The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 571: Sword Evil Spirit

Hua Weiyang thought for a while and felt that what he said made sense, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

The two of them found a place to rest outside, and waited until dawn the next day before heading into the depths of the sword tomb.

After entering the sword tomb, the two of them immediately felt a sword evil aura. However, the sword evil aura outside was relatively light. As long as they condensed their true energy to protect their bodies, they would not be eroded.

The further we walked in, the stronger the aura of the sword evil became. After walking for about an hour, I looked into the distance and saw huge stone swords standing in many places. However, these stone swords were now broken and broken. , I think it has been a long time ago.

"Are these... all left over from ancient times?"

Looking at this endless forest of stone swords, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but show a slight look of shock on her face. Although these stone swords no longer have any light, they can imagine that in the distant ancient times, the power of these stone swords was probably Can kill immortals and destroy gods.

"No matter how glorious it was in the past, it will eventually decline. The vast universe is boundless and endless. After tens of millions of years, everything in front of us has returned to dust."

Looking at the forest of stone swords in front of him that had lost its glory, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel something. People in the world always think that they can live forever by cultivating immortals, but is there anything eternal in this world?

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, "Yes, but people in the world are obsessed with it, and in the end they realize that everything they pursue is just a mirror.

The two of them were talking, and the aura of the sword evil in front of them was already very strong. If they were not both extraordinary people, they might not be able to sustain it. Among ordinary people, even those with advanced cultivation levels, after coming here, , without any protection, you will inevitably feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, making it difficult to breathe.

After walking for more than ten miles, you can see a thick layer of black air. The sword evil air there is very heavy, so heavy that it forms a black mist. It is conceivable that if a mortal cultivator enters it, Among them, if there is no protection from the sword soul, it will not take a moment to be eroded by the evil spirit of the sword until even the bones are left.


Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, looked at the endless black fog in front of him, shook his hand and said, "We can't go any further..."

Thinking back to the time when he went to the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he was not even afraid of the breath of gods and demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, but now, he was blocked by this thick layer of sword evil aura.

Unless the three flowers gather at the top and are not afraid of all the evils in the world, ordinary people, no matter how high their cultivation level is, will not be able to enter without the protection of the sword soul.

Hua Weiyang said, "It seems that only by finding the Xuantian Sword Soul can we enter."

The two of them had met many ancient sword souls on their way in before, but they did not look for the black Xuantian sword soul. Now it seems that they can only do the same as others and look for Xuantian among the countless sword souls. The sword soul is gone.

Three days later in the afternoon, the two of them had arrived at another place. They saw black clouds surging, and countless ancient sword spirits gathered in the black clouds. The sound of evil spirits continued, and the scene was very terrifying.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly more than a dozen sword spirits flew towards him. Xiao Chen flipped his palm, and his palm power roared out, immediately knocking back the dozen sword spirits.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's face was a little pale. Xiao Chen immediately flew over and supported her. "You have consumed too much spiritual power. If you really can't find it, forget about it first. There are too many sword souls here, and most of them are vicious. It's not appropriate." Long stay.”

Hua Weiyang wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. Looking for the black Xuantian Sword Soul among the countless sword souls was indeed extremely draining of spiritual energy. But if she didn't find the Xuantian Sword Soul, how could she enter the sword tomb and get that? thing?

Just when the two were hesitating, they saw the sword souls all over the sky suddenly spread out to both sides, and there was a black sword shadow in the middle coming towards this direction at a very fast speed.

"That is……"

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed, "Xuantian Sword Soul!"

The two of them searched for the Xuantian Sword Soul for a long time in the past three days, but could not find the Xuantian Sword Soul. Unexpectedly, at this time, a Xuantian Sword Soul took the initiative to come towards them. However, upon closer inspection, behind the Xuantian Sword Soul, There seemed to be many figures, and it turned out that they were chasing the Xuantian Sword Spirit.

"You can't find anything even after you've worn iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there... Excellent!"

Hua Weiyang doesn't care how powerful those people behind are, since the Xuantian Sword Soul is in front of her, it is impossible to let it go.

As soon as she finished speaking, she took out the Flying Flower Lianyou Umbrella. Around the umbrella, flying flowers were looming. This umbrella is a very powerful magic weapon of the You clan. If the magic power is enough, anything can be put into the umbrella, so what? Fear of a Xuantian sword spirit.


I saw Hua Weiyang forming a seal with both hands, and said the word "accept" quickly in her mouth. The Feihua Lianyou umbrella immediately spun endlessly, and then a red light shot out towards the Xuantian Sword Soul, and she collected it in the umbrella in an instant. middle.

"Idiot... let's go!"

After recalling the umbrella, Hua Weiyang did not hesitate. However, when she was about to leave, the people behind her had already caught up with her. Just now, everyone saw clearly that Xuantian Sword Soul, which they had been chasing for a long time, was finally caught by her. He took it away with a magic weapon.

There were probably about a hundred people here, all of whom were of high cultivation. I don't know if anyone inside had recognized her and Xiao Chen. An old man with a white beard stepped forward and said, "This girl, you just collected the magic weapon." The sword soul is something we have been looking for for a long time. It is not a girl’s thing, so please return it.”

Hua Weiyang smiled faintly, "Your names are not written on this sword soul, so how can you return it? If it belongs to you, then why did this sword soul escape just now?"


After hearing what she said, many of the hundreds of people across the street were furious, thinking that the sword soul that I had finally found was found by you here, shouldn't it be returned?

A middle-aged man in red clothes came out, looked at her, and said in a deep voice, "Little girl, my sect leader sees that you are born with a graceful and graceful life. This extremely evil place is not the place where a little girl like you should come. Return the sword soul quickly and leave!"

Hua Weiyang smiled faintly and had no intention of returning the sword soul. Someone on the opposite side finally became impatient. An old man with a white beard in purple clothes stood up and said coldly, "If you don't hand over the sword soul, I will teach you how to kill him today." "

"What nonsense are you talking to her about? Just grab her!"

Several more people stood up, looking like they were going to rob them. However, at this moment, a chill suddenly hit everyone's hearts. Only then did the hundreds of people notice that there was a cold person not far away. A cold man.

"If you want to rob, you might as well give it a try..."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and as he spoke, three blood-transforming needles had condensed in his hand. With his current level of cultivation, once the blood-transforming needles were hit, unless he had a cultivation level close to the Cave Ruins Realm, the chance of survival would be slim.

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