The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 595 The Fourth Elder

Three days later in the afternoon, Xiao Chen finally arrived at the Imperial State to the west of Middle-earth. The Imperial State was inherited from ancient times. It used to be the location of the imperial palace. It was destroyed several times due to wars and disasters. Later, it was destroyed several times. After reconstruction, it was not until the chaos of immortals and demons more than 3,000 years ago that the Imperial State completely abandoned the imperial system and changed the palace in the east area of ​​the city into the city lord's palace.

For this reason, Imperial State is now also called Imperial City, but to this day, a hundred-foot-tall stone statue still stands in the central area of ​​the city. According to legend, it is an ancient emperor who established Imperial State in the past.

The entire Imperial State is vast, with moats on all sides. There are more than 13,000 defensive sword formations in the city. If these more than 13,000 sword formations are activated at the same time, even the masters of the Cave Ruins Realm may not be able to attack it. , far from comparable to the Jiangzhou City that Xiao Chen passed through before.

Such a large-scale ancient imperial city is almost equivalent to half of the small Xiuzhen Kingdom in the Eastern Continent, but now the Imperial State has long abandoned the imperial system, and there are only one generation of city lords, and the city lord of this generation is named Jiang Yutian, who also has a god. Cultivation.

At this moment, in the City Lord's Mansion in Dongcheng District, there are only carved railings and jade bricks everywhere, and the building is quite grand. The City Lord's Mansion in the Imperial State naturally has some shadow of the former imperial palace.

At this time, in the main hall, the whole hall was magnificent, and above the head of the hall, there sat a white-haired middle-aged man wearing a red robe, with maids standing on both sides, silently. As for the hall below, on both sides there were like There were dozens of civil and military officials standing there, all of them lowered their heads and remained silent.

The white-haired middle-aged man at the head of the palace also frowned, his face full of worry. This person was none other than the city lord of the Imperial State, Jiang Yutian.

After a long time, I saw an old man with white hair in purple clothes standing out from the hall on the left, saying, "Taishi Taoist Sect has not only borrowed the city's central area to open the sword discussion meeting, but now it also wants us to help capture Xiao Yichen. One or three days later, Xiao Yichen really came. In the opinion of the city lord, what should we do? "

"How do I know!"

Jiang Yutian flicked his sleeves, his face was very unhappy, he stood up from the chair, looked at the people below, pointed outside the hall and said, "Don't you know who Xiao Yichen is? His master is Miaoyin, one of the seven Xuanqing deities. Fairy, his master is Master Qingxuan, the head of Xuanqing Sect, who dares to mess with him? "

Hearing this, the people in the halls on both sides lowered their heads and remained silent. Even Tianmen couldn't take down this person at first, and they were even more afraid to avoid him. How could they dare to provoke such a person?


Jiang Yutian flicked his sleeves and sat back again. No wonder he was in such an unhappy mood these days. He originally thought that the Imperial State would be far away from the prosperous land of Xianyuan Middle Earth, so that he could stay away from the troubles of the world, whether good or evil. It has nothing to do with their Imperial State, so how could they expect that Taishi Taoism would come to the door again and drag them into this bottomless whirlpool.

Jiang Yutian really didn't want to lead the Imperial State into the overt and covert fights between the five factions in the Xianyuan Domain, but at the moment, he was indeed in a dilemma. He didn't want to offend Taishi Taoism, let alone provoke Xiao Chen.

But these days, many cultivators have come to the Imperial State, including people from various sects and sects in the five realms of Xianyuan, as well as scattered people traveling around. They are all here for the "Sword Discussion Meeting" opened by Taishi Taoist Sect last month. Come.

The palace fell into silence again. After a while, the old man in purple clothes said again, "Since this matter is beyond our control, otherwise... let's invite the four elders."

"Four elders..."

Jiang Yutian condensed his mind slightly. The cultivation of the four Grand Elders was unfathomable and far above him. But at the moment, it was a bit difficult. He said, "The four Grand Elders have not been around for a hundred years. They are meditating to comprehend the mystery of immortality." , I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to disturb you at this time…”

When a cultivator understands the mystery of immortality, he or she is probably trying to understand how to become an immortal. However, it is more difficult for a mortal to become an immortal than to ascend to heaven. How can becoming an immortal really be that easy?

At this time, over the city of the Imperial State, only white clouds could be seen, with floating islands looming in the middle. These islands hanging in the sky were all the defensive formations of the Imperial State, and above the thousands of miles of clouds, it was already extremely cold. , ice crystals condensed in the clouds, but deep in the clouds, I saw a floating island. The island was full of flowers and luxuriant grass, just like a fairyland.

This place is invisible to mortals, let alone inaccessible. I can only see the looming pavilions and pavilions on the island, just like the jade palace of a fairy palace, especially elegant.

At this time, in a pavilion, there were four old men with white beards sitting in the pavilion. The four of them had an immortal aura, and they really looked like gods in the sky.

They are the four great elders of the Imperial State. Now that the Imperial State can stand in this chaotic world of immortals and demons, how can it really be said that there are no masters in charge?

It's just that the four elders have long been through the world of mortals, and they only want to become immortals. If they don't face the life and death of the Kingdom of God, the four of them will not go down.

But this time, the people from the Taishi Taoist Sect came to the Imperial State. Although the four of them were no longer interested in worldly affairs, they knew this matter very well in their hearts.

"This boy...came in."

At this moment, an old man in Tsing Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and the other three people also opened their eyes. The four looked at each other without saying a word. It was obvious that the person the old man in Tsing Yi said just now was referring to Xiao Chen. .

Although the four of them now pay no attention to worldly affairs, they are very clear about who comes from the state.

After a while, the old man in green said, "As long as he doesn't turn the Imperial State upside down, let him go."

Obviously, there was more of a sense of helplessness in this sentence. After hearing this, the other three people also nodded. Even if their cultivation levels were higher than the four of them, it did not mean that for them, there was no one else in the world. Any fear, as Jiang Yutian said just now, even if he is not afraid of Xiao Chen himself, he must be somewhat afraid of Fairy Xuanqing Miaoyin.

At this time in Nancheng District, Xiao Chen had just entered the city when he sensed a ray of spiritual consciousness passing over him. His own spiritual consciousness was also very sharp, so he could naturally detect this ray of divine consciousness passing by him. , comes from the high altitude of the clouds.

However, his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate into the high altitude. It seemed to be blocked by a layer of restrictions. At this time, he stopped and looked towards the high altitude. He could only see a layer of clouds and no sign of the immortal. He thought to himself This imperial state turned out to be a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. The owner of the divine consciousness just now must not be inferior to him in cultivation.

Just as he was concentrating, a laughing voice suddenly sounded in front of him, "Master, do you want to stay in a hotel? Many people have come to the Imperial State in the past two days. If it is later, there will be no room."

When Xiao Chen came to his senses, he found that he had walked outside a restaurant, and a waiter from the restaurant was greeting him.

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