It was getting late today, so Xiao Chen was not in a hurry to go to the central area of ​​the city, so he went to the inn with the restaurant clerk. Along the way, the young clerk was very enthusiastic and said with a smile, "I see that the young master has an extraordinary appearance, but it is also for the sake of three people." The emperor of the Queen of Heaven comes to talk about swords? "

Xiao Chen glanced at him and asked, "How much do you know about sword theory?" As he said this, he took out two taels of silver from his sleeve and handed it over.

The boy took the money and became even more enthusiastic. He smiled and said, "Young Master, don't be in a hurry. I'll tidy up the room for you first, and then I'll tell you slowly."

It wasn't until evening that the guy finished telling all the recent events about the sword discussion. It turned out that the person who opened the sword discussion meeting here was a disciple of the head of the Taishi Taoist Sect. His name was Tang Xinhai. This man had an unparalleled level of cultivation. Unsurprisingly, his swordsmanship is unparalleled.

During this period of time, many cultivators from sects came, but no one from any sect could survive seven moves in his hands. They were all defeated within seven moves. This person can be said to be very terrifying. , even many figures of the older generation are no longer its opponents, let alone the disciples below, who can hardly even make three moves.

And just at noon today, Tang Xinhai suddenly announced that the final "Emperor's Sword Discussion" will be held in three days, and people from both the good and evil paths can come and participate.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a sensation. The news was like a blazing fire, spreading throughout the five realms of the Immortal Yuan in an instant, even faintly covering up the sound of the hundreds of thousands of rare treasures appearing in the dense forest not long ago. In the next three days, I am afraid there will be more people come to the imperial state.

Night fell quietly, Xiao Chen stood by the window sill, looking at the quiet night sky in Zhongcheng District, his back never moved a little.

Three days passed like this, and sure enough, three times more people came to the Imperial State in these three days than in the previous days, and the entire Imperial State was now a sea of ​​people.

Cultivators from all directions gathered together, so conflicts were inevitable. Jiang Yutian had no choice but to issue an order overnight, prohibiting private fights in the city and not wielding swords in the city, lest they collide with the defensive sword array in the sky.

On this day, everyone went to the Zhongcheng District. The other urban areas in the Imperial State were all deserted, and Xiao Chen also arrived at the Zhongcheng District quietly.

To the east of Zhongcheng District is the hundred-foot-tall emperor's statue, and to the west is a sword platform. In the center of the sword platform, there is a hundred-foot giant sword thrust downwards. Its power can swallow up wind and clouds, and around the main sword, There are four other greatswords, slightly lower.

This sword platform is the place for sword discussions. In the past month, countless people who have appeared on the stage have finally been defeated by the giant sword. Today's emperor's sword discussion is even more exciting.

The cold wind roared violently, and on the main sword of the sword platform, I saw a figure sitting on the hilt of the sword. The man's green clothes moved with the wind, and there was a red sword mark between his eyebrows. There was seven points of righteousness in his three points of righteousness. Distribute evil spirits.

At this moment, I could only see his left hand supporting his forehead, his eyes gently closed, and he actually turned a blind eye to the heroes all over the world below.

This person is none other than Tang Xinhai, who has a nickname called "Sword Madness".

The madness in the sword, but he is also qualified to bear this title. If his sword can be described in one word, it would be - mad!

"What a sword madman. I'm here today to learn how crazy you can be!"

Just as the crowd was talking endlessly, a cold roar suddenly pierced the sky, and in the southeast direction, a sword light suddenly flew towards the sword platform.

It was an old man wearing a purple robe. His power was so strong that the clouds dispersed instantly. His cultivation was so high that he must have become a god.

The sword in his hand is even more sharp and unparalleled, as if it is blooming with a cold light that captures the heart. There are countless Xuanmen in the five realms of Xianyuan. This person must be the master of a certain sword sect!

The sword was getting closer and closer, but Tang Xinhai never moved even a little bit, thousands of feet... a hundred feet... ten feet!

"You don't deserve it!"

Just when everyone's hearts were hanging by a thread, Tang Xinhai finally opened his eyes. What was hidden in those red eyes were two looks of contempt for the world!

Just these two looks made the purple-robed old man's heart tremble. Before the sword came, the force had already retreated. Then Tang Xinhai waved his two fingers, and a sword energy flew out, with a "bang" sound, and the sword energy flew out. The purple-robed old man was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew back.


Immediately a figure flew up from below, but it was an old woman in purple clothes. The old woman glared at Tang Xinhai hatefully, and was about to rush forward. The old man in purple robe stretched out his hand and pulled her away, and said with blood in his mouth, "Junior sister, don't go. This person is even more powerful than I imagined!"

Tang Xinhai flicked his sleeves coldly, sat back on the hilt of the sword, closed his eyes, and said coldly, "Next."

"Sword Maniac... what a word! My seven senior brothers are not talented, so I'm here to learn from you today!"

At this moment, seven more figures flew in the sky from a distance. The auras of these seven people were not weak, and their cultivation levels were probably very high.

"Then let's go together!"

Tang Xinhai opened his eyes, his whole body's true energy was shaken, and a breath vibrated out, causing the seven people to shake violently in mid-air.

The seven people knew that this person was powerful and did not dare to take it lightly. They could only attack together closely.

However, Tang Xinhai was able to face the storm-like attack of seven people with ease. Even the giant sword didn't take half a step away, and his attack was like thunder, lightning and flint, and three people were injured.


Tang Xinhai didn't even take out his sword, and swung out three swords in succession. The three sword energies were like violent winds and waves. The remaining four people could not bear it in the end, and they were all knocked away.

"Who else!"

Tang Xinhai flicked his sleeves and stared at the crowd below. Not long after, someone flew up again. However, these people who flew up to challenge were all beaten down again. This went on for a long time, and no one was able to defeat him. After attacking from the hilt, his sword was not even unsheathed.

Most of the people who came to participate in the emperor's sword debate today were old men with good morals and disciples. No one dared to challenge them. Not to mention three moves, they would not be able to withstand even one sword.

There was silence in the crowd for a long time. This time, I am afraid that no one will come up to challenge him. Tang Xinhai is a little crazy, but after all, he is only a member of the younger generation. Most of the people present today are famous Xuanmen. If they are all together If you go up to challenge a junior, even if you win, it will be degrading. If you lose, it will be even more shameful.

Everyone started talking. Even the older generation was no match for this person. Among the younger generation, besides Qian Yu Nishang, who else could beat this person? But it seems that no one from Xuan Qing Sect came today.

"You think...will Xiao Yichen come?"

"Xiao Yichen...yes! How could I forget this person?"

"But, is Xiao Yichen... still considered a member of the Xuan Qing Sect now?"

"Didn't I tell you? Anyone from the good or the evil can come today..."

The chatter in the crowd became louder and louder. Originally, many people were still discussing whether Qian Yu Nishang would come to the Imperial State today, but gradually, everyone began to discuss whether Xiao Chen would come today.

Tang Xinhai was still sitting on the hilt of the sword, with his eyes closed, and an unknown amount of time passed like this. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the sword in his hand started to tremble continuously.

" it here?"

At this moment, Tang Xinhai opened his eyes. His eyes were as red as blood, staring at the statue of the hundred-foot-long emperor to the east, motionless.

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