"How come...you have a sense of death in you?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him and thought that the induction just now was not wrong. How could there be such a heavy death aura in his body? Why is the memory always vague...


Xiao Chen looked at her and recalled that in the ancient realm of Xianbei, because of the backlash of life and death in his body, she went to Lingshan Tianling Sect to ask for the seeds of Dieffenbachia. But now, she didn't even remember anything.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at the ancient palace in the distance that had been silent for a long time, and said, "There should be no obstacles, let's go in and take a look."

Hua Weiyang's face was still a little strange, but seeing that he didn't say anything, she didn't ask any more questions, and the two of them walked into the ancient palace.

When they arrived at the ancient palace, the two of them immediately felt an imperial aura. Such an aura was particularly suffocating.

The two of them walked forward cautiously, and the further they went, the stronger the aura became, and it was obvious that they were getting closer to the thing that had been silent here for tens of millions of years.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a huge ancient palace here. Could it be that... this is the real sword tomb, right? A place where swords are buried, but who would bury swords here..."

Hua Weiyang whispered while focusing on sensing the nearby things. She always felt that there was something strange here. How could there be such a place deep in the dense forest? It's so weird...

The two walked for a while and finally came to the center of the ancient palace. The place had been abandoned for a long time and was overgrown with weeds. The entire hall was covered with thorns and vines. It looked extremely desolate, but the imperial aura actually came from there. It came out here.


Hua Weiyang suddenly looked shocked and pointed at the pile of rubble in the center of the hall. There was a sword stuck in the pile of rubble, and the sword was already covered with dust, and the original appearance of the sword could not be seen. , but this imperial aura comes from that sword.

"This is……"

Xiao Chen focused his eyes, but he couldn't tell the origin of the sword. It was covered with dust, and the original appearance of the sword could no longer be seen.

"Wait...be careful."

Xiao Chen said as he slowly walked over. As he approached, he flicked his palm and a strong wind blew away the dust on the sword.

I saw that this sword was particularly simple. I didn't know what material it was made of. It looked like black iron, but black iron would not have such an aura. Why did this sword... have such an imperial aura?

"It seems that what Taishi Taoist Sect is trying every possible means to find is this sword. It has been buried here for thousands of years and has never seen the light of day. However, this sword energy is still not extinguished. The emperor's energy still exists. It is indeed extraordinary. …”

As Hua Weiyang spoke, she slowly approached, stretched out her hand to hold the sword hilt, and wanted to pick it up. However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not shake the sword at all. She tried several times, but no matter how she used her skills, the sword could not be moved. The sword always stood on the ground, motionless, as quiet as the abyss.

"How could it be..."

Hua Weiyang couldn't help but frown, as if she was still unwilling. She tried again, but the ancient sword still didn't move at all.

At this moment, a young man's voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them, "Little girl, let's get out of the way, Di Gu, you can pick it up just as you say."


Hearing this voice, Xiao Chen immediately turned around, only to see Suye come out of Fuxi Qin at some point. In his eyes, there was an indescribable loneliness and vicissitudes of life.

"Sure enough, Di Gu's aura..."

Su Ye slowly came to the front of the ancient sword. At this moment, the loneliness and vicissitudes of life in his eyes became more obvious. He was an ancient soul and had seen the prosperity and decline of the world again and again. Just now, he felt the breath of the sword. , just woke up.


After a long time, two words slowly came out of Suye's mouth. Although they were only two words, this moment seemed to carry thousands of years of vicissitudes. No one could understand his mood at this time.

"Wait...who are you?"

Hua Weiyang looked at the strange young man who suddenly appeared in front of her. For some reason, she just felt an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if she had seen him before, as if she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't remember anything.

"Little girl, if you don't remember me, you won't remember me."

Su Ye said lightly, her gaze always falling on the ancient sword in front of her, never moving away from it.

But Xiao Chen was standing nearby. Hearing this, he suddenly had doubts in his heart. Weiyang didn't remember what happened in the past. At that time in the ancient realm of Xianbei, she had met Suye and knew Suye, but now Suye said this. The words don’t seem to refer to Wei Yang forgetting what happened a few years ago, but to a long time ago...

I heard Master said that Suye slept in Fuxi Qin for three hundred years and only woke up now. Could it be that he had seen Weiyang three hundred years ago? Then Wei Yang is already over 300 years old. How is this possible...

"Hey, idiot, what are you thinking about?" Hua Weiyang asked with a frown when she saw that he suddenly became weird.

"No, it's nothing..."

Xiao Chen shook his head. Regarding the origin of Hua Weiyang, he actually didn't know it yet, but at this time, it was not the time to think about those things. He asked, "Suye, you just said that this sword is called 'Emperor'." solitary'?"

"Ah, I have completely forgotten what is happening in front of me..."

Hua Weiyang also turned around, looked at Suye, and said, "Di Gu...I seem to have heard this name somewhere before. Where does this sword come from?"

Suye snorted coldly and tied his hands in front of his chest, "It's okay to tell you that Di Gu is the first sword among the six ancient mysterious weapons... its name is Di Gu."

"Six peerless mysterious weapons..."

Xiao Chen frowned, but he didn't expect that this sword had such a great origin. No wonder it had such an imperial aura. Once this sword was released, it was enough to frighten thousands of swords in the world.

Suye continued, "Chaos first opened, and the heaven and earth were accompanied by twelve spiritual veins, which were the source of spiritual growth for all things. Then for hundreds of millions of years, all walks of life competed for the spiritual veins, which once led to annihilation. Until later, the world suddenly appeared I have acquired six peerless mysterious weapons, all of which possess heaven-defying power and can suppress a party's spiritual veins..."

When he said this, he paused for a while and continued, "Finally, six peerless mysterious weapons fell into the hands of the six ancient tribes at that time, and were used to support a great formation of heaven and earth called 'Shifang'. However, when Later, the six ancient tribes did things that defied the will of Heaven, and finally fell into decline one after another until there was no trace. This is... a matter of the last era. "

"Six ancient tribes, in the last era..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he remembered the six ancient aristocratic families that the Twelve Finger Heart Demon had told him at the Tomb of Gods and Demons, as well as the ancient formation of ten directions. It was completely consistent with what Su Ye said at this moment. Sure enough, a lot of things happened in this era that has been annihilated.

Suddenly, he remembered that time on the sea again, the scenes of the afterimages of immortals and demons, the giant demon, the golden Buddha, the Immortal Miao Miao, the ancient gods...

Why do these afterimages appear next to him? It's like she's always with him...

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