The faces of the four old men were pale. They had spent a lot of real energy to open the barrier just now. The barrier was now open, but it seemed impossible to seal it again. As the cracks on the barrier continued to spread, Go down, and soon, even people hundreds of miles away will be able to enter the depths of the dense forest.

In three days at most, the barrier will be completely dissipated. At that time, the depths of the jungle will be wide open, and everyone, whether they are people of the righteous path, people of the devil's path, or those wandering around, will be able to enter.

This is not what Taishi Taoism wants to see, but there is nothing that can be saved now. It is impossible to kill all the tens of thousands of people here. They do not have the ability yet. For the current plan, they can only go deep into the dense forest first. , even if you don’t care about all the consequences, you must grab something like that and never fall into the hands of others.

Thinking of this, the old man in green did not hesitate and said to the two disciples next to him, "The barrier is about to open, go and invite the two elders!" ✱

"Yes Yes!"

Faced with the sudden change, the two disciples looked panicked, pinched the seal on their hands, and quickly pulled out a talisman. The talisman turned into a golden light, and instantly enveloped the two of them and disappeared.

Not long after, people from various sects in the distance had arrived. Seeing that it was the people from Taishi Taoist sect who opened the barrier here, everyone felt a little relieved.

Although the Taishi Taoist Sect has become famous in the five realms of Xianyuan over the years, there are many people from various sects today, and there is no taboo. An old man in purple stepped forward and said loudly, "It turns out that I am a fellow Taoist from the Taishi Taoist Sect." Here, I wonder if the four fellow Taoists saw people from the Demon Cult coming here just now?"

After hearing this, the four old men from the Taishi Taoist Sect remembered the four people from the Demon Sect, as well as the Master of Lianhua Palace and the traitor from the Xuanqing Sect. They had just focused on breaking the barrier, but they did not notice those few people. Is someone from the Demon Sect here? (っ◔◡◔)っ

The old man in green looked at the people from various sects in the distance and replied, "I was waiting here just now, but I didn't see anyone from the Demon Sect."

"I did not see it?"

There was a whisper in the crowd. They clearly saw those people from the Demon Sect passing by. The two masters of the Qinghong Sect also confirmed it. Why did the Taishi Dao Sect say they didn't see it? What are they doing secretly?


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance. At this moment, it seemed as if the heaven and earth were shaken. Dust was billowing in a radius of more than ten miles. I saw that the crack in the barrier was expanding more and more rapidly, and I was afraid that it would not be able to pass through. How long will it take before the whole thing collapses?

"Back off...back off!"

The four old men of Taishi Dao Sect immediately ordered their disciples to retreat far away. Once the barrier collapsed, under the impact of such terrifying power, anyone who got even slightly closer to Bitidian would probably be destroyed physically and mentally.

Hundreds of disciples retreated one after another, and people from various sects in the distance saw that the barrier was about to collapse, and they also retreated at this moment.

"Junior sister! Don't be anxious..."

As soon as Qian Yu Nishang arrived nearby, Xia Guyun and Shen Yu immediately chased after her, fearing that she would act recklessly again. The danger deep in the dense forest was far more dangerous than outside. Moreover, the barrier was unstable at this time, so they rushed in rashly. , if you are not careful, you will end up in ashes.


The vibrations near the barrier became more and more fierce, the ground cracked, and rocks rolled down. It continued like this for a long time. The cracks only continued to spread, but the barrier never collapsed.

As long as the barrier does not collapse, no one can enter inside. At this moment, everyone has held their breath, and many people are ready. Once the barrier collapses, they will immediately rush into the depths of the jungle as soon as possible, regardless of How dangerous is it inside? Now that we are here, why should we retreat?

There were people gathering here one after another in the distance. Seeing that more and more people were gathering, the disciples of Taishi Taoism began to feel a little uneasy.

A disciple walked up to the four old men and asked in a low voice, "Master, there are more and more of them, what should we do now?"

The four old men were attentive and silent. The old man in green raised his head and glanced at the barrier in the distance. Now the barrier will not collapse for a while, just waiting for the two elders to come. As long as the two elders come, with two The elder's cultivation will surely intimidate the people here... Thinking of this, the four of them felt a little more at ease.

About half the time it took to burn the incense, the vibrations near the barrier became more and more violent, and a dangerous aura seeped out from the cracks, causing many people to feel an inexplicable chill in their backs and subconsciously move further away. The place receded.

At this moment, in a hidden cave, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang are hiding inside, waiting for the barrier to collapse. Yusha Xuanji and Xiaoyao Jun are also hiding in the dark at this time, waiting for the barrier to collapse, and then Waiting for the opportunity.

The vibrations outside are getting more and more violent. The two masters of Qinghong Sect are searching everywhere with their spiritual consciousness, thinking that they just saw Xiao Yichen and the people from the Demon Dao coming this way. Why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?

"Junior sister, what are you thinking about?"

On the Xuanqingmen side, Leng Qianxue saw Qianyu Nishang not speaking to anyone. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. He followed her gaze and looked over. Apart from a few caves filled with rocks, there was nothing. No.

"Junior Sister Qianyu...what's wrong with you?"

Fu Ling also walked up and looked at Qian Yu Nishang with a puzzled face. It seemed that since she last came out of the valley, she had been acting weird these days and not talking to anyone.


At this moment, a violent shock suddenly came over, and then the cracks on the barrier began to close again.

"what happened……"

At this time, many people were shocked. The barrier outside the deep forest was clearly about to collapse. Why is it starting to repair itself now?

"How could this be so..."

This time, even the people from the Taishi Taoist Sect did not expect that the barrier was clearly about to collapse, but why were those cracks slowly closing again at this moment?

In just a short moment, many of the cracks that had originally been opened were slowly restored, and the barrier became impregnable again. This time, no one may be able to enter.

"This this!"

Seeing that the barrier was gradually becoming more stable, many people here were at a loss. They finally waited until the barrier was opened. Once it is closed, how long will it take?

But if you force your way through the crack, you may end up with your body and soul destroyed if you are not careful. No one here has the courage to risk it.

Inside the cave, seeing that the crack in the barrier was about to close again, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but frowned, "No, if this continues, once the crack is completely closed, you will never be able to enter again..."

Xiao Chen knew what she was thinking. If he couldn't get the thing inside, he might not be able to open the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers and rescue Mrs. Xianshu and the others, so no matter what, he had to go deep into the dense forest.

"But have you ever thought about how we will get out once we enter and the barrier is sealed?"


Hua Weiyang frowned deeply. In the past, she could always come up with many solutions, but at this moment, her mind was suddenly in a mess and she didn't know what to do.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen didn't want her to be in trouble anymore. He was able to get out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons. How could he still be worried about not being able to get out of a small 100,000 dense forest?


Hua Weiyang nodded, and the two of them no longer hesitated. They flew out of the cave in an instant and turned into two quick shadows and rushed into the crack.

"Who...are they!"

Although the speed of the two of them reached the limit, and they almost disappeared into the cracks in the barrier in the blink of an eye, how could they not be noticed in such public view?

Everyone felt their hearts tremble when they saw someone forcefully rushing into the crack. If something unexpected happened, they might not even be able to leave a trace of their souls. Who were those two people just now, so desperate for their lives?

Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly another figure flew into the crack in the barrier. This time, the person flying towards the crack was none other than Qian Yu Nishang.

"Junior sister...don't go!"

The people behind Fuling were almost scared to death. The cracks in the barrier were so terrifying. They broke in so rashly and almost escaped death!

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