The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 574: Deep in the Sword Tomb

"Junior brother!"

The expression of the elder in green changed, and he flew over in an instant, catching the elder in purple, and with two fingers, he connected several large acupuncture points on his chest to protect his heart.

And here, Xiao Chen used the first "Human Sword" in the Sancai Sword. Although the power of this sword exceeded his expectation, the sudden sacrifice of 30% of his true energy was beyond what anyone could imagine, like a If a mortal suddenly loses 30% of his blood, can he still stand firm?

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face was pale. In a short period of time, it would be difficult to use this sword move. Hua Weiyang quickly supported him and poured a spiritual power into his body to prevent him from suffering the backlash caused by the depletion of true energy.

"Senior brother...quickly, kill him...kill him!"

The purple-clothed elder's face was pale, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. He really didn't expect that sword just now to have such terrifying power. However, even if he did, what could he do? Is it possible to block this sword?

The elder in Qingyi also had a look of terror on his face at this moment. Suddenly he raised his palm, and black clouds surged. In the black cloud, a thousand-foot-long palm suddenly appeared, and it grabbed Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang.

Everyone in the distance was suffocated. It was a great magical power that was close to the Cave Ruins Realm... the sky-raising hand! This time, the two of them may never be able to escape again!

At this critical moment, Hua Weiyang suddenly took out something shiny from her sleeve, but it was the Golden Crow Foot that Xiao Chen had given her before.

The Golden Crow Foot can be used for the last time. Hua Weiyang injects spiritual power into it in an instant. At this moment, the entire Golden Crow Foot becomes dazzling, as if burning out life and blooming the last moment of brilliance!

"Then...what is that!"

At this moment, all the cultivators in the distance felt an infinite ancient divine power. Their hearts trembled. At this time, they could clearly feel the terrifying power!

Hua Weiyang summoned enough spiritual power, held the Golden Crow Foot, and struck the elder in green. On top of the Golden Crow Foot, there seemed to be a fiery red bird rushing out, and it suddenly transformed into a thousand feet, carrying a wave of destruction. The power of the earth suddenly flew towards the elder in green.

The Tsing Yi elder never expected that the opponent actually had such a powerful artifact in his hand. The magical power of the sky-raising hand he had previously displayed was shattered by this divine power, but the power of the Golden Crow Foot was still not there. Mie, hit him at once.


There was a loud noise, and there was a violent tremor in a radius of more than ten miles, and dust billowed up all over the sky. The elder in green was hit by the divine power of the golden crow's feet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards uncontrollably. The purple-robed elder had already been injured before. Even if the azure-robed elder stood in front of him at this time, his injuries would be compounded, and his heart would be severely damaged.

Everyone in the distance was stunned. What kind of magic weapon is this that is so terrifying?

I saw that the Golden Crow Feet in Hua Weiyang's hand were already covered with cracks and completely lost their luster. Sure enough, after the last use, the Golden Crow Feet had been completely damaged and could no longer exert any power.

At this moment, a large number of figures suddenly flew over in the distance, apparently attracted by the fight just now.


The first few dozen people who flew over were actually people from the Taishi Taoist Sect. Among them, a few old men were not low in cultivation. They never expected that the two elders had followed Xuantian Sword Soul and came here first. , they had not seen each other for a while, and now they were both so seriously injured. Who could hurt the two elders so seriously?

"Quick...quickly capture those two people!"

The elder in Tsing Yi covered his chest with his hands, condensing his true energy and protecting his heart. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. At this moment, his murderous aura suddenly increased. If he hadn't used my mysterious power to protect his body, he would have died in that blow. He fell, but his junior brother, the purple-clothed elder, was injured one after another. He might not be able to recover easily in a short period of time.

Dozens of people saw Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang in the air. They couldn't help but rush forward. Xiao Chen had used the Three Talents Sword just now, which consumed a lot of real energy. It was difficult to fight with so many people at this time. Golden Crow His feet were also damaged, and now he had no choice but to escape. It was impossible to get entangled with so many people.


Without thinking, while the elders in green and purple had not recovered, Xiao Chen took Hua Weiyang and fled far away with Lingxian steps.

"Go after them! We can't let these two people escape!"

The elder in Qingyi's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted loudly, and everyone around him chased after him. However, at some point in the distance, many people suddenly came, and these people actually chased Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang.

"The Xuantian Sword Soul is in their hands, chase after them quickly!"

The more than 100 people who had been there before also chased after them. Now the two elders with the highest cultivation level in Taishi Dao Sect have been seriously injured. There is not much threat to them anymore, so the Xuantian Sword Soul must be taken back.

Although they were frightened by the battle just now, they thought about it again. Xiao Yichen's face was pale just now. It seemed that his inner energy was damaged. In a short time, it would be impossible to use such powerful force again. The sword was drawn, and the magic weapon in the demon girl's hand seemed to have lost its luster. In this case, what did they have to fear?

After thinking about it like this, those who were originally worried no longer had any scruples and chased Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang one after another.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. They fled all the way to the depths of the Sword Tomb. Because they had exhausted their energy in dealing with the two elders of Taishi Taoist Sect, now they were chased by hundreds of cultivators. If the movement spreads out, it will only attract all the cultivators nearby.

The two of them fled until dusk fell. The hundreds of cultivators behind them were still chasing after them as if they were crazy. For Xuantian Sword Soul and to be able to enter the sword tomb, those cultivators who came after them, He almost didn't even want his life.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Hua Weiyang stopped immediately. Her face was slightly pale, but she quickly calmed down and said, "Idiot, we can't run like this anymore. The sword evil spirit in front is very strong. Now only……"

Before he finished speaking, a large group of people were chasing after him. Looking from a distance, there were even more than a few hundred people. They were densely packed, and there were cultivators everywhere, scrambling to get here.

"Oops, they caught up again so quickly..."

Hua Weiyang's face was slightly anxious, but she was still calm at the moment. She looked at Xiao Chen and said, "We just have to try to see if we can get in..."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything more, and suddenly used all his strength, shook his palms, and formed a layer of true energy barrier within ten feet around him and Hua Weiyang, which could temporarily resist the attacks of those cultivators.

Hua Weiyang no longer hesitated, and immediately released the Xuantian Sword Soul from Feihua Lianyou Umbrella, trying to subdue it, and let the sword soul protect her and Xiao Chen into the depths of the sword tomb.

At first, the Xuantian Sword Soul was still very irritable, but later on, as her spiritual power calmed him down and she continued to chant the incantation, the sword soul gradually stabilized.

The people outside had also caught up. Seeing that the sword soul was about to be subdued, someone immediately attacked, but there was a protective barrier set up by Xiao Chen outside. Those people wanted to break through the barrier for a while, but they couldn't. Not an easy task.

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