This scene shocked Xia Guyun, Lou Qingshan and others in the distance. They recalled that during the Tianmen martial arts competition, Yichen was just a candidate disciple at that time. If they had not been defeated in the end, he would not have appeared at all. Opportunity, but who would have thought that he would become a blockbuster in Tianmen Huiwu and turn the tide?

But now that they saw him using the Xuan Qing Taoist technique, Xia Guyun and others were even more shocked. Not even the elders could use such an astonishingly powerful Dragon Roar Palm, but he could easily exert it to such a terrifying level. Realm, how can you imagine it?

Of course, they didn't know that Xiao Chen's Dragon's Roar of the Dead Wood was not simply the Dragon's Roar of the Xuanqing Beginner's Technique, but was taught by Shen Cangming's master "Renren Kusong" on the Lianfeng Platform. The power of this dead wood dragon's roar is extraordinary.

The "Dragon Slaying Technique" that Qianyu Nishang used just now is also a superior Taoist method of Xuanqing. Although its power is still slightly inferior to the "Tianchu Sword", it is indeed no small matter. ♦

Xiao Chen naturally knows some of these Taoist techniques, but now, they are no longer used. But even if there is only one move, the Dead Wood Dragon's Roar, Xuanqing Taoism's status in the Xuanmen of the world is still unshakable!

At this moment, the faces of the two old men from Taishi Dao Sect were slightly shocked. Are these the abandoned disciples from Xuan Qing Sect?

In recent years, the Taishi Taoist Sect suddenly poured into the Five Immortal Realms, and many of its disciples were outstanding, so they suppressed the Xuanqing Sect everywhere.

However, the Xuanqing Sect had only produced extraordinary people like Ling Yin and Feng Xiaoyin back then, and no other extraordinary talents had appeared since then.

It was not until this generation of disciples that Qian Yu Nishang and Xiao Yichen finally came. They could be called the Xuanqing twins among this generation of disciples. However, things were unpredictable, and something like that happened again that year.

If those things hadn't happened back then, if Xiao Chen was still in Xuan Qing Sect now, with his and Qian Yu Nishang's accomplishments, and their two swords combined, no matter how many outstanding disciples there were in Taishi Tao Sect, who would be able to compete with the two of them? Competing for excellence? It may be that the light of fireflies competes with the bright moon.

"Xuanqing Taoism is indeed well-deserved... Today I will come and learn it in person!"

The purple-clothed old man's face was gloomy, and he raised his palms. Suddenly, a layer of purple energy enveloped his whole body, and a fierce wind surged around him, causing sand and rocks to fly.

Qianyu's colorful clothes trembled, her sword kept ringing, and she looked coldly at her opponent. For an instant, her whole body was covered with a layer of pure Qi that was as clear as water.

"Fire flow... attack evil!"

On the other side, the old man in red gave a loud shout and twirled his fingers to form a seal. His body was instantly covered with a layer of scorching fire, and the surrounding vegetation suddenly withered. It seemed that this man was practicing fire magic among the five elements. Very good at arson.

"The art of the five elements, fire..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, and at the end of his words, his profound power was shaken, and his long hair flew behind his shoulders. At this moment, he had an aura that looked down on the world, and did not take the two spiritual cultivators in front of him into his eyes at all.


The purple-clothed old man snorted coldly, pushed his inner strength, gathered the vitality from all directions, kicked off his feet, collapsed mountains and cracked rocks, like a wild dragon emerging from the abyss, unstoppable, heading straight towards Qian Yu Nishang!

Murderous aura surges, palm power overturns Xuanhuang, the life and death of his beloved disciple is unknown, and hatred surges in his heart. Therefore, this person will hit him with a killing move as soon as he takes action, leaving no room for maneuver!

Qian Yu Nishang looked at each other coldly. At this moment, Tianxuan's magic was extremely lucky. When he handed over the long sword, his whole body was suddenly enveloped in mysterious light. His ultimate move was a killing move. One sword broke through the palm of his hand, and the mountain collapsed and the earth split!

The force of his palm was shaken away by a sword, and the old man in purple immediately staggered back, with a look of surprise on his face. He never thought that the palm he used to exert his inner strength was fully intended to shatter the opponent's internal organs, but in the end, he was so far behind. The counter-teaching opponent's sword energy broke the strength of his palm.

How did he know that the ancient sword of Qiu Shui was an ancient divine weapon that had already been spiritually connected with its master? To put it bluntly, he was holding his bare hands at this moment, and even if he held a powerful weapon and magic weapon, he might not be able to sharpen its edge.

"Yes, but I have underestimated the sword in your hand..."

The purple-clothed old man's eyes were sharp, and he quickly calmed down. This time, he was no longer as careless as before. When the Xuan Gong was activated, the inner energy instantly turned into countless purple lights swirling around him, so that he could block the Qiushui Ancient Sword. That extremely strong sword energy.

At this time, on the other side, I saw a sea of ​​fire filling the sky, and the flaming energy was overwhelming. Although the old man in red was the lowest among the four cultivators of spiritual transformation, his ability to control fire should not be underestimated. If a person is careless, he will be burned to ashes.

Facing the flaming fire all over the sky, Xiao Chen would have effortlessly broken it off in his heyday, but now that his injury has not healed, he has to deal with it carefully to avoid being trapped in the opponent's flaming formation.

At this moment, he was like a dragon, walking between the opponent's flaming attacks with Lingxian Steps. From time to time, he would use the Great Freedom Palm Technique to disrupt the opponent's attack and make him panic.

After fighting like this for a while, the old man in red was still unable to attack him, but his own use of fire spells consumed his inner energy. If this continued, once his true energy was exhausted, it would be the same as waiting to die.

Thinking of this, the old man in red's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that the battle needed to be fought quickly. He raised his breath and took in the flames from all directions, gathering them on his palms, forming two extremely powerful flames. Palm.


With a loud shout, the palms of the old man in red had the potential to destroy the heaven and the earth, and he attacked Xiao Chen. Seeing the powerful attack coming, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate much, raised his palms, and the nine yin and nine yang mysteries in his body were released. Success comes suddenly.

The two streams of true energy, one yin and one yang, flowed freely, and the power of the palm suddenly increased several times. With a "boom", the earth collapsed and rocks shattered, which shocked the old man in red and stepped back.

The old man in red clothes stood firm, the flames in his hands receded, but the true energy in his body was still chaotic. Facing the young man in front of him, at this moment, a look of shock could not help but appear in his eyes.

With such profound and powerful skills, this boy has such amazing achievements at such a young age. If only a few years later, wouldn't he be unbeatable? Could it be that it is really...

At this time, he was in a difficult mood. The opponent was obviously injured. If he were in his prime, would he be his opponent? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder deeply.

At this time, in the distance, Xia Guyun and others watched with bated breath, without even blinking. None of them thought that Junior Sister Qianyu and Xiao Yichen were so strong now. They were not in their heyday yet. Taishi The two Taoist cultivators of the Soul Transformation Sect were no match for the two of them.

"Third senior brother... come back!"

Suddenly, the old man in red shouted, and the old man in purple finally no longer stuck with Qian Yu Nishang, and moved back to the old man in red.

At this time, Xiao Chen no longer wanted to fight, and returned to Qian Yu Nishang in an instant. Seeing that her face was a little pale, he asked, "How is it? Can you still hold on..."

In the past two days, Qian Yu Nishang had consumed a lot of her true energy in order to heal his injuries. Now she has not recovered yet. She fought with the old man in purple again. She continued to lose her true energy. It was obviously difficult to support her at this time.

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