More and more people gathered outside, and some cultivators who didn't know what was going on also followed. When they saw the scene in front of them, many people were startled, wondering if that person was the abandoned disciple of Xuan Qing Sect back then? Ling Yin's only disciple... was able to resist so many people by himself at this moment, which was really impressive.

"The Xuantian Sword Soul is in their hands, hurry!"

The offensive in the crowd became more and more fierce, and many latecomers joined in. Xiao Chen gradually felt a little tired, and looked to Hua Weiyang, "How long will it take?"

"It's almost...he's ready, just hold on a little longer!"

As Hua Weiyang spoke, she calmed down the Xuantian Sword Soul with her spiritual power. At the end, the surroundings suddenly shook violently. She thought it was the people outside who had broken through Xiao Chen's true energy barrier, but she sensed it carefully. Later, it was discovered that this shock actually came from deep underground. ✪

"what happened?"

The people outside were also shocked at this moment. The shock became more and more fierce. Slowly, bottomless cracks appeared on the ground. The mountains in the distance also cracked from them, and gravel continued to fall down.

"No matter... we can't let the two of them enter the sword tomb!"

The people outside launched another attack, and the shocks nearby became more and more violent. The layer of true energy barrier finally could no longer support it. It was full of dense cracks and would collapse at any time under the attack of everyone.


There was just a loud noise, and the true essence barrier finally fell apart. It was also at this last moment that Hua Weiyang finally subdued the Xuantian Sword Soul. In an instant, she took Xiao Chen's hand and headed towards the sword evil deep in the sword tomb. The anger rushed inside.

"Don't leave!"

Several old men from the Taishi Taoist Sect and a dozen masters from the sect rushed up in an instant. Xiao Chen suddenly activated all his skills and manipulated life and death in an instant. The terrifying power of life and death suddenly turned into black mist all over the sky. It headed straight towards the dozen or so people.

"Watch out!"

An old man felt the horror of the black mist, and instantly worked together with several other senior brothers to form a barrier to block the black mist. However, when the black mist dissipated, Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen were already gone. There is no trace of Hua Weiyang.

"That was just now..."

The faces of the cultivators in the distance also showed slight shock. Although they were far away just now, they could feel that the power contained in the black mist could take away their lives in almost an instant.

"Master... they ran in, what should we do now?"

Inside the Taishi Dao Sect, more than a dozen disciples flew up. The leading old men looked at the black mist and the sword spirit in front of them. Their faces were filled with shock. After a long time, they said, "Without Xuantian Sword Soul, we can't do it." Break in forcefully, otherwise you will be eroded by the evil spirit of these swords..."

"What should we do?"

Dozens of people frowned deeply. Now that they can't enter the depths of the Sword Tomb, should they just watch those two people get the things inside?

"Don't panic..."

At this time, an old man in green clothes came over, looked at the endless black mist area in front, and said slowly, "The vibration just now has caused changes in the earth's veins here. Look, those sword evil spirits... , is seeping into the ground..."

After hearing this, the disciples immediately looked around, and sure enough they found that the sword evil energy that had enveloped the depths of the sword tomb was seeping into the ground little by little. In three days at most, the sword evil energy would dissipate. By then, nature will be able to enter unimpeded.

"The two elders have not yet recovered from their injuries, so we must guard against those behind us."

The old man in green lowered his voice. He really didn't expect that this visit to the Hundred Thousand Forest would be so unsuccessful. Now the two elders were also injured. If he had known this, he would have had more people come to the door no matter what.


At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded from the crowd behind, and a middle-aged man in red robe stood up and laughed at the dozens of people from the Taishi Taoist Sect in front of him and said, "You Taishi Taoists" Daomen came in this time, tried his best and tried his best, but in the end he made a wedding dress for someone else, hahaha!"

"What did you say!"

On the Taishi Taoist side, several disciples immediately glared at them. The middle-aged man in red robe was not afraid to laugh back, "What did I say? Everyone knows it well. It's a shame that you still want to compete with the Xuanqing sect, but you know that the person who just entered That person, he came out of Xuanqingmen? So what if he killed you? Did you catch him in the end? "


Hearing this, more than a dozen people on the Taishi Taoist side became furious. Just as they were about to argue with each other, the old man in green raised his hand and ordered them to go to the back. He looked coldly at the middle-aged man in red robe opposite, "This Fellow Taoist, if you have anything to say, it’s easy to say that without such yin and yang aura, what kind of cultivation is that person? Didn’t you just see that you couldn’t get the Xuantian Sword Soul back from him?”

