The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 590: The Demonic Sect Master

Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang rushed out quickly. At this time, in the sword tomb, people from various sects saw the two of them running away and immediately chased after them.

But at this moment, the entire sword tomb suddenly trembled violently, the ground began to shake, and the nearby mountain peaks also shook, as if they were about to collapse.

"what happened?"

Everyone was shocked, especially those from the sect who came in later. They didn’t know that the earth veins here had been disturbed and would shift at any time. Once the earth veins shifted, it would inevitably cause turmoil in the world. I don’t know how many people would be buried. inside.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and smoke and dust suddenly billowed from the southeast. The loud noise was like thunder. It turned out that a mountain peak collapsed from the middle. I am afraid that most of the people who were standing on the mountain peak just now were buried alive.

"This...go quickly! Get out of here!"

Everyone finally woke up, how terrifying it is to shift the earth veins. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can't even think of resisting the power of heaven and earth. If a space crack is created during the earth vein shift process, and you are involved in the crack, it will happen almost instantly. It was reduced to ashes, and not even the soul could escape.

The disciples of each sect had never seen such a terrifying scene like the sky and the earth shattering. At this time, they all panicked and fled outside under the leadership of the elders.

The people from Xuanqingmen also flew over quickly. Master Xuanyang glanced at them and said, "Let's leave here first!" ✰

The shock continued, and the mountains collapsed one after another. The ground was covered in smoke and dust, and many cracks appeared in the sky. Being caught in the cracks, even the soul could not be saved for almost an instant.

"Let's go!"

The elders of each sect used their magical powers to protect their disciples and escape. On another mountain peak, there were people from several major demon sects hiding there. Seeing the sudden change, they didn't care so much anymore. They all fled outside.

At this moment, outside the Sword Tomb, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang were tracking the mysterious man, but there was a sudden vibration nearby. Such a violent vibration made the two of them react immediately. I am afraid it was not just as simple as the displacement of the earth veins. They were before. He came in through the barrier deep in the Hundred Thousand Forest, and now, the barrier outside is probably about to close.

"Go first!"

The two of them couldn't care less about tracking the mysterious man at this time. Once the outer barrier closed, everyone would be trapped and dead deep in the dense forest. And once the inside collapsed, the consequences would be even more unpredictable.

The two of them kept going out. If they wanted to return to their previous place, they had to pass through the strange ancient land of silence. No matter how fast they went, it would take at least seven days to return to the previous place where the barrier was. , within these seven days, once the barrier is closed, no one can get out at that time.

Just like this, seven days passed. During these seven days, the depths of the 100,000 dense forests continued to tremble, and strange phenomena occurred frequently. Many mountains began to shift, and countless mountain peaks collapsed. Some terrifying beasts also rushed out to hurt people. In just a few days, On that day, countless people were killed or injured inside.

At dusk that day, the twilight fell deep in the dense forest. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang finally returned to the previous barrier. They saw that there were still cracks in the barrier and had not yet been completely closed. The two looked at each other and no longer hesitated. , jumped up and flew towards the crack.

As soon as they arrived outside, they saw many people from sects. These people were obviously people from various sects staying outside. When they saw someone flying out from inside, many people immediately surrounded them and asked, "What's going on inside? What happened?" Something happened?”

Perhaps because Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang were too fast, these people did not recognize them for a while. Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang did not stop for much, and moved away from them.

"Strange, why those two people just looked familiar..."

It wasn't until the two of them disappeared without a trace that the crowd began to talk quietly, and not long after, many people came out of the deep forest again, this time it was other people from various sects.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. When they arrived outside the depths of this hundred thousand dense forest, Hua Weiyang was familiar with the terrain. It was easy to get rid of the sect cultivators behind them, and it was not difficult to track down the mysterious person from before.

When night fell, I saw a cold moon hanging slanting on the horizon. The boundless night shrouded the entire Hundred Thousand Forest, making it look increasingly mysterious.

The two of them followed the aura of the mysterious man before and didn't know where they came. Hua Weiyang suddenly said, "I think the whole thing is a bit unusual. Who was the person who chased Xiao Cangtian back then? I'm afraid there are four major Xuanmen in the righteous path." It’s inseparable…”

Xiao Chen looked at her solemnly, "You mean, the people who really wanted to get the Book of Heaven were the people from the Four Mysterious Sects?"

"That's right."

