The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 552: Past love, where is it now?

"How's it going? Did you sense it?"

The two of them walked carefully in this dense forest. Hua Weiyang's sense of spiritual power was much better than Xiao Chen's, so she could naturally sense the location of the thing that was about to appear.

"There was a hint of feeling just now, but for some reason, that feeling was suddenly interrupted..."

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, and while talking, she carefully searched with her spiritual power.

The two of them walked without knowing how far, and suddenly for a moment, Hua Weiyang sensed a trace of spiritual power, but only for a moment, the sense was interrupted again.

"To the northwest, hurry!"

This time, Hua Weiyang found the right direction and immediately set off to the dense forest in the northwest. The depth of this dense forest was far beyond their imagination. Even after three days, compared to the depth of the entire dense forest, In the ancient land where they live, the two of them only move around in a small area.

Probably similar to the Tomb of Gods and Demons on the Eastern Continent, the depths of this hundred thousand dense forest are also an ancient land left over from ancient times. The outside is shrouded by a barrier, but the inside is like a mysterious realm, with a different world. , even more vast and boundless than the hundred thousand dense forest outside.

Next, two more days passed. The weather in the depths of the dense forest was changeable. Sometimes there were booby traps, and sometimes there were brilliant rays of light. Whenever it was cloudy, you could even see some small things in the clouds. Weird shadows, those shadows seemed to be left over from ancient times.

In the past two days, Hua Weiyang's spiritual power induction was sometimes strong, sometimes weak, and sometimes interrupted, causing the two of them to slow down a lot. However, what is certain is that the two of them are getting closer and closer to the place where the secret treasure appears. .

"I just hope that there won't be any forbidden places in this hundred thousand dense forest..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and muttered to himself. Hua Weiyang next to him looked at him strangely, "What forbidden place?"


Xiao Chen shook his head, but suddenly thought that that time he and the ghost Taoist people were in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, sometimes it was the realm of annihilation, sometimes it was the sea of ​​death, sometimes it was the forbidden area, sometimes it was some kind of demon dwelling place, and finally there was The forbidden realm of the twelve-fingered inner demon...

Looking back now, he realized that his luck was not very good back then. He was able to walk out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons alive. Even if he told it, no one would dare to believe it. Now this time, will there be as good luck as last time?

The two walked for a long time. In the afternoon, Xiao Chen suddenly sensed something and stopped immediately. Hua Weiyang saw him suddenly stop and asked, "What's wrong?"

The feeling was getting closer and closer, Xiao Chen couldn't help but gradually frowned, and finally looked at Hua Weiyang and said, "I have some trouble to deal with, can you continue to look for it alone?"

Although Hua Weiyang has lost part of her memory now, she is the master of Lianhua Palace after all. She is not a delicate woman who needs protection everywhere. This is a dense forest. Xiao Chen will not worry about her in her place. Something went wrong.

" should be careful."

Hua Weiyang knew that his difficult junior sister was catching up again. In the current situation, it was necessary to get the secret treasure deep in the jungle as soon as possible. At this time, no one could stop the destruction.

After she finished speaking, she took out a jade note full of spiritual power from her sleeve, handed it to Xiao Chen and said, "After you are done, come to me with this jade note, you will definitely..."

Xiao Chen took the jade note from her and nodded slightly, "Definitely."


Hua Weiyang nodded, no longer hesitating, and disappeared into the depths of the mist. Even though she no longer wanted to be separated from Xiao Chen, she had no choice.

She had to find that thing before the Taishi Taoist people opened the barrier. Otherwise, once those outside came in, even if they found the location of the thing, it would be difficult to win it from thousands of people... …

Watching her disappear, Xiao Chen put away the jade paper, moved his figure, and went in the other direction.

About an hour later, it was already dusk, and the entire dense forest became darker and darker.

When he came to a cliff with no way to go, Xiao Chen stopped and waited quietly for the arrival of the person behind him. Not long after, a figure appeared in the forest, walking closer and closer to him.

"After following me for so many days, what do you want to do..."

Xiao Chen had an expressionless face and a calm voice. At the end of his words, he turned around and looked at the person standing not far in front of him quietly.

"I also want to ask you, what do you want to do..."

Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were cold as she walked up step by step. She had never looked at Xiao Chen with such cold eyes as at this moment.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves lightly, looked at her and said calmly, "What do I want to do, and what does it have to do with you..."

"Go back with me."

Qian Yu Nishang was getting closer and closer, and her eyes were getting colder and colder.

"Go back? Where are you going back? Xuan Qing? Or Ningcun, tell me where I should go back..." At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became cold.

Qian Yu Nishang couldn't help but trembled and finally stopped. Although she was lost for a moment, her face soon became calm again. "Go back with me. I will never let you sink deeper." , Mistake after mistake..."

"Make the same mistake again and again... haha."

Xiao Chen smiled coldly and looked at her, "How about you tell me what is right and what is wrong."


Qian Yu Nishang pinched her fingers, and a look of pain flashed across her face. She looked at him and said, "Xiao Yichen, do you really don't know, or are you just pretending to be confused? This time, a rare treasure from the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests appears in the world. Do you know how important it is?" ? It’s not just the Taishi Taoist sect that wants to get it, it’s definitely not just people from various sects who want to get it. They don’t know how powerful it is. Once this thing comes to the world, it will definitely set off a huge wave of chaos in the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land. It’s better for you. , actually helped those demon sects seize this thing, do you think I will stop you..."

"Are you done..."

After listening to her talk a lot, Xiao Chen still had a dull look in his eyes. The reason why he came to get this thing this time was just to help Hua Weiyang open the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers and rescue Mrs. Xianshu and the others from it.

Qian Yu Nishang shook her head, "I will not let you get this thing, nor will I let those people from the Demon Sect get this thing, let alone Hua Weiyang get this thing..."

"Then what if... I must get something like this." Xiao Chen looked at her expressionlessly.

"Brother... don't force me."

Qian Yu Nishang shook her head, with a look of pain on her face, "Don't force me to take action against you. You know, even if Qiu Shui doesn't come out of her sheath, you are no match for me..."

Xiao Chen looked at her expressionlessly, slowly put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "For the sake of past friendship, I will give you three moves. It's useless to say more... just draw the sword."

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