Just as the words fell, the sky in the distance suddenly surged with wind and clouds, and a powerful aura came. Everyone was startled. Looking up, they saw a sword light coming at a very fast speed under the fire cloud, and suddenly Arrive soon.

That sword light instantly transformed into an old man with a white beard wearing a black Taoist robe. The old man looked like an immortal. He held a whisk in his hand, and his body was shrouded in true energy. The sword evil energy around him could not get close to him at all. , with this level of cultivation, I am afraid that he has already reached the Cave Ruins Realm, right?

The practitioners nearby felt suffocated. Could this person also be from the Taishi Taoist sect? A peerless expert in the Cave Ruins Realm...

"It's the Great Elder..."

The people from the Taishi Taoist Sect didn’t expect that this time only the second elder and the fourth elder would come to the Hundred Thousand Forest, but they didn’t expect that the great elder also came in!

The old men were even more shocked and hurriedly stepped forward with a somewhat frightened look on their faces. They cupped their hands and said, "I've seen the great elder..."


The old man in black robes had a stern look on his face, and he glanced at the crowd behind him. All of those people trembled as if they were struck by lightning, and in the next moment, they didn't even dare to move.

"Just now, I seemed to hear someone saying that my Taishi Dao Sect is not as good as the Xuan Qing Sect, right..."

The old man in black robe had a cold voice, and when he spoke, his two eyes were like cold arrows, shooting at the middle-aged man in red robe.

The middle-aged man in red robe suddenly felt his breath suffocated. Under the pressure of the opponent's aura, he did not dare to move. With such a terrifying aura, could he really be a master of the Cave Ruins Realm...

At this moment, two mysterious lights suddenly shot out from the eyes of the old man in black robes. The middle-aged man in red robes immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and kept retreating. There was blood overflowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

An old man behind him hurriedly supported him, looked at the old man in black robes from the Taishi Taoist Sect, and said, "My junior brother is just a talker. My Taoist friend's cultivation is far above us, so you don't need to be on the same level as us, right?"

The old man in black robes had cold eyes, "It's not your turn to comment on how my Taishi Taoist sect is, please do so." As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind swept away, suffocating everyone's breath.

Seeing his advanced cultivation, everyone knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so they didn't say anything more and went away one after another.

When they were almost gone, the old man in green walked up to the old man in black robe and whispered, "Great Elder, before..."

"Needless to say, I already know that the second and fourth junior brothers are still too careless."

The old man in the black robe raised his hand and said in a cold voice, looking at the area enveloped by the sword evil aura, "Xuanqingmen, is Xiao Yichen..."

Seeing his cold eyes, the old man in green whispered again, "The two people have just entered. The sword evil spirit here is too strong, and our cultivation is too low to break through it. Is there anything the Great Elder can do..."

The old man in black robe stared at the boundless sword evil spirit and remained silent. After a while, he said, "If I had reached the cave ruins, I would be able to eliminate the sword evil spirit here without any effort. It's just that I came in a hurry this time." , still one step away..."

Hearing this, the old man in green trembled slightly in his heart. It turns out that the great elder has not yet reached the realm of cave ruins? After a long while, he said, "Then... we can only wait three days for the sword evil spirit here to dissipate on its own."

"Don't worry, even if they find something like that, they can't take it out of here." The old man in black robe stared into the depths of the sword tomb and said coldly.

At this moment, deep inside the sword tomb, there are only layers of sword evil aura shrouded in it. Such a strong sword evil aura will inevitably corrode a person's internal organs and all the veins in the body. Fortunately, Hua Weiyang and Xiao Chen have a mysterious ability. The protection of the Heavenly Sword Soul resists the layers of sword evil energy and prevents it from being eroded.

But as they walked further in, the strange aura got heavier and stronger, and the ground began to vibrate again. The vibrations became more and more fierce, and the two of them were almost unable to stand still.

"Be careful..."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and quickly supported Hua Weiyang. However, a sudden and violent shock caused the place where the two of them were standing to suddenly collapse. At this moment, the two of them were defenseless and fell into the bottomless ancient cave. They went down, not knowing what was waiting for the two of them below.

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