The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 569 The Spirit of the Emperor

Xiao Chen saw that she was sensing spiritual power with her eyes closed at the moment, so he stood aside without disturbing her. After a while, when she opened her eyes, he asked, "But where did she sense it?"

"It's vaguely far away. I can probably tell the direction. Let's go.

As Hua Weiyang spoke, she was about to move forward when Xiao Chen suddenly stopped her, "Wait a minute, don't rush. The dangers here are unknown and it's not advisable to travel at night."

"Yeah...that's fine."

Hua Weiyang thought for a while and then stopped. The place she was in at this moment was the most dangerous place in the ancient land of silence. There were not only some terrifying beasts, but also other cultivators. Instead of rushing on the road at night, it was better to find a place to discuss the pick-up. Countermeasures down.

The night falls quietly, and there are many caves in the mountains, but you need to find a hidden place to prevent other cultivators from discovering it, and secondly, to avoid being attacked by some ferocious beasts.

After about a stick of incense, the sky had completely darkened. The two found a cave in the middle of a cliff. There was a cliff above and an abyss below, which was very private. ❃✩

It wasn't until mid-night that the two of them discussed how to enter the Sword Tomb. Although they were the first to enter the depths of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forest, they were delayed due to something in the middle. So now, there must be many cultivators outside the Sword Tomb, and there must be many cultivators outside the Sword Tomb. Practitioners will come in a steady stream.

In this case, even if you can enter the Sword Tomb, even if you get such a secret treasure, it is almost impossible to take it away from countless people.

Hua Weiyang said attentively, "The cultivation level of the two elders of Taishi Dao Sect is very high. They may be masters of the Quasi-Dongxu Realm. If you and I join forces, we may not be their opponents, so we can never force ourselves."

Xiao Chen was silent, thinking back to the sixty years he spent in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, trapped in the Twelve-Fingered Heart Demon Forbidden Area, it was actually a great opportunity for him. It was precisely because of those sixty years that he After realizing the transformation into gods, he has improved his skills countless times. If such an opportunity can come again, he is confident that he can truly transform into gods.

Once he truly transformed into a god, his cultivation at that time was definitely not comparable to that of today's so-called god-transformation cultivators. It is no exaggeration to say that after he successfully transformed into a god, these current god-transformation cultivators were almost as good as him in front of him. Those who have practiced Taoism for decades are no different.

It's a pity that opportunities like this are often rare. Just like when he met the old beggar in Qingzhou City in the mortal world, he taught him a set of three-talented swords.

This sword has infinite uses. Although he has only mastered the first "Human Sword" style at present, this sword is not trivial. It will definitely be of great use to him in the future. This is also a rare opportunity.

"How is your injury?" Hua Weiyang saw that he was silent at the moment and asked.

"It's no longer serious."

Xiao Chen shook his head, thinking that in Qingzhou City, the old man taught him the Sancai Sword. At present, he has only practiced the "Human Sword". Useful.

The Ten Thousand Bone Formation that was brought out in the Bone City of the Tomb of Gods and Demons was used once in Zangfeng Valley last time. It may not be effective again this time, and Fu Xiqin cannot use it easily again. In addition, then There is only one thing left, which is the "Golden Crow Feet" that he accidentally found on his way to Yanggu to look for hibiscus flowers.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen slowly took out the Golden Crow Foot from his sleeve, and saw a faint red-gold light glowing on it. But if he looked closely, he could see that it was densely covered with cracks.

The Golden Crow Foot is an ancient artifact with great power. Unfortunately, it has been damaged a lot for some unknown reason, making it difficult to exert its original power. Xiao Chen has used it twice in succession before, causing the damage to the artifact to be even more serious. Even though he has searched for countless days in the world, It may be difficult for skilled craftsmen to repair it.

"What's this?"

Hua Weiyang curiously looked at the strange claw he took out at this moment. Even though she was well-informed, she had never seen such a strange thing, like a magic weapon made of red gold. However, there are countless craftsmen in the world, but who can make it? How can you create such realistic bird claws?

"This is the Golden Crow Foot..."

Xiao Chen said slowly, recalling in his mind the time when he went to the Eastern Continent to look for the hibiscus flower. Without the Golden Crow Foot, he would not have been able to kill Emperor Yun that time.

"Golden Crow Feet..."

Hua Weiyang looked at the things in front of her curiously and said, "It is said that the Golden Crow has three legs. Could this be the third leg of the Golden Crow? This is really interesting..."


Xiao Chen nodded. He didn't know if it was the third leg of the Golden Crow, but it must be an ancient artifact. He said, "This Golden Crow foot is an ancient artifact. I got it unintentionally. It is very powerful, but I just took it." By the time the Golden Crow reached its feet, it had already been severely damaged. Now if it can be used one last time, it will probably be completely destroyed..."

At the end of his words, he handed the Golden Crow Feet to Hua Weiyang, "Put this on your body."

"Give me?"

Hua Weiyang was stunned for a moment. Although such a divine weapon was about to be destroyed, it was also a life-saving tool in critical moments. If the two of them were in danger after going to the Sword Tomb, he would hand over the Golden Crow Foot at this time. If you kill yourself, doesn't that mean you are giving yourself the last chance to survive?

Seeing her daze, Xiao Chen slowly handed the Golden Crow Foot into her hand and said, "The Golden Crow Foot is very powerful. When using it, be careful not to hurt yourself."


Hua Weiyang lowered her head and looked at the Golden Crow Feet in her hand. She had never been a shy person, but at this moment, for some reason, she felt very embarrassed. She raised her head and said, "You gave me the Golden Crow Feet, what about yourself?"

"Don't worry, it won't be that easy for them to kill me."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and seeing that she was still waiting to say something, he added, "At dawn tomorrow morning, we will set off to the Sword Tomb."

"Okay, okay..."

Hua Weiyang slowly put away the Golden Crow's feet, but thought in her heart, is it really what Xian Shu said? Now, outside, he is the only one who will not harm himself, but why is this happening? What memory has he lost? Why can't he remember it at all? What happened with him...

In the early morning of the second day, the two of them rushed to the Sword Tomb. When they arrived nearby, it was already the afternoon of the third day. The two of them did not dare to reveal their presence too much, because there were many cultivators near the Sword Tomb. , in addition to the two extremely high-level elders of Taishi Taoism, there are other mysterious masters who are probably hiding nearby.

"I feel it..."

The two of them were hiding behind a huge stone. Hua Weiyang looked solemn and said, "That thing is inside. I don't know what it is, but I can sense that this extraordinary thing even has a suffocating... The breath of an emperor.”

"Emperor's breath?"

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen finally understood what was going on. No wonder he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression and suffocation from the moment he arrived here. It turned out to be an imperial aura in the sword tomb?

What is it that has such an aura of an emperor that makes people surrender?

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