"It's junior sister and Xiao..."

Outside the valley, Fuling was startled. Is that person in the distance... really Junior Brother Xiao? But just now, why did he see him fighting with Junior Sister Qianyu? Weren't they the best in the Xuanqing Sect in the past? Could it be because of the last time...

"They are from the Taishi Taoist sect, Junior Sister Fuling... don't go there yet!"

Xia Guyun's eyes condensed. At this moment, his eyes were not on Xiao Chen, but on the people of Taishi Taoist Sect in the distance. The two old men leading him had already achieved spiritual transformation. He could naturally feel it, but this time At that time... Junior Sister Qianyu seemed to have lost a lot of her power.

"Junior Sister Qianyu must have had a hand with Xiao Yichen, so the consumption is too high now..."

Leng Qianxue saw it immediately and thought that now that Junior Sister Qianyu and Xiao Yichen had suffered too much loss, but someone from the Taishi Taoist Sect arrived at this time, something might be wrong.

Not to mention that in recent days, the Xuanqing Sect and the Taishi Taoist Sect have been constantly in conflict. Just that day in the valley, Junior Sister Qianyu seriously injured the man in white. The Taishi Taoist Sect will never give up on this matter. Look at the purple-clothed man. The old man looked murderous at this moment, and I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle today.


Fu Ling's face changed slightly. Look at the murderous look on the face of the old man in purple at this moment. He must be doing harm to Junior Sister Qian Yu. How could she still watch from a distance after it has reached this level?

She moved and flew towards Taishi Dao Gate. Xia Guyun's face was slightly startled: "Junior Sister Fuling... come back!"

However, Fu Ling had already flown towards the people from the Taishi Taoist Sect. When she got close, she raised her hands and said, "Two seniors from the Taishi Taoist Sect. I want to say that my junior sister accidentally injured a senior disciple that day. It was definitely not intentional. Can you two seniors For the sake of Xuanmen friendship, today is temporarily..."


Before she could finish her words, the old man in purple flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind swept over her. With a "bang", she was immediately blown away.

"Junior sister!"

Xia Guyun looked shocked, flew up in an instant, caught the Poria cocos in mid-air, and connected the acupuncture points on her body with his hands to slow down her injury.

"No, it's okay...I'm fine, let Junior Sister Qianyu leave quickly..."

Fu Ling's face was pale, and when she spoke, a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth. The blow just now was made by a cultivator of spiritual transformation. If she had applied any more force, her life would have been lost.

At this time, Lou Qingshan and others also rushed up. Seeing Senior Sister Fuling being injured by the old man, Zhao Ying'er became angry. She used to be a powerful young lady at home, but even after entering Xuan Qingmen, she was always surrounded by Lou Qingshan. The protection of Qingshan naturally requires some temperament.

Seeing that Senior Sister Fuling was injured at this time, and thinking about how she had been provoked and bullied by people from the Taishi Taoist Sect these days, she finally couldn't help but feel angry. With a "clang" sound, she pulled out the sword on her waist and pointed at it. The old man in purple said angrily, "You, Taishi Taoist Sect, have gone too far to bully others! You are also considered a dignified senior, but you actually took action against a junior who is not as good as you. If this matter spreads out..."

When she said this, Lou Qingshan's expression suddenly changed. Before she could say the next words, he immediately shouted, "Shut up!" Before she could finish her words, he slapped her hard on the face.

"Master...senior brother..."

Zhao Ying'er was stunned. At this moment, she only felt the burning pain on her face. Two lines of tears fell down without any warning. From the day she entered the school, not to mention that her senior brother would hit her with a harsh word. I never told her, but today, I clearly didn’t say anything wrong, so why did I...

Lou Qingshan's face turned pale, and he quickly turned around, cupped his hands to the old man in purple and said, "Junior sister is young and ignorant, and speaks against seniors. I hope seniors don't have the same experience as her..."

The old man in purple had a gloomy face, his eyes still fixed on Qian Yu Nishang in the distance, and said coldly, "What happened today has nothing to do with you and the others. If you don't want to die, just leave..."

Lou Qingshan trembled slightly, turned around quickly and winked at Zhao Ying'er, "Let's go... let's go!"

He knew better than anyone else in his heart that this was no longer the Middle Earth of Immortal Origin. It would be easy for the two cultivators of the Taoist Taoist Sect to kill them at this moment.

This place is deep in the dense forest, a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the Xuanqing Sect. Even a few lords cannot save them. Even if they die here today, no one will know that they are the two from the Taishi Taoist Sect. Killed by a personalized spiritual cultivator.


At this moment, the old man in red suddenly stopped the group again. Cold sweat dripped down Lou Qingshan's back, and he turned around and said, "Senior, what else do you have to say?"

"Do you recognize that person?" The old man in red had cold eyes. As he spoke, he pointed to Xiao Chen, who was standing with Qian Yu Nichang in the distance.

Fu Ling's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly said, "Lou... Senior Brother Lou... don't say... you can't..."

Lou Qingshan's face was covered with cold sweat. He looked at Xiao Chen, turned around and whispered, "That man... he is, he is the former disciple of Uncle Ling Yin... Xiao, Xiao Yichen..."

After hearing this, the old man in red's face remained unchanged, but his heart was shocked. As he thought, he immediately sent a spiritual thought to the senior brother next to him: "This child must be captured alive..."

The old man in purple had a gloomy face. He only had one thought in his mind right now, which was to avenge his disciple, and he didn't care about other things.

The old man in red saw that he was eager for revenge at this time, so he said nothing more and said coldly, "Take those two down!"

The forty or fifty disciples behind him obeyed the order, and without any hesitation, they all flew towards the valley at once. Mysterious light bloomed all over the sky, and the momentum was huge.

In the valley, Xiao Chen looked calm and smiled lightly, "Junior sister, why don't we compare and see, between you and me, whose Xuanqing Taoism... is better."

Seeing the forty or fifty people attacking, Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were cold and she said no more. She pointed her sword towards the sky, and with a "clang" sound, the sword flew out of its scabbard. The moment Qiu Shui came out of its sheath, the sword energy suddenly hit the whole place. In the valley, the extremely dazzling sword light makes people unable to open their eyes.

The forty or fifty Taishi Taoist disciples who were originally so powerful felt their chests tighten and their breaths suffocate at this moment. They had never felt such a strong sword intent!

And the next moment, the whole valley was suddenly hit by strong winds, the trees were swaying wildly, and the leaves were flying. Amidst the faint roar of dragons, all the leaves in the sky were seen gathering on Xiao Chen's chest.


As a thundering dragon roar sounded, the leaves in the sky instantly gathered into a 100-foot-long dragon shadow, roaring towards the forty or fifty people from the Taishi Taoist Sect.

And Qian Yu Nishang also drew his sword at this moment, and saw a dazzling golden sword energy rising up, and the power of the sword was like a huge wave, causing the whole sky to change!

"Boom! Boom!"

The palm power of the Dragon Roar of the Dead Wood, the sword energy of the Dragon-Slaying Technique, and Xuan Qing's powerful Taoist skills were all in evidence. In an instant, dozens of people from the Taishi Taoist Sect were like dead grass and rotten trees. They all vomited blood and flew backwards, injured and dead. Death, vulnerable.

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