The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 576: Ancient Palace of the Abyss

The two of them had been falling for who knows how long. There was darkness below, which seemed to have no bottom. Xiao Chen held Hua Weiyang tightly with his left hand, and the true energy in his right hand condensed, forming a ray of light, so that he could see the surroundings clearly.

It turns out that beneath the ancient cave, there is a bottomless abyss, like a world lost in ancient times, with many strange flowers and plants growing that are not visible outside.

It wasn't until he was about to fall to the bottom that Xiao Chen slapped the ground with his palm to cushion the two of them from falling.

The surrounding light was dim, and the only light came from some luminous plants. Such an underground abyss monument was really shocking. ✮

"here it is……"

Looking at the darkness nearby, Hua Weiyang would have thought that she had returned to the Nether World if she hadn't been able to feel some spiritual power from the human world.

"I don't know, be careful."

Xiao Chen stared at the surroundings and was cautious. The two of them fell down just now. Fortunately, they were not injured. However, they had no idea where they were below. They had fallen for so long just now. If they wanted to go up this time, they might be afraid. It's a little difficult.

"They won't chase them down, right?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him, recalling that when she fell before, she vaguely felt a strong aura behind it. It seemed that even though there were layers of sword evil aura outside the sword tomb, in a few days, those people would You can also come in.

"They won't be able to come down in a short period of time, so don't worry...cough, cough!"

As Xiao Chen was talking, his face suddenly turned pale. It was obvious that the injury was involved again. Hua Weiyang hurriedly helped him up, "How are you? Has the injury happened again?"

"No problem..."

Xiao Chen calmed his breath. The injuries caused by the Qiu Shui Sword were affected one after another. It seemed that unless Shen Jing was found this time, he would not be able to recover in a short time.

"Let's go ahead and have a look."

Xiao Chen glanced at the dark place in front, no longer caring about his injuries. The two walked for a while, and an ancient palace faintly appeared in front of them. The two stopped immediately, feeling the faint sound of the ancient palace. Hua Weiyang couldn't help but be startled by the aura of an emperor, "Could this be the tomb of an ancient emperor?"

It is still unclear whether it is the tomb of an ancient emperor, but at this moment Xiao Chen felt the aura of the emperor. For some reason, at this moment, he felt vaguely familiar...

Although it has the aura of an emperor coming to the world, it is also so lonely and lonely... Why is such a complicated feeling so familiar?

"Idiot...what's wrong with you?"

Hua Weiyang saw that he was suddenly lost in thought and asked.


Xiao Chen came back to his senses, looked at the looming ancient palace in the distance, and said, "Maybe something like that is inside. It's an opportunity for you and me to fall into this abyss today. Let's go and have a look."


Hua Weiyang nodded, said no more, and immediately followed him to the ancient palace.

The ancient palace seemed to be not far ahead, but the two of them walked for a long time before finally getting closer. When they approached the ancient palace, the aura of the emperor before them became even stronger.

How could such an imperial aura be buried in this dark abyss? How many years have passed? Thousands of years, ten thousand years? Or tens of thousands of years...

"Want to go in and have a look?"

Hua Weiyang looked into the ancient palace and said with a frown.

The courage of the two people can be considered very great. If an ordinary person came to such a place, even if he was not intimidated by the imperial aura, he would never dare to approach it so rashly, let alone enter it.

"Be careful later and don't stay too far away from me."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he cautiously approached the ancient palace. Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, said no more, and followed him cautiously. Feihua Lianyou Umbrella was already out, surrounding the two of them.

Just as the two of them were about to approach the entrance of the ancient palace, suddenly, two black shadows came from nowhere and suddenly attacked the two of them. "This is a forbidden area, and mortals will die if they enter..."

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The two black shadows were extremely evil and their voices were terrifyingly low. They attacked in front of the two of them in an instant. Xiao Chen's inner energy was shaken and he blocked the attack of the two black shadows. He then took Hua Weiyang and took advantage of the opportunity to move back. With one leap, he left the attack range of the two black shadows.

"That is……"

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed and she saw those two black figures, which looked like the generals in ancient times. But now, they have become ghosts and they don't know how long they have been waiting here.

"Anyone who enters my forbidden area will die..." The two ghosts had a terrifying voice. As soon as they finished speaking, their eyes glowed brightly, and they attacked the two of them at once.

This is an immortal thing and is very difficult to deal with. Xiao Chen immediately unfolded his body, condensed a long sword in an instant, and slashed at one of the ghosts. However, the long sword had no effect at all on the ghost. nor.


The ghost turned around and struck Xiao Chen with a palm. However, this palm instantly formed a black palm print in mid-air, as if it was trying to pull the person alive into the netherworld. There was no way to avoid it!

"Watch out!"

Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand, and Feihua Lianyou Umbrella flew over instantly. With a "bang", it blocked the palm, but another ghost attacked her at once. Xiao Chen moved and flew over instantly. , taking her far away.

The two of them fell to the ground and looked at the two ghosts in front of the ancient palace. A slight look of shock flashed across their faces. For such a powerful ghost, ordinary attack methods were of no use at all...

"Be's coming again!"

Before the two could take a breath, the two ghosts attacked again in an instant. This time the attack was even more ferocious, with constant black palm prints, and everything nearby, including vegetation, flowers and rocks, was absorbed into the silence.

Facing such a terrifying offensive, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang's attacks were useless and they had to dodge all the way. But in the end, the power of the two ghosts seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Mortals...must die!"

Suddenly, the figures of the two ghosts enlarged countless times, as terrifying as ancient giant souls. Hua Weiyang forced herself to calm down, "No, these are two dead objects. Any attack method is useless against them..."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. For such immortal souls, even the Soul Confinement Technique taught to him by Ku Lingzi might not be able to do anything. The other attack methods are also ineffective, so why not try to control life and death... …

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, leaped into the air in an instant, stretched out his hand, and the power to control life and death surged out instantly, but when he saw the black fog in the sky, the two ghosts were immediately enveloped in it.

"I finally silence."

Being shrouded by the power of manipulating life and death, the two ghosts stopped as expected, made a low sound, and then slowly dissipated.

After the two ghosts dissipated, the surrounding area gradually returned to calm. Xiao Chen slowly fell back to the ground, and the death energy on his body disappeared in a flash.

Hua Weiyang stood behind and saw the scene clearly. At this time, she slowly walked up and looked at the withered vegetation around Xiao Chen. Doubt flashed across her face: "How could there be... on you... A bit dead?"

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