The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 570 Ancient Sword Soul

The two of them looked at each other and pondered, what exactly was in the sword tomb that had such a powerful aura?

At this moment, a violent vibration suddenly came from the sword tomb in the distance. The two people immediately came back to their senses and looked over there. They saw that the originally clear and clear sky suddenly turned black clouds.

As if the end of the world was coming, the boundless black clouds instantly enveloped the entire sword tomb. Inside the sword tomb, countless sword shadows suddenly flew into the sky, making "shasha" sounds continuously.

"That is……"

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly. Such a scene is extremely shocking. It can probably only be seen in such strange places as the depths of the Hundred Thousand Forest. The sword shadows lingering in the sky. If it were outside, what kind of uproar would it cause?

"It's the ancient sword spirit..."

Xiao Chen frowned deeply. The so-called sword soul generally refers to those swords that are more spiritual. Such swords will derive sword souls over time. If the sword soul is strong enough, it can be cultivated after thousands of years. A powerful sword spirit, a sword spirit can be considered a living thing.

Of course, there are also very powerful sword souls, but due to various reasons, they cannot become sword spirits. This is not a strange thing. Some sword souls are gentle by nature, some are cruel by nature, some are righteous, and some are righteous. Evil, some sword souls are extremely cruel to killing, and some sword souls don't like killing...

But at this time... Xiao Chen really didn't expect that there would be so many ancient sword souls here. No wonder it was called the "Sword Tomb". It seemed that it was really the tomb of swords, where countless sword souls were buried.

But why do these sword souls gather here? It seems that it is bound by something and cannot leave, but what is it that can bind these countless ancient sword souls?

"Sha, Sha, Sha! Sha, Sha, Sha!"

I saw black clouds rolling endlessly in the air, and the sword souls in the sky suddenly became violent, making continuous "shasha" sounds, and a very heavy evil spirit gradually spread, making people feel vaguely uneasy.

"Someone is coming."

Hua Weiyang was very sensitive to spiritual power. At this moment, she suddenly sensed the presence of spiritual power in the distance. Xiao Chen's spiritual awareness was also sharp, and at this moment, he noticed that there was a powerful aura approaching in the distance.

The two men immediately hid their auras, and saw a dozen figures suddenly appearing in front of them. These people were not members of the Taishi Taoist sect. They were people from some sects in the Five Domains of Immortal Yuan, or some people traveling around. They are Sanren, but their auras are extremely strong, and their cultivation levels are probably very high, far beyond the comparison of those cultivators outside.

"The sword spirit here has come out again... Hurry! Find it quickly!"

I saw those dozen people suddenly flying into the black clouds, and because of their sudden intrusion, the countless sword spirits in the sky suddenly became more violent and began to attack these uninvited guests who broke into the sword tomb.

"Some of these sword souls are very careful!"

Although the cultivation levels of the dozen or so people are not low, they are extremely cautious at this time. No matter how high their cultivation level is, facing these ancient sword spirits, if they are not careful, they will end up with the tragic end of thousands of swords eating their hearts. , many people have been devoured by these ancient sword spirits because of their carelessness before, so at this moment, no one dares to be careless again.

"We must find the black sword soul...quickly!"

A dozen people moved quickly, and while talking, they all condensed a layer of protective essence on their bodies to avoid being attacked by these ancient sword spirits.

Not long after, more than a dozen figures suddenly flew over from a distance. Those dozen people were also not weak in cultivation. When the original dozen or so people here saw someone approaching, the first one, an old man in green with the highest cultivation level, immediately stood up. He came out, as if protecting his own territory, and said loudly, "Those dozen fellow Taoists in the distance, this is the sword soul area we discovered. If you want to find the Xuantian sword soul, please go elsewhere."

The strength gap between the two sides was not big, and neither of them wanted to have a conflict here at the moment. The dozen or so people who followed looked this way, and without saying anything else, they went to the other side.

After about a stick of incense passed in this way, the endless black clouds that filled the sky finally dispersed, and the countless ancient sword souls slowly returned to the sword tomb, and the surroundings became quiet, as if nothing happened. Same.


Looking at the sword tomb that was gradually regaining its tranquility, the old man in green clothes at the head sighed, with a look of disappointment on his face. It was obvious that they had not found what they were looking for in that short time.

At this time, the rest of the people came over. Among them, four middle-aged men were bleeding from their arms. They must have been injured by the sword spirits just now.

The old man in green frowned slightly and looked at them, "How are the injuries?"

"It doesn't matter. The evil spirit of the sword has been forced out, so there is no serious problem."

A middle-aged man in red nodded and said. The old man in green stopped talking after hearing this and nodded slightly, "Let's go to the next place. We can't let others find Xuantian Sword Soul first, otherwise we will I can’t go inside the Sword Tomb.”

After a while, after the dozen or so people had left without a trace, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang walked out from behind the big stone. Looking at the direction in which those people were leaving, confusion flashed across Hua Weiyang's face: "They seem to be... Are you looking for something..."

"Xuantian Sword Soul."

Xiao Chen said, he just heard it from the old man in green, those people were looking for some black sword soul called Xuantian Sword Soul.

"Xuantian Sword Soul..."

Hua Weiyang meditated for a moment, seeming to have thought of something at this moment. She gently crossed her hands on her chest, closed her eyes and carefully used her spiritual power to sense the depths of the sword tomb. After about half a stick of incense, she slowly opened her eyes. He opened his eyes and said, "I know! I know why they are looking for the Xuantian Sword Soul..."


Xiao Chen's spiritual power was not as strong as hers. I don't know what she sensed at this time. Hua Weiyang turned around, looked at him and said, "Those people, they can't get into the depths of the sword tomb. I just sensed that deep inside the sword tomb." Outside, there is a layer of extremely heavy sword evil energy that no one can pass through. If one tries to pass through it, his heart will be burnt by the sword evil energy and he will die. "

After listening to what she said, Xiao Chen roughly understood and said, "And the Xuantian Sword Soul can protect them from the evil spirit of the sword, right..."


Hua Weiyang nodded, "Yes, that's it. The thing that is about to appear must be deep inside the Sword Tomb. It's a pity that those people can only watch from the outside and cannot enter. Presumably the people from the Taishi Taoist Sect, this time There is no way to get in..."

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, as long as you find the Xuantian Sword Soul, you can enter the sword tomb..."


Hua Weiyang nodded again and said, "How about we go in and take a look first?"

"Wait for now..."

Xiao Chen shook his hand, looked up at the sky, and saw that it was getting late, and said, "Those ancient sword souls just now were extremely powerful. The sword tomb must be more dangerous at night. It is almost evening now. Let's not take this risk and wait until dawn tomorrow morning." ”

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