Hua Weiyang nodded and said, "This person has a very high status in the righteous path and has a very high level of cultivation, but his identity cannot be known to others."

"The cultivation level is extremely high and the status is extremely high, but it cannot be known to others..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slowly fell into deep thought at this moment. It is impossible for such a person to be Zhenren Qingxuan, right?

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Chen couldn't think of who such a person could be. He took a deep breath and looked at the cold crescent moon on the horizon. He couldn't help but think to himself, this supreme miracle in ancient times was created by some strange person. But now, in the entire ancient land of Immortal Yuan Dynasty, Tao is not Tao, demon is not demon, it is difficult to distinguish between immortals and demons, and it is difficult to distinguish between humans and ghosts.

Next, another seven days passed. During these seven days, almost everyone came out from the depths of the Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Forests. It rained heavily yesterday, and today the mountains are still wet.

At this time, in a valley, dozens of figures were seen flying quickly. These people were all women, and the leader was none other than Yusha Xuanji of the Mengxian Sect among the four major demon sects.

For some reason, these people walked in such a hurry. When they reached a forest outside the valley, Yusha Xuanji suddenly stopped and stretched out her hand, making everyone alert.

People behind her saw her serious expression, and a woman in red came up and asked in a low voice, "Lord Suzumo, what's wrong..."


Yuchao Xuanji looked solemn and raised her hand to stop her from continuing. The whole forest suddenly became extremely quiet, with the only sound of rustling leaves when the wind blew.

At this moment, I saw a figure standing outside the woods. The man was wearing a black robe and a cap on his head, and his face was invisible.

Yuchao Xuanji was immediately startled, her face changed suddenly, and she sacrificed the magic weapon "Purple Jade Ecstasy Bell". The others were also frightened by the sudden appearance of the figure, and they all took out their own weapons.

Even though there were dozens of them here, and Yusha Xuanji was quite good at it, she was so frightened by the aura of the mysterious black-robed man that she didn't even dare to move.

Yuchao Xuanji forced herself to calm down and looked at the man, her voice trembling slightly, "I was just passing by that day and had no intention of peeking at the senior. The senior really refused to let me and the others live..."

The man in black robe was silent, but his murderous intent could not be concealed. Yusha Xuanji saw the murderous intention of the other party at this moment, and was about to raise the purple jade ecstasy bell to fight to the death. Unexpectedly, the other party had already hit the forest with a palm force. , the power of this palm is so strong, no matter how many dozens of them there are, who can withstand it?

At this critical moment, a white mysterious light suddenly fell from the sky, and with a "boom", leaves flew all over the sky, which actually offset the palm power of the black-robed man.

Dozens of people in the forest narrowly escaped death and were still in shock. They saw a figure floating down from the sky. The figure was light and graceful, but she was a young woman in her twenties.

At first glance, this woman looks like a fairy descending from heaven. If you look closely, is she the fairy from heaven?

I saw her bright wrists as white as snow, her ten fingers as delicate as if carved from white jade, her slender waist, which made her soft and delicate, and her fluttering white clothes, which were not stained by fine dust, showed her fairy spirit and agility.

Who could she be, such a peerless and beautiful woman?

Behind them, Yuchao Xuanji and others were in shock. Suddenly they saw the woman in front of them falling. They were even more shocked. They quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "See the sect leader!"

Who would have thought that a woman who was so extraordinary and unconventional would be one of the four demon sects, the leader of the Mengxian Sect, Mengxian'er?

"Your Excellency is a man of great virtue, but to attack a few juniors here, doesn't it mean he has lost his identity?"

Meng Xian'er's voice was calm. When she spoke, she looked at the man in black robes. Even though she was extremely knowledgeable, she couldn't tell who the person in front of her was, let alone his cultivation level, but she must be Xuan. The person in the door, otherwise there would be no need to hide like this.

Just as she finished speaking, suddenly, a ray of sword light flew in from the other side of the woods and went straight towards the man in black robe. The fierce sword energy made Yusha Xuanji and the Mengxian Sect disciples behind feel a sense of excitement. Suffocate.

This sword was very powerful. The man in black robe was all focused on Meng Xian'er. He did not expect that such a powerful sword would come towards him. In desperation, he had no choice but to raise his palms to resist.

However, this sword belongs to Emperor Gu, so how could it be as powerful as ordinary swords? Even though the black robe was highly humane, under the shock of the sword energy, the black robe on his body was torn, and the pieces shattered with a "chi" sound.

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