The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 551: Deep in the Forest

"Junior Sister Qianyu..."

Xia Guyun's whole body was like a bolt of lightning, rushing forward at a very fast speed, but in the end he was still unable to catch up with Qian Yu Nishang, and watched helplessly as she disappeared into the crack in the barrier.

"Senior brother...don't go!"

Shen Yu stepped forward quickly, put his hand on Xia Guyun's shoulder, and shook his head, "Junior sister has three flowers gathered at the top, she will be fine..." At the end of his words, he pointed towards the bottomless cracks in the barrier. He looked over, with a look of shock on his face.

At this time, Lou Qingshan and Zhao Ying'er also came up, both of them were also a little shocked. It was only then that they noticed that beyond the Taishi Dao Gate in the distance, the old man in red in the valley that day was also there, as well as others. An old man in purple clothes beside him looked at them with murderous intent on his face.

"It's that person..."

Xia Guyun recognized the old man in red at once. That day in the valley, the man in white from Taishi Dao Sect provoked them, but was shocked by Junior Sister Qian Yu, who broke all the meridians in his body and ruined his cultivation...

"Get out of here first."

Shen Yu reacted immediately. Now that Junior Sister Qianyu is not here, the people from Taishi Dao Sect have no scruples. They must avenge the man in white that day. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.


Xia Guyun nodded and immediately glanced at Lou Qingshan and Leng Qianxue. However, when they were about to turn around and leave, two extremely strong auras suddenly came from behind, which was almost suffocating.


Lou Qingshan immediately secretly thought that something was wrong, and subconsciously protected Zhao Ying'er behind him. Suddenly, in the distant sky, the clouds were rolling endlessly, and two figures were approaching at high speed in the middle.

"It's the elders...the two elders are here!"

Seeing the two figures approaching at great speed from the clouds, the Taishi Taoist disciples cheered.

Before, they were overwhelmed by the tens of thousands of people from each righteous sect here, but now they saw two elders from the sect who had reached a desperate state of cultivation, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the two elders... finally here."

Seeing the two elders finally arriving at this moment, the four old men before finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, the cracks in the barrier are disappearing now. Once the cracks completely disappear, once the barrier is restored, even if the two elders are there, , I’m afraid it can’t be opened either.

Just when the crack was about to disappear, two figures in the clouds suddenly flew over. They were an old man in green clothes and white hair, and an old man in purple clothes and white hair.

The auras of the two men immediately shook the hearts of many people present, and they saw that the two men's mysterious skills seemed to have the power to turn things around, and solidified the cracks that were constantly closing.


The vibrations near the barrier continued, and everyone present was shocked. Even though there have been endless masters in the hidden world over the years, what level of cultivation have the two elders of the Taishi Taoist sect in front of them reached? How many years of Taoism do you have? I'm afraid it's not comparable to ordinary spiritual cultivators...

"Quick, don't let the cracks in the barrier close!"

The elder in green on the left has a solemn expression. Even if he and the elder in purple work together at this moment, they are determined not to last long, and the cracks in the barrier will still close.

After hearing what the elder said, the masters of Taishi Taoist Sect did not hesitate and stepped forward to help, hoping to reopen the cracks in the barrier.

However, how can human power resist the sky? Even if there are two elders with unfathomable cultivation at this moment, it is still difficult to open the crack in the barrier.

"No, my profound strength is not enough..."

The purple-clothed elder's expression condensed, and he made a decisive decision at this moment. He immediately said loudly to the people from various sects in the distance, "Fellow Taoists, can you work together to open this barrier?"

Hearing this, people from all factions showed hesitation on their faces, and many people became vigilant. If it were before, they would naturally be willing to work together to open the barrier deep in the dense forest, and then enter together. But now, two people with such high cultivation levels have come to your Taishi Taoist sect. If we work together to open this barrier, wouldn't it be possible to make wedding clothes for you?

At this moment, people from all sects are hesitant. They don't want the barrier to be sealed like this, but they also don't want that after the barrier is opened, everything in the deep forest will eventually belong to your Taishi Dao Sect.

Seeing that everyone was hesitant at this moment, the old man in red sent a message to the two elders, "Two elders, just now... Xiao Yichen has already entered..."

"What did you say?"

The two elders were slightly shocked. The man went in... Could it be that this time he had ruined something big? If the things fall into that person's hands, they may not be able to save their lives if they go back this time! No, this barrier must be opened immediately...

At this moment, there was another violent vibration near the barrier. Seeing that the crack was about to close, the two elders were even more anxious.

At this moment, he was in a dilemma. Elder Ziyi once again said to the people behind him, "This ancient land deep in the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests was left over from ancient times. There are countless secret treasures in it. No matter how powerful I, Taishi Taoist Sect, dare to take them all away, ?”

After hearing what he said, some people in each sect finally let down their guard a little. The elder in green shirt followed and said, "We will only take one thing inside, and we will not touch any of the other things. If we are lucky enough to find it, , are all yours, do you want to watch this barrier sealed and never be opened again? Are you willing to let those ancient secret treasures remain silent in the valley and never see the light of day?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in various sects were even more tempted. If they could find one or two ancient secret treasures, whether it was a magical weapon or a secret book, if it was an ancient mysterious skill that could rival the Book of Heaven, then It was worth dying.

"Everyone, this barrier is about to be sealed. Aren't you willing to step forward and help?"

The two elders spoke again. Finally, this time, someone didn't care so much anymore and immediately stepped forward. They had already put their lives at risk for the secret treasure deep in the dense forest. As one person stepped forward, there were people behind him. Countless people put down their guard and stepped forward one after another, working together to break the barrier.

Behind the scenes, the people from the Xuanqing Sect did not move, and the people from the Qinghong Sect did not move either. Master Xianqing looked at this group of righteous people who seemed to be possessed, and suddenly felt that the world was a little desolate. She couldn't help but shook her head and sighed, "Man is dead for money. Birds die for food…”

At this moment, as everyone stepped forward, the barrier immediately stabilized, and the cracks no longer closed.

The two elders of Taishi Dao Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then, it will not be easy to open the barrier.

Three days have passed. With the joint efforts of everyone from all the factions, the barrier was finally opened bit by bit. At this time, deep in the dense forest, only treacherous clouds were seen, and sometimes there was an evil aura. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang entered it three days ago, but to this day, she has not been able to find the legendary secret treasure.

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