Two figures suddenly arrived, but they were two old men in green clothes. The white-haired old man on the left had the highest cultivation level among the four people. He was the senior brother, followed by the black-haired old man on the right, whose cultivation level was also not low. .

The two of them had just sensed the movement here with their spiritual consciousness. They were worried that the two junior brothers would act recklessly, so they rushed over in a hurry. When they saw the scene at this time, the two of them were almost stunned.

"Junior brother!"

The two of them rushed over quickly. The white-haired old man glanced at Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nishang in the distance, and a layer of murderous aura suddenly enveloped his body. He said in a deep voice, "Heal the wounds of the two junior brothers!"

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he was already in front of Xiao Chen and Qian Yu Nichang.

"Watch out!"

Qianyu Nishang reacted in an instant and stood in front of Xiao Chen. She formed a seal with her right hand and produced a golden fingerprint. However, she was caught off guard. How could she withstand the incomparable palm of the old man in green?


Hearing a sharp sound, Qian Yu Nishang's body was shaken, and she staggered back. A mouthful of blood suddenly poured out of her mouth, staining the front of her chest red.

The old man in green attacked quickly, his right hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed her again. Xiao Chen's body moved instantly, blocking her in front of her. He raised his left hand, and at this moment he used the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques to the limit. A stream of yin and yang profound energy instantly condensed into a palm, and with a "boom", the old man in green was barely shaken back.


But this time, Xiao Chen was severely shocked by the backlash, and a mouthful of blood immediately gushed out from his mouth. The wound on his chest burst open, and the blood flowed non-stop, almost staining the entire clothes red.


Qian Yu Nishang's face was pale, and she stepped forward to support him. At this time, the dusk was closing, and the setting sun was shining in the dusk. Their clothes were bloody, and blood was flowing out of their mouths, and they were supporting each other.

The cold wind kept blowing, raising their hair, making their backs look a bit sad at this moment.

If they hadn't been on the cliff that evening, the two would have argued endlessly, causing one to be injured and the other to suffer a severe loss of skill. They would have been able to deal with these four old men today.

"Today, I will capture you two first!"

The old man in green had a low voice, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. When he spoke, he moved his hands and instantly condensed a layer of purple confinement spell, covering the two of them.

"Junior sister and Xiao Yichen can't hold on any longer, hurry up!"

In the distance, Leng Qianxue and others flew over in an instant. Although none of them had yet transformed into gods and were far from being the match for the cultivator of spiritual transformation in front of them, Xuanqing Taoism had its own wonders. At this moment, several people attacked several people at the same time. The Taoist teachings taught by the Supreme Being were applied.

"The world is infinite, the universe is vast - Ten Thousand Swords Technique!"

Xia Guyun quickly formed seals with his hands, forcibly raised the true energy of his whole body, and used the Xuanqing Sect's profound Taoist law Ten Thousand Sword Techniques. At this moment, the sky was full of dense sword energy, like a violent storm, fiercely attacking the old man in green. Go.

The rest of the people also used their strongest skills, and what they used at this moment were all Xuan Qing's profound Taoist techniques.

At this moment, the situation in the world changed dramatically. The old man in green clothes wanted to break through the Taoism of several people, but was unexpectedly shocked by the Taoism profound power of several people, and he actually stepped back seven or eight feet.

Although the combined efforts of several people did not cause him any serious trauma, they were able to knock him back.

After standing firm, the old man in green couldn't help showing a hint of shock in his eyes. Is this Xuan Qing Taoism? Sure enough, there is something mysterious about it...

But the more this happened, the murderous look in his eyes became heavier, "These juniors who don't know how to live or die, I will let you die clearly today!"

The sudden increase in murderous aura made the atmosphere at the scene even more tense. After the words fell, the inner energy of the old man in green gathered together, and the black energy suddenly surged in all directions, and a majestic momentum came out. Xia Guyun and the others Suddenly, my heart was shaken, and at this moment, it seemed that even my breathing was about to stop.

"Step aside!"

Seeing that the old man in green clothes was about to take action, Xiao Chen suddenly stepped forward and pulled out the Fuxi Qin in an instant. He stretched his fingers to the "corner string" and pulled the whole piano body. Suddenly, the whole body of the Qin was filled with light, and in an instant, the world in all directions was blown away. All the energy was gathered together.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's whole body was shrouded in mysterious light, as if a heavenly being had descended. Under the pressure of such a majestic momentum, even the old man in green, who had already cultivated into a god, felt his breath suffocated.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he instantly pointed the string at the old man in green. When the old man in green saw him pointing the string at him, he was startled and quickly used his kung fu to protect his heart.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly changed his mind and pointed the strings at the other three people in the distance. To use the magical power of Fuxi Qin, he would have to spend a lot of his true energy, but now his true energy was greatly lost. , it is difficult to guarantee that this string will pop out and be able to severely injure the old man in green in front of him with one blow, so it is better to severely injure the three people, so that the old man in green has no time to take care of himself and others.

At this moment, the old man in green also saw what he was thinking, and was suddenly startled. He hurriedly shouted to the three people in the distance, "Junior careful!"

However, it was too late. He only heard a "zheng" sound from the piano. Xiao Chen had loosened the strings. But when he saw the power of the piano sound, it instantly turned into a green light that shook the sky and swept out. Wherever it passed, Everything is reduced to ashes!

The black-haired old man was concentrating on doing exercises to heal the injuries of the old man in purple and the old man in red. He thought that with the power of his senior brother, it would be effortless to take down those juniors, but how could he have imagined that at this time, there was a terrifying piano sound The power has swept towards him.

By the time he came to his senses, the power of the piano sound was already in front of him. With a "boom", he was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew backwards. The other two old men, who had already been severely injured, were struck again at this time. This terrifying piano power shook, and I am afraid that even if the gods descended to earth, they would not be able to be saved.

"Junior brother——"

The old man in green's eyes were about to burst. At this moment, he could no longer care about Xiao Chen and his group. He moved his body and rushed back instantly. He raised his palms and used great magical powers to freeze the old man in purple and the red man. The dissipating soul of the old man Yi.

"Uh...senior brother, senior brother!"

The black-haired old man's movement was interrupted, and he was also seriously injured at this time. Blood kept pouring out of his mouth. He covered his chest with one hand, and the other hand was shattered by the force of the terrifying piano sound just now. His shoulder The flesh and blood were everywhere, and there was a lot of blood.

"Junior brother...hold on!"

The old man in green had a look of shock on his face. The four of them had been brothers and sisters for hundreds of years. At this time, the lives and deaths of the two junior brothers were uncertain. He could only focus on the souls of the two junior brothers first.

"Senior brother..."

It was very difficult for the black-haired old man to speak, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth. ", quick! The two junior brothers can't be saved. Hurry! Don't let them run away..."

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