"You...what's wrong with you?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him. After a while, Xiao Chen gradually recovered. At this time, the discussions among the various sects became louder and louder, and the spearheads were faintly pointed at him.

No matter who was chasing Xiao Cangtian back then, but just now, everyone saw that the technique he used was Xiao Cangtian's unique skill Nine Yin Nine Yang Xuan Gong, so he must know where Xiao Cangtian is now .

Soon, many people gathered around. When Hua Weiyang saw these people approaching, she immediately became alert. At the same time, she sent a secret message to Xiao Chen, "These people want to ask Xiao Cangtian whereabouts. They are in trouble..." …”

But Xiao Chen kept his eyes cold, thinking about who had done that mysterious force just now. The purpose of this person was obviously to reveal the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills in front of everyone.

It was just that I was in a hurry at the time, so I didn't think that much, and I didn't know that these people in front of me were here because of the strange seniors and the Heavenly Book. The person who could hide invisibly and completely cover up the skills he practiced must be a cultivator. He is a top master who has reached the realm of enlightenment.

At this moment, more and more people were gathering around. When everyone had almost gathered together, an old man in green clothes asked, "Xiao Yichen, what you just used was the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, but this The Nine Yin Nine Yang Mysterious Technique is clearly the unique skill of the Nine Yin Blood Demon Laughing to the Sky, how can you possess this technique?"

As this question came out, everyone looked at him intently, but Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent and he only said coldly, "No comment..."


After hearing what he said, many people started talking again, and everyone's expressions became grim. A middle-aged man in red said coldly, "Xiao Yichen, you committed heinous crimes in the past. Today, The various factions will not investigate your past for the time being. As long as you reveal the whereabouts of the devil, we will not embarrass you two today!” ✱

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but turning back is the end. Xiao Yichen, if you are willing to reveal the whereabouts of the Nine Yin Blood Demon today, and then take the witch next to you to the Tianmen, you will still be a disciple of the Xuanqing Sect..."

The crowd gradually started to become noisy. Xiao Chen glanced at the crowd lightly, "If you have the ability, then go find it yourself. Xiao... I have no comment."


Hearing what he said, many people became even more angry. The middle-aged man in red said coldly, "Xiao Yichen, up to now, are you really still unrepentant? As long as you are willing to tell me where the Nine Yin Blood Demon is." , we will not pursue any matters..."

"Ha ha!"

Hua Weiyang suddenly raised his head and smiled, and sneered, "A heavenly book has caused such a bloody storm in the world, and open and secret fights. There is no devil in the book, but human hearts are like ghosts. Even if you find Xiao Cangtian, what will happen if you get the ancient scroll of the heavenly book? Is it possible? Are all of you the reincarnation of Patriarch Tianxin three thousand years ago? The appearance of the Heavenly Book is nothing more than bringing more destruction to the world..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately started talking to each other, "What do you, a demon sect witch, know? In my opinion, you evil heretics have worked hard to find the Book of Heaven. If the ancient scroll of the Book of Heaven falls into the hands of you devils, That will turn the world into purgatory just like three thousand years ago, causing the entire Immortal Ancient Land to flow into rivers of blood and destroy all living beings!"

"Even if we cannot understand this ancient scroll of the Heavenly Book, it should be handed over to the Xuanqing Sect and guarded by the seven lords of the Xuanqing Sect. No one in my righteous path is allowed to practice the secrets in this book!"

Just as the crowd was arguing endlessly, two figures suddenly flew down from a mountain. They were Master Xuanyang and Zangxuanjing.

Seeing the two lords from the Xuan Qing Sect approaching, people from all factions stepped aside to show respect.

Xiao Chen looked at the two former lords, his expression remained unchanged, and his words remained the same, "What? Your lords, are you here to stop Xiao today?"

When he was in Xuanqingmen, Master Xuanyang disliked him very much. This time when he saw that he had a relationship with the Nine Yin Blood Demon, and now he is still with this demon sect witch, his face became even more gloomy, and he said, "Xiao Yichen , Now that you are no longer my disciple of Xuan Qing, the Xuan Qing Sect has no control over what kind of secrets you want to practice, but the matter of the Nine Yin Blood Demon is not a trivial matter. If you know something, then tell it."

Xiao Chen glanced at him lightly and said, "I said I don't know, but I just don't know, so what can I say?"


Master Xuanyang couldn't help but became angry. Just as he was about to say something, the hidden Xuanjing stretched out his hand to stop him. He looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Do you know that this Nine Yin Blood Demon does all kinds of evil and has a blood feud with Junior Sister Ling Yin. If he were still alive, He will definitely seek revenge on Junior Sister Ling Yin. This person’s cultivation level is extremely high, and now that Junior Sister is in the light and he is in the dark, it becomes even more difficult to guard against..."

As soon as these words came out, someone nearby immediately said, "Huh! Xiao Yichen! Even if you have taken refuge in the Demon Cult now, have you forgotten your former mentor? If you still remember even a little bit of Fairy Miaoyin's saving grace, then Tell the whereabouts of the Nine Yin Blood Demon now!"

The angry voices around him became louder and louder. For a moment, Xiao Chen felt a little confused. For a while, the scenes at Zixiao Peak in the past appeared in his mind, and for a while, the scene under the Xuanqing Back Mountain appeared in the cave. Scenes of that unkempt, old-looking man.

Seeing him, Master Xuanyang was still unwilling to say anything, so he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yichen, do you know that the place where the Nine Yin Blood Demon appeared back then was ancient..."

Seeing that he was going to talk about the ancient village, Zangxuanjing immediately sent a spiritual message to interrupt him, "There are still no clues about the ancient village. Senior brother, please don't speak nonsense."

After hearing this, Master Xuanyang stopped talking, and Zangxuanjing looked at Xiao Chen, his face softened a lot at this moment, and said, "Yichen, with your Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills, back then, Where did you get it from?"

At this moment, the word "Yichen" seemed to make Xiao Chen's heart tremble slightly, as if he had returned to the Xuanqing Sect in the past. Hua Weiyang next to him saw that his eyes were getting confused, and said anxiously, "Stupid, stupid, you are so stupid." Don't believe what these people say, they all want to harm you, you can't say a word..."

"I don't know...I don't know!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen was in a state of confusion. For some reason, he suddenly became violent and violent. He shook away the people in front of him with a palm and rushed out of the sword tomb at high speed.

When Hua Weiyang saw this, she also launched her wind control technique and chased after him. But at this moment, she suddenly felt a strange aura and disappeared from the sword tomb.

"It's that person just now..."

She seemed to notice something at once. It was the person who had just hit her with a mysterious force, forcing Xiao Chen to use the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques in front of various sects.


Obviously, Xiao Chen's consciousness was sharp and he also caught this trace of aura that disappeared in a flash. No wonder the man was missing just now. It turned out that the man had been hiding in the crowd.

This person is so capable that he exerts his power secretly without alerting anyone. Even the two masters of the Xuan Qing Sect who have reached the realm of cultivation are not aware of him. Who is this person?

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