the depths of the jungle. Now the barrier is just about to be opened. What should we do if those people from outside are attracted? ? It's impossible to kill them all openly and not allow them to enter, right?

The old man in green forced himself to calm down and said attentively, "Don't panic. Open the barrier as soon as possible. Don't think about anything else. Mr. Guiwu's spell can last for another three hours. As long as you open it within these three hours, Just make a barrier, those people can't get in..."

At this moment, outside the misty forest, the cultivators who came to the Hundred Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousands of Thousands of Secret Lights were naturally seen outside the dense forest.

Even though they had heard about the sudden appearance of light in the depths of the jungle, the cultivators who had just come in recently were still overwhelmed with emotions when they saw such a shocking scene.

Among them, not everyone wants to get the rare treasure that is about to appear deep in the jungle, and many people want to take advantage of this time to enter the depths of the jungle to take a look.

Since ancient times, there have been countless legends in the Hundred Thousand Forest, so many people want to go in and see if they can find some things from the ancient times, whether it is fragments of secret books or lost ancient magic weapons, as long as they get Even one or two pieces must be extraordinary.

You know, more than 3,000 years ago, the Patriarch of Demonic Dao Tianxin just accidentally obtained a fragment of a heavenly book handed down from ancient times. As a result, his cultivation became so terrible? Even if the heads of several major sects in the world joined forces, they could only draw a tie with it.

In the past three thousand years, the fragments of the Heavenly Book have caused violent storms again and again in the ancient land of Xianyuan. If this time, an ancient skill comparable to that of the ancient Heavenly Book can be found from the depths of the dense forest, then What will happen? Anyone who obtains such a book of skills may only need to practice in seclusion for ten or a hundred years, and when he comes out again, the world will change hands.

At this moment, the ten thousand-foot mysterious light in the depths of the dense forest continued to shine, reflecting the area for hundreds of miles as brightly as day. However, the cultivators outside did not dare to step forward easily.

They didn't know that the misty forest was not a real barrier, and they didn't know that Xiao Chen, Hua Weiyang, and people from the four major demon sects were working hard to break the formation inside.

"Two junior uncles and junior sisters, look, that mysterious light seems to be shining from the depths of the dense forest..."

I saw more than a dozen figures standing on a cliff. They were people from the Qinghong Sect. Standing in front were an elegant man, a beautiful woman in red, and two old Taoist nuns.

The two old Taoist nuns are the junior sisters of Yu Xuanzi, the head of the Qinghong Sect, Master Xianqing and Master Yizhi. The man in white next to them is named Huan Yushu, and he is the apprentice of Yu Zhenzi, the junior brother of Yu Xuanzi.

Among the younger generations, Huan Yushu's cultivation level is considered extremely high, but the woman in red next to him, named Liu Yue'er, is Yu Xuanzi's disciple, and her cultivation level is slightly inferior to his.

"Yes, it was taken from deep in the dense forest, but..."

As Master Xianqing spoke, she looked towards the misty forest in the distance. The misty forest was almost endless. From here, there was no end in sight.

Master Yizhi frowned and said, "There seems to be a barrier deep in the 100,000 dense forest. Isn't it still impossible to break through it?"

At this moment, people from other sects did not dare to enter the misty forest easily. They all thought that it was a barrier deep in the dense forest. Naturally, people from the Qinghong Sect would not enter rashly.

At this moment, another group of people came up from behind, but it was Qian Yu Nichang and others.

Huan Yushu turned around, and when he saw Qian Yu Nishang approaching slowly, his expression froze, and he couldn't look away. It wasn't until the other party approached that he suddenly felt rude, raised his hands and said with a smile, "Junior Sister Qian Yu."

However, Qianyu Nishang didn't even look at him. Ever since she walked over, her eyes had been falling on the misty forest in the distance. It wasn't that she was deliberately arrogant, but there seemed to be something attracting her in the misty forest. Her, so that she didn't notice others.

But at this moment, in the eyes of others, she was just arrogant and extremely rude. Master Xianqing and Master Yizhi's expressions immediately darkened. They thought that no matter how great you are and have cultivated the Three Flowers Gathering, you don't have to be so arrogant and arrogant. Is this how your master Mei Yue teaches his disciples?

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