The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 562 The Land of Ancient Silence

Just now, Xiao Chen had spent his last few true energy, used the Instant Steps of Heaven and Earth, and escaped with Qian Yu Nishang and everyone else. At this time, he was probably already in the vast mountains thousands of miles away.

The valley was in a mess. Dozens of Taishi Taoist disciples were dead and injured. The old man in purple and the old man in red were probably hopeless.

At this moment, another figure suddenly flew towards the sky in the distance, but it was dozens of other disciples from Taishi Taoist Sect. Seeing the scene in front of them, dozens of disciples were shocked: "Master...Master!"

Dozens of disciples rushed down from the air, and when they saw the corpses of the two masters on the ground, they burst into tears and cried endlessly.

"Why are you crying...get up!"

The eyes of the old man in green were about to burst, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. At this moment, his face was covered with murderous intent, and he said fiercely: "Go, gather everyone... No matter what method is used, no one can be spared. Anyone who sees the Xuanqingmen Kill them all without mercy! Bring me their souls!”

Dozens of disciples were stunned and stunned, and it took them a while to realize, "Yes... yes!" After saying this, they all went around to summon other disciples who were deep in the jungle at the moment.

"Junior brother...Junior brother!"

The old man in green clothes suddenly felt the world spinning, his eyes blurred, he pinched his fingers tightly, and said bitterly, "Two junior brothers, please go away. One day, senior brother, the whole Xuanqing will be stained with blood... to avenge you!"

"Senior brother...senior brother..."

I saw that the black-haired old man's face was pale, and his breath had gradually become weak at this time. The old man in green hurriedly walked over, supported him, and entered a stream of true energy. He looked at the place where his left shoulder was broken, and his chest felt even more... There was a heartbreaking pain: "Second Junior are you?"

The black-haired old man shook his head, his lips were pale, and he said weakly, "It doesn't matter if you break an arm, but senior brother, you must know one thing..."


"Come closer..."

The black-haired old man's breath was weak, and he whispered a few words into the ear of the old man in blue. Then the old man in green's face changed, but slowly, the hatred in his eyes became heavier.

Night fell quietly, and late at night, a layer of mist suddenly appeared over the vast mountains. Nothing could be seen clearly beyond a dozen feet away.

The barrier deep in the dense forest has only been opened for a few days, but countless cultivators have already come in from the outside. What attracts countless people in are naturally the legendary ancient secret treasures, but no one can see the death hidden in the shadows. .

At this time, in a quiet valley, Leng Qianxue was restoring Qian Yu Nishang's true energy, while Xiao Chen was in another cave not far away, running the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques on his own to restore his injuries and skills.

It was probably mid-night when Qian Yu Nishang finally regained her composure and said to Fuling who was sitting at the entrance of the cave, "Senior Sister Fuling, go and see him."

"Oh...oh, okay."

Apart from Qianyu Nishang, Poria and Xiao Chen have the best relationship here. She has been there a few times just now, but she just stood outside the cave entrance and saw the other person doing exercises to heal his injuries without saying a word, so she couldn't go in and disturb him.

At this time, she gently walked over again and saw Xiao Chen still meditating inside. She hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Xiao...Junior Brother Xiao, are you feeling better?"

After a while, Xiao Chen took a deep breath, then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the woman outside the cave. Among the senior brothers and sisters of the Xuan Qing Sect, she was probably the most simple-minded and would never Even though I thought about harming others, I never argued with others.

"Now that I am no longer a member of the Xuan Qing Sect, why do I still use the old name." Xiao Chen looked at her and said calmly.


Fu Ling lowered her head, and for a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

Now in the eyes of the world, Xiao Chen is the big murderous devil. Everyone is scared when they see him. Even Xia Guyun, Lou Qingshan and others sometimes feel scared when they see him. Probably only she dares to Instead of getting closer.

"I have always called you that before, but now...if I change my name now, I don't know what to call you anymore..." Fuling lowered her head and said softly.

"If those righteous disciples see you walking so close to me, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble." Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled, got up and walked out of the cave.

When Fuling heard this, she raised her head and kept shaking her head and said, "Junior brother Xiao, that's not the case. Junior sister and I, senior sister, and senior brothers, we have never thought that you are a demon..."

"That's all."

Xiao Chen raised his hand to stop her from continuing, and said with a smile, "Whether it's good or evil, the chaos in the world, what does it have to do with Xiao?" After that, he strode out.

Seeing that he was leaving, Fuling asked nervously, "Where are you going? Are your injuries healed?"

"It's okay. I'll go out and see if those people have caught up with me."

"oh oh……"

Fu Ling lowered her head and asked, "Junior brother Xiao, during this time... have you seen Brother Sique?"


Xiao Chen recalled that a few years ago, after rescuing Wei Yang from Tianmen, Gui Si was seriously injured, but he should have recovered later. According to Shen Jing, he did not know where he went, and there has been no trace of him over the years. .

"I haven't seen him in these years."


Fu Ling lowered her head again, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I am leaving."

Xiao Chen glanced at her, then moved and went outside the valley.

In the cold night wind, only Fuling was left standing by the entrance of the cave. After standing for a long time, he slowly turned around and returned to the cave where his group was.

"How is his injury?"

Seeing her coming back alone, Qian Yu Nishang asked.

"He...he said he was fine. He just went out to see if those people were chasing him." Fuling told the truth.


Qian Yu Nishang nodded slightly and asked no more questions.

It went on like this until dawn. Poria had gone out many times, but Xiao Chen had never come back. At this time, she was standing by the entrance of the cave, frowning and saying to herself, "Junior Brother Xiao has gone out so late at night, why are you still here?" If you haven't come back, are you in danger..."

"He's not coming back."

At this time, Qian Yu Nishang finally stood up, looked at the dawning sky outside, and said slowly.


Fu Ling didn't understand for a moment, and murmured to herself, "But didn't he say, go out and see if those people have caught up..."

"Those people didn't catch up, so he left. If those people caught up, he would naturally come back and tell us." Leng Qianxue explained.

"Is that so..."

Fu Ling finally understood, and recalled what he said with a smile before leaving, "If those righteous disciples see you walking so close to me, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble."

The cold wind blew through the valley, and the leaves made a rustling sound. Poria looked at the sky that was about to break, and at this moment, her heart suddenly felt sour, as if she was about to cry.

Three days later in the evening, Xiao Chen came to an ancient and silent place. Perhaps it was because of the abnormal ground veins deep in this dense forest. At this time, the jade note in his hand could no longer sense Hua Weiyang's position.

This ancient and silent land seemed to be endless. Just three days ago, a ray of sky suddenly shone from here, attracting countless cultivators who entered it one after another in search of the legendary ancient treasure.

Therefore, in the past two days, people from various factions had many fights and fights. The various Xuanmen factions that were originally harmonious, suddenly felt as if they were possessed by demons after entering this strange place, and their murderous intentions increased sharply.

It was already getting late, and Xiao Chen was standing on the edge of a cliff, his clothes rustling and his eyebrows furrowed. The last trace of spiritual power he sensed from the jade note yesterday came from this direction. Could it be that Wei Young also entered this strange ancient silent place?

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