The two elders of Taishi Taoist Sect had stern eyes and said no more at this moment. The elder in purple was shocked and took the lead in launching an offensive against Xiao Chen. Suddenly, strong winds surged around him. In the wild sand in the sky, only the elder in purple could be seen. The person seems to have turned into a sword light, coming in awe-inspiring way!

Seeing the opponent's heavy and fierce attack, Xiao Chen did not hesitate, and fiercely activated the Xuan Gong in his body. The power of Nine Yin and Nine Yang attached to the long sword in an instant. However, seeing the dazzling sword light, after the sword was slashed, the sword energy suddenly Turned into a hundred feet of mysterious light.

Hearing a "boom", the forces of the two sides collided, and all the surrounding rocks shattered into dust. At this moment, Xiao Chen only felt his body shake. The arm holding the long sword was sore and numb, and his feet also felt numb. He stepped back uncontrollably.


Hua Weiyang was shocked. She didn't expect the elder in purple's cultivation to be so terrifying. She flew over in an instant and supported Xiao Chen. Worried that his injury would relapse, she asked, "How are you?"

"No problem..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed, and he slashed with the sword. The long sword kept making a whistling sound in his hand. The originally chaotic infuriating energy was immediately calmed down by Yao Guang's "Jade Heart Art" and began to flow normally again. When he got up, he looked completely fine.

In the distance, the blue-robed elder's eyes narrowed slightly. He could see clearly from behind. There was no doubt about the power of the junior brother's blow. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been seriously injured. But this kid not only used a strange Yin-Yang Mysticism The skill was blocked hard, and the true energy was stabilized soon after. Is this the Xuanqingmen's skill? Sure enough, it has its merits...


The purple-clothed elder snorted coldly, gathered the true energy in his palm, and suddenly black clouds enveloped him. Wind and thunder surged from all directions, causing countless thunder to fall directly towards Xiao Chen and the two of them. Such a terrifying thunder spell , if an ordinary person touches it even slightly, it will be instantly destroyed.

Seeing the spell coming, Hua Weiyang's thoughts moved, and the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella was instantly launched. It magnified several times in an instant and rotated above the two people's heads, blocking all the layers of sky thunder.

"What a powerful magic weapon..."

Everyone watching the battle from a distance was moved in their hearts. This kind of magic weapon can even withstand thunder. If you hold it in your own hands, wouldn't it be able to withstand all magical attacks in the world?

After the rolling thunder passed by, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang were protected by the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella, but they were not damaged at all. The purple-clothed elder's face became even more gloomy. He could take down these two with just one or two moves. He was a young junior, but he didn't expect these two people to be so difficult to deal with.

Suddenly, he raised his breath, and his body was suddenly covered with a layer of mysterious light. His whole aura suddenly strengthened countless times, and the murderous aura in his body became much heavier.

"Step aside!"

Seeing the opponent's killing move coming, Xiao Chen sent Hua Weiyang back with one palm, and then quickly struck the purple-clothed elder with a sword. The sword body instantly gathered a layer of nine yin and nine yang power, and suddenly became dazzling, " With a "clang" sound, it collided with the purple-clothed elder's profound energy. The long sword was shaken so much that it trembled. Xiao Chen suddenly felt numb in his body and stepped back again.

When Hua Weiyang saw this, she immediately stepped forward to support him and whispered in his ear, "No, this man's cultivation level is too high. You and I are not his opponents yet..."

"You little boy, I will wipe you out in ashes today!"

The purple-clothed elder had a terrifying look on his face. Suddenly, his figure suddenly enlarged a lot, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Swallow the world!"

The magical power that was approaching the Cave Ruins Realm was activated in an instant, and the situation suddenly changed, the sky and the earth turned pale, and a black shadow was seen covering all directions, like the huge mouth of an ancient beast, swallowing Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang at once.

This time, the cultivators who were watching the battle in the distance also felt their hearts shaken. Looking at the black shadow that enveloped the world and swallowed everything, everyone felt that their legs were weak. Is this the strength close to the Cave Ruins Realm? terrible……

The strong wind surged, and everything was swallowed up in the black shadow. Seeing that the black shadow had shrouded it, at this moment, Xiao Chen had no choice but to risk his life and survive. He fiercely urged his heart, and a red mysterious seal suddenly appeared between his eyebrows. The artistic conception of immortality burst out at this moment.

A suffocating idea exploded, causing everyone within a radius of dozens of miles to feel an inexplicable tremor. For some reason, there was a sudden panic in their hearts, as if even their breathing was about to stop.

The black shadows in the sky were shaken away in an instant, including the purple-clothed elder. At this moment, it was as if he was being shocked, and he felt a tightness in his chest.

Everyone didn't know what was going on. Only the elder in Qingyi behind him felt it at that moment. It was an extremely strong thought!

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart. Even when he looked at Xiao Chen again, there was a look of disbelief in his eyes. No wonder this boy's cultivation was far better than the others. It turned out that he had comprehended a very strong artistic conception. But what kind of artistic conception was that just now? Even he felt a little suffocated for no reason...

"Boy, I underestimated you..."

The purple-clothed elder's face was extremely gloomy. He had never struggled so hard to deal with such a junior. At this time, his murderous intent increased greatly, and suddenly it turned into a ray of light and flew towards the opponent.

This time, the profound energy surged even more. Xiao Chen knew that there was no other way to resist this man. Now he could only try the sword technique taught by the old beggar outside Qingzhou City!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, raised the sword to his chest, silently recited the sword formula in his heart, and instantly gathered 30% of his true energy with his fingers, and drew it on the sword's edge. The whole sword suddenly became dazzling, and on his body All around, a powerful sword energy suddenly gathered.

"This is……"

In the distance, the elder in green squinted his eyes. When he felt the sword energy near Xiao Chen, his expression suddenly changed and he said quickly, "Junior careful!"

However, it was already too late. The purple-clothed elder was eager to take down the opponent. At this moment, he did not guard against the opponent's sword moves at all. He also underestimated the opponent and never thought that the opponent would have such a powerful sword move. When he reacted , that sword has struck, and even Xiao Chen didn't expect that this sword would be so powerful!

There was a sound of "chi", and immediately blood splattered everywhere. This thrust of the sword not only broke through the layers of the mysterious skills of the purple-clothed elder, but also penetrated him through the chest with one sword. The remaining power has not disappeared yet. Under the shock of Qi, the elder in purple vomited blood and flew backwards as if he had been severely injured.

This scene only stunned the cultivators in the distance. They knew very well what the cultivation level of the two elders of Taishi Taoism was, but why was the purple-clothed elder severely injured by Xiao Yichen's sword just now? That swordsmanship doesn't look like Xuanqingmen's swordsmanship. What kind of swordsmanship is it that is so terrifying...

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