In the woods behind, several people from the Taishi Taoist Sect were gathered together, especially the middle-aged man in red, who had a nervous look on his face at the moment, for fear that the Fire Bead would be snatched away.

At this moment, a faint fragrance suddenly floated in the evening wind, and the middle-aged man in red was shocked and said, "Hold your breath!"

However, when he spoke, he was already slow, and only heard a touching laughter: "I didn't know I was a guest in my dream, and I was greedy for pleasure for a while..."

As the words gradually fell, a faint fragrance penetrated into the mouths and noses of several people. Those people immediately seemed to be lost in their thoughts, with spring on their faces. Even the middle-aged man in red with higher cultivation level was also under the illusion. .


Hua Weiyang smiled faintly, immediately emerged from the flower mist, stretched out her hand to the middle-aged man in red and said, "Give me the Flowing Fire Bead."


The middle-aged man in red was unconscious. At this moment, he actually regarded her as a fairy in the sky. To put it bluntly, a small fire-flowing bead was willing to die for the other party, so he immediately handed over the fire-flowing bead.

"No...the Fire Bead was taken away by that demon girl!"

The two old men in green came to their senses and were about to turn around to grab the Flowing Fire Bead, when a palm force roared towards them. The two had no time to look around, so they had to turn back and attack the palm force with a loud bang. Large tracts of nearby trees fell down.

"Idiot, I got the Fire Bead... let's go!"

Hua Weiyang put the Flowing Fire Bead into her sleeves, and Xiao Chen stopped entangled with the two old men. After knocking them back with the last palm, he and Hua Weiyang disappeared.

"Senior brother... chase after me quickly!"

The black-haired old man suddenly reacted and was about to chase after him, but the white-haired old man next to him grabbed him and said, "Junior brother, wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

The black-haired old man turned around, with a slightly confused look on his face. The white-haired old man's eyes were focused, and he said thoughtfully, "The two people just now were by no means ordinary people, and the palm force used by that man , vaguely resembles Xuan Qingmen’s technique, but it’s not the same, could it be..."

Hearing this, the black-haired old man suddenly seemed to have thought of something, his face was slightly startled, and he blurted out three words: "Xiao Yichen..."

"Why did I provoke this evil star..."

The white-haired old man's face suddenly darkened and became extremely ugly. If it had been anyone else, he would have snatched back the Fire Bead tonight no matter what, but when he thought of Xiao Yichen, he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart. Scruples.

"What should we do?"

The black-haired old man seemed a little unconvinced at this time. The white-haired old man shook his head, "Let's find a way first and report this matter to the two elders."

Obviously, these two people were not together with the four people before, but they already knew about those four people. The white-haired old man didn't want to get into such trouble rashly.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. The two of them have escaped thousands of miles away at this time. Because they got the Flowing Fire Bead, Hua Weiyang's body has been covered with a faint breath of Flowing Fire at this moment. The breath of this Flowing Fire Bead cannot be hidden, it is so radiating. Going out will easily attract nearby cultivators.

"Go to the front first."

Xiao Chen saw a valley in front of him and immediately went in with her. After finding a cave, he sat down cross-legged and practiced his energy and breath.

Hua Weiyang saw that his face looked a little bad since just now, and she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you injured?"

"No problem."

Xiao Chen said slowly while exercising his skills. The sword wounds caused by the Qiushui Sword could not be easily recovered, otherwise Qian Yu Nishang would not have used so much energy to heal his wounds in the past two days.

He had been injured before and had not yet fully recovered. He had just fought a few moves with two spiritual transformation cultivators in the woods, and it was obvious that the injury was vaguely affected again.

Hua Weiyang thought quickly and thought that he had not been injured along the way with her, so the injuries on his body were from when he was separated from her.

"Let me see."

She walked over and reached out to touch Xiao Chen's shoulder. She knew that the injury was on his chest and that it was not shallow. She couldn't help but frown, "How come it's so serious and you didn't tell me..."

As she spoke, she pulled open Xiao Chen's shirt. When she saw the terrifying sword wound, she couldn't help but tremble slightly, "This is..."

"It's just a sword wound, no problem." Xiao Chen frowned slightly, gently took her hand away, and closed his clothes.

At this moment, a chill suddenly flashed across Hua Weiyang's eyes, "She hurt you... She is so cruel. This sword almost killed you. If it were just a little closer to the heart, what would happen?" no……"

When she said this, she looked at Xiao Chen and said, "She stabbed you, and I will avenge you in the future."

Xiao Chen saw that she didn't seem to be joking at this time, and was afraid that she would cause trouble. Even he didn't dare to underestimate Qian Yu Nishang's current cultivation level. How could Wei Young be her opponent? "Revenge? Can you beat her?" ?”

Hua Weiyang said, "Who said revenge must rely on force."

Xiao Chen shook his head, "Don't provoke her. If she sees you, she will definitely kill you."


Hua Weiyang hummed softly, and a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes. But gradually, when she looked at Xiao Chen again, the hint of coldness in her eyes turned into tenderness again...

She couldn't help but be startled, wondering why she felt pain in her heart when she just saw the sword wound on his body. Why at that moment, she thought about avenging the sword for him. Could it be that in just a few days, she actually... Are you attracted to this idiot?

How is it possible? After all, he was once a member of the Xuan Qing Sect, and he still hasn't forgotten his master and junior sister, but he is...

But if that's the case, why did Xian Shu say again that day outside the Secret Realm of Hundred Flowers, telling herself not to leave him? Outside, only he could believe that he would not harm her. Why...what did she forget?

Xiao Chen raised his head, saw her looking at him like this, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"


Hua Weiyang came back to her senses and quickly turned her face to the side. Her heart couldn't help but beat loudly. Her face also felt a little warm, but she thought in her heart, strangely, what was she thinking just now...

Xiao Chen saw her expression looking strange at this time and wondered if she had gradually remembered those memories? If she can't remember... then that's fine.

The next day, the two of them headed to the third level of the Land of Ancient Silence. The Sword Tomb was at the deepest part of the third level, but it was mostly dangerous and unpredictable.

It wasn't until dusk fell that the two of them came to the third floor of the ancient land of silence. There were dense clouds on this floor, and the sky was very unusual. Sometimes black clouds surged, sometimes there was lightning and thunder, and sometimes there was rays of light shining down from the clouds. .

"It's really here."

Hua Weiyang looked at the bursts of rays of light in the distance. At this moment, she sensed a strange spiritual power. This spiritual power came from a very far away place, and that place was unusual. It should be the Sword Tomb.

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