The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 572 Xuantian Sword Soul

Faced with such a chill, everyone couldn't help but tremble, wondering who this young man was. He looked young, but why did he put so much pressure on them?

This time, more than a hundred people did not dare to act rashly. The old man with white beard from before stood up, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I wonder what I call this little friend?"

"No name, no surname..."

Xiao Chen's tone was calm. His name was given by his master. It would be fine if he used a pseudonym. It would be disrespectful to say he has no name at this moment, but he didn't want the people in front of him to know his name.

Seeing that he refused to reveal his name, the white-bearded old man nodded slightly and said, "Okay, but the Xuantian Sword Soul that the girl just took away was indeed found by me and others with great difficulty. Even if it makes sense, then You girl, you should return it, right?"

Xiao Chen said lightly, "When you face those who are weak, you have to rob them. When you face those who are strong, you have to be reasonable. It's really...the upright style of your famous family."


Hearing his sarcasm at this time, a dozen people among the hundreds of people across from him immediately became furious.

But then again, wasn’t that exactly what happened just now? They saw that Hua Weiyang was just a little girl who was single and weak, so they wanted to rob her. However, when they saw that Xiao Chen's cultivation was unfathomable, they became wary, so they tried to reason with her.

"Boy, I want to see how capable you are despite your age!"

A middle-aged man in purple shouted in a deep voice, shook his hands, gathered energy from all directions, and attacked Xiao Chen as fast as a bolt of lightning.

Facing the fierce oncoming force, Xiao Chen remained calm. He gently moved his fingers forward, and with a "whoosh" sound, a blood-transforming needle flew out in an instant. At this moment of life and death, a man holding a whisk in his hand came from behind. The old man in purple saw something was wrong and said quickly, "Junior brother, come back!"

However, the middle-aged man in purple clothes was unable to catch up. The old man in purple clothes behind him raised his true energy and rushed over in an instant. He rolled up the whisk in his hand, then flicked his fingers and hit the blood-transforming needle with a bang. With a loud sound, his arms were numb from the shock, and he and the middle-aged man in purple kept retreating back.

Both of their faces were a little pale, but Xiao Chen's eyes were calm, but his breath was not disturbed at all.

The two people couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. This man actually had such profound skills. The mysterious magic weapon just now had such murderous intent. If he was shot, it would be unpredictable whether he would live or die.

"Let's go back!"

The old man in purple knew that the young man in front of him was by no means an ordinary person. Even the two of him combined might not be his opponent. It was unimaginable that in the world today, among these young people, there were already people with such terrifying cultivation levels. , except Qian Yu Nishang from the Xuan Qing Sect, who else among the younger generation can compete with this person?

Seeing how fierce Xiao Chen had just struck, the hundreds of people behind did not dare to act rashly. There is no doubt that this person's cultivation level is higher than that of himself and others. It can be seen from the attack just now. It can be seen that it may not be easy to get back the Xuantian Sword Soul today.

However, is it not an easy task for them to give up the Xuantian Sword Soul like this? When everyone came to this sword tomb today, they already had a clear understanding of life and death. Even if they met someone with a higher cultivation level than themselves, they would sometimes have to take risks and fight.

At this moment, among the more than a hundred people, some people gradually showed murderous intent. Seeing that these people were ready to fight to the death, Hua Weiyang was slightly shocked, but her face was calm and calm, and she smiled and said, "I will give you this Xuantian Sword Soul, But with more than a hundred of you, can you guarantee that all of you will get inside?"

"You don't have to worry about this, girl..."

The face of the old man in purple became more and more gloomy. Just after he finished speaking, two breaths suddenly came from the distance, which made people feel even more depressed.

"Who's coming here again?"

Those people before were all startled. When they looked up, they saw two sword lights, one green and one purple, flying towards the sky in the distance. They arrived almost in the blink of an eye.

Hua Weiyang saw that these people were in a trance, and there was someone powerful coming from a distance. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so she sent a secret message to Xiao Chen: "Idiot, leave quickly!"

When the two were about to escape, suddenly a strong wind blew towards them, and they heard a sonorous and powerful old man's voice from the horizon saying, "Hand over the sword soul."

Hua Weiyang was suddenly startled. This voice... was from the Taishi Dao Sect!

The two figures arrived in an instant. Xiao Chen knew that he could not escape. He turned around and struck out with a palm, shaking away the strong wind. The remaining energy was stirred out, which immediately caused the anger and blood of the more than 100 people in front to surge. Everyone hurriedly Yun Gong protected his heart and then quickly moved away.

I saw two figures falling down, with stern expressions on their faces. They were the elders in purple and green from Taishi Taoist Sect. Their cultivation levels were probably close to the Cave Ruins realm.

With the arrival of the two people, the original more than a hundred people were stunned by this powerful aura. Just like a person who had just formed an elixir, facing a cultivator who had already cultivated Nascent Soul, they were stunned by this aura. Under the shroud, it was almost impossible to breathe.

At this moment, the two people's eyes were sharp, and their eyes fell on Xiao Chen for a moment. Xiao Chen looked at the two of them at this moment, and he felt a little pressure inexplicably. Is this the fear of a cultivator in the Cave Ruins Realm? These two people haven't really stepped into that realm yet, but their aura is already so compelling. If they were a master of the Cave Ruins Realm...

But when the two people from Taishi Daomen saw him looking at each other, they didn't panic at all. There was only one person they could think of at the moment.

"As expected of Ling Yin's disciple... he really has courage." The purple-clothed elder on the left said slowly with sharp eyes.

When everyone in the distance heard that it was Xiao Yichen, they all felt an inexplicable chill behind them. No wonder this person had put so much pressure on them just now. They said that in this world, who among the younger generations could have such ability? No wonder , no wonder...

But at this time, Xiao Chen saw him reveal his identity and said no more. With a flick of his sleeves, there was a long sword in his hand, but when he saw the cold light on the sword's edge, the sword was not made of extraordinary iron. The sword is a heart sword condensed with true essence.

Seeing that the edge of his sword was drawn, the murderous intent in the eyes of the two elders became stronger and stronger. The elder in green on the right said solemnly, "Since you dare to kill people in my sect outside, then you must be prepared for today." …”

As soon as these words came out, the more than a hundred people earlier were even more startled. They looked at Xiao Chen again, with shock in their eyes. It turned out that he actually killed people from Taishi Taoism outside. No wonder these two people in front of them The elders of Taishi Taoist Sect are so murderous...

"It's useless to talk more. Xiao also wants to see how much the two of you who are close to the Cave Ruins Realm are far behind compared to the one from Zangfeng Valley."

Facing two people with extremely high cultivation levels, Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, and his words at this moment made those in the distance slightly startled, and they all looked around. Could it be that according to the rumors, the people in Hidden Front Valley were Is that Xuanzu here too?

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