The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 598: Crazy Dragon Hand

Tang Xinhai sneered and said, "I thought Ling Yin's apprentice would be so powerful. It turned out that he couldn't escape the killing array. Now there is no need for me to take your life. Within three sticks of incense, you will turn into blood in the array!"

These words were by no means alarmist. As soon as he finished speaking, the layers of sword energy suddenly turned blood red, as if there was a corrosive aura, slowly eroding towards Xiao Chen.

This scene was very similar to the time when he and Ling Yin were trapped on the top of Qiongshan Mountain. They were also trapped by the fierce formation, which continued to shrink and erode towards him and Ling Yin.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and looked closely at the ferocious sword formation in the sky. They all thought in their hearts that there is nothing wrong with using the sword formation to fight between two people, but since Tang Xinhai called it a "sword madman", if he was like At the beginning, each sword was crazier than the other, and the last sword killed Xiao Chen. That was true madness, but now he used the sword array to trap Xiao Chen. Not to mention mad, he was even a little despicable.

At this time, in the fierce sword formation, Xiao Chen still had a calm look in his eyes and said calmly, "You are crazy about swords. If you lose the word "crazy", then... you will be nothing." ❋

Just as the words fell, Tang Xinhai suddenly felt shocked for some reason. The next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly raised the long sword in his hand and thrust out towards the sword energy. With a "clang" sound, he suddenly struck the sword. The sword energy was defeated.

"How can it be……"

Tang Xinhai's expression even changed. How could the trap be broken so easily? Not to mention still in the formation!

Between the lightning and flint, Xiao Chen has broken through the sword energy layer by layer, like a blue dragon rising out of the sea, unstoppable! Everyone below was shocked.

Seeing the opponent's sword attack, which was too fast, Tang Xinhai had no choice but to raise the mad sword in his hand. With a "clang" sound, a loud noise broke through the sky. The power of Xiao Chen's sword actually made the entire sword platform tremble. Those who were a little closer were shocked to the point where their energy and blood surged, and they quickly protected their hearts and stepped back.

Tang Xinhai was so shocked that he stepped back violently. The palm of his hand was cracked, and traces of blood continued to flow out. How could he have imagined that the opponent could have such power without even unsheathing his sword? Could it be... this is the gap. ?

While he was still thinking about it, Xiao Chen struck out with his sword again. At this moment, everyone held their breath. Xiao Chen had been passively fighting back all the way just now. Is he finally going to take the initiative now?


A quick sound shook the sky, and the sword in Xiao Chen's hand and the layer of cloth outside were instantly shattered, while the black mysterious sword in Tang Xinhai's hand was broken in response to the sound!


The sword was cut off, and Tang Xinhai felt as if he had been severely injured. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole body was knocked down. There was a "bang" and dust and smoke filled the sky.

At this moment, everyone was silent. Everyone couldn't believe it. They all looked at the sword in Xiao Chen's hand with astonishment. Could this be the legendary Emperor Gu Sword? Could it be that the rumors about the Hundred Thousand Jungles not long ago were true? Tang Xinhai's mad sword was cut off with one sword, it was so sharp...

On the tall building in the distance, Jiang Yutian trembled all over and looked at Xiao Chen blankly. Is this the person who jumped from the Immortal Burial Cliff of Xuanqing Gate? In order to protect a beauty from the devil, he would rather be the enemy of the world... At this moment, he I'm just glad that I didn't choose to be the enemy of the other party.

Just when it was quiet, suddenly, I saw countless figures appearing in all directions, as if they were the masters of Taishi Taoist Sect ambushing nearby.

Seeing these people appear, everyone finally woke up. They said that it was a sword debate between emperors, in which people from both the good and evil paths could participate. However, they had already set up layers of ambush here. This is the real purpose of Taishi Taoism. Is it really Xiao Yichen...

"After hiding for so long, you finally come out."

Murderous intentions were approaching, but his high fighting spirit never retreated. Xiao Chen swung his sword, and the sword suddenly let out a roar, which was so shocking that the ears of the people below could not help but buzz.

The battle was about to break out, and everyone knew that there would be a life-and-death fight next. In order to avoid harming themselves, everyone quickly retreated and stayed away from the sword platform.

In just a short moment, people from all the sects had withdrawn several miles away, and only people from the Taishi Taoist sect were left near the sword platform.

At a cursory glance, there are actually thousands of people from the Taishi Taoist Sect ambushing here this time, and all of them are of high cultivation, especially the seven or eight old men at the head, who are even more hidden.

"Xiao Yichen, put down the emperor and cut off your meridians. You can leave today!" An old man in purple robes stood up, looking at Xiao Chen coldly, and his voice was terrifyingly low.

"Di Gu, it's right here. If you have the ability, come and get it."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he didn't want to say anything. Now he and the Taishi Taoist Sect were at odds with each other, but for some reason, he felt that the Taishi Taoist Sect wanted to kill him not just because of what happened in Digu and the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests. Even what happened in Emperor Gu and the Hundred Thousand Secret Forest was not worth mentioning compared to the real reason why Taishi Taoism wanted to kill him.

So what is the real reason? Could it be...that it has something to do with his own life experience?

At this moment, such a strange thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and at the same moment, the purple-robed old man's killing move suddenly came.

“I won’t cry until I see the coffin!”

The sound of wind was approaching, and every step was exciting. I saw the purple-robed old man's whole body shrouded in mysterious light. With a movement of his five fingers, his palm suddenly enlarged countless times. A dragon shadow suddenly appeared in it, and there was a sound of dragon roar, but it was a move that has long been lost. "Crazy Dragon Hand".

The hands of the mad dragon can crush everything, and no magic weapon in the world can escape from its hands. If a cultivator falls into its hands, his body and mind will be destroyed instantly!

"Could this be... the Mad Dragon Hand that was lost more than three thousand years ago!"

Everyone in the distance was shocked. Even though today's cultivators have never seen the Crazy Dragon Hand again, they knew something about it from the ancient books. At this time, the move performed by the purple-robed old man was similar to the Crazy Dragon Hand in the ancient books. The records of Longshou are exactly the same. Is this Taishi Taoist sect... really an ancient immortal sect hidden in the world?

Seeing the Mad Dragon Hand coming, Xiao Chen knew that this move was powerful. Even with Di Gu in hand, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy rashly. The Lingxian Step moved in an instant and teleported away dozens of feet away.

Just hearing a "bang", the air suddenly filled with smoke and dust, and the purple-robed old man's wild dragon hand actually crushed the hilt of a huge sword under the main sword of the sword platform to pieces.

The giant swords on the sword platform were all made of meteorites from outer space. During these thousands of years, even though the Imperial State was destroyed several times due to wars, these swords have always stood here, unmoving. , and now it was crushed by the mad dragon's hand.

It can be seen that this crazy dragon's hand is powerful. If a cultivator is pinched like this, even the soul will be crushed.

Seeing the giant sword on the sword platform being crushed to pieces like this, many people in the distance felt their hearts tremble. Is this the magical power of the ancient immortal sect? It's really awesome...


The purple-robed old man snorted coldly, raised his palm, and used the Mad Dragon Hand to grab Xiao Chen again. This time, the force was even more ferocious. Xiao Chen did not dare to attack directly, so he had to use the Ling Xian Step again to dodge.

However, when he came down again and again, he saw the shadow of dragon claws everywhere. Xiao Chen could not avoid it. The purple-robed old man's crazy dragon hand continued to be used, as if there was no need to consume real energy, even the void nearby , but also crushed into pieces.

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