After countless dangers, Xiao Chen seemed to have figured out the rules of the purple-robed old man's moves, and no longer struggled with him. He stepped in the air and stood on the hilt of the main sword of the sword platform.

When everyone in the distance saw him flying above the main sword, their hearts tightened. On the high building, Jiang Yutian and others were shocked. He flew above the main sword like this, and when the Taishi Taoist man went crazy, Once the dragon hand is released, wouldn't even the main sword be safe?

The hearts of several people suddenly seemed to be dripping with blood. These giant swords have been handed down since ancient times and have stood in the Imperial State for thousands of years. Could it be that they were destroyed by the fighting between the two sides today?

Just when he was nervous, the sky suddenly became overcast, and the old man in purple robe became more murderous. The mad dragon hand spread out again in an instant, and saw a hundred-foot dragon claw, grabbing directly towards Xiao Chen. However, this time, Xiao Chen Chen couldn't avoid it, and almost when everyone's heart was beating out of their chests, the figure on the main sword suddenly turned into an afterimage, as if blown away by the wind, and then disappeared.


The purple-robed old man suddenly realized that he had fallen into the trap, but it was too late. Xiao Chen used Ling Xianbu to create a phantom, and the real self appeared strangely like a ghost. Behind the old man in purple robe. ✭

"Master, be careful!"

Immediately, a disciple of Taishi Taoism screamed out in surprise. The old man in purple robe was trembling and turned around quickly. However, before he could take action, he only saw a flash of sword light in front of his eyes, and a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his right shoulder. The entire arm was cut off by a sword. ɱ


The old man in purple robe covered his broken arm, blood gushed out like a spring, his body trembled, Xiao Chen sent out another palm, and with a "bang" sound, he was immediately vomited blood and fell down.

"Junior brother!"

An old man in green clothes with eyes split open flew over to catch him in an instant. The remaining few people, without saying anything, launched the most fierce attacks on Xiao Chen.

One of the old men in gray robes offered a large bronze bell, but when he saw that the bell was carved with flying dragons and immortal beasts, the old man in gray robes slapped the belly of the bell, and the loud sound of the bell suddenly sounded like rolling thunder, rushing straight towards Xiao Chen.

Wherever the bell passed, everything was turned into powder. Within hundreds of feet of the sword platform, the vegetation, flowers, rocks, and houses were all reduced to nothing in an instant.

Fortunately, there was no one nearby, otherwise there would have been heavy casualties. Even the people standing far away at this moment were shaken by the sound of the bell, their ears were ringing, and their energy and blood were surging. Everyone had to use their kung fu to protect their hearts. This shows how powerful the big bronze bell is.

And another old man in purple suddenly flew into the sky, raised his palm, and took a picture of Xiao Chen. The shadow of his palm suddenly transformed hundreds of feet in mid-air, and as if carrying the power of an ancient giant, he fiercely pressed towards Xiao Chen, continuously. The ground near the sword platform could not withstand this terrifying force and burst into pieces.

Faced with such a ferocious murderous intention, Xiao Chen still did not retreat. At this time, he was fighting against five or six old men with extraordinary cultivation. He still had room for action and had not yet released the control of life and death.

At this time, people from various sects in the distance were already shocked by what they saw. It was hard for them to imagine how terrible this abandoned disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect had become now.

The cultivation of these old men from the Taishi Taoist Sect is unfathomable, yet he is able to fight so many people at the same time with ease. Is his cultivation really unmatched by anyone? Or is it true that, as the rumors said not long ago, the Nine Yin Blood Demon Xiao Cangtian who suddenly disappeared from the world twenty or thirty years ago has passed the fragments of the Heavenly Book to him?

Everyone was guessing at this moment, and at this moment, in the sky thousands of feet high, in the miao layer of clouds, a fairy island was suspended motionless. Four white-bearded old men were standing in the pavilion on it, clearly passing through the spiritual power formation. Look at everything happening near the sword platform at this time.

The old man in green smoothed his beard and nodded, and said, "This is an extraordinary person. He is so young and has achieved such accomplishments. It is rare to see him in millions of years. Three junior brothers, what do you think?"

After a while, an old man in white said, "Faced with such a murderous intention, this guy still has three points of leeway to strike. It is indeed unmatched by others. It's just that in his moves, there is five points of righteousness and five points of evil. That's why." It's both good and evil. It doesn't look like Xuan Qing's technique. Could it be that this boy has really mastered the secrets in the fragments of the Heavenly Book?"

"Book of Heaven..."

Hearing the word "Heavenly Book", the old man in green slightly focused his eyes, and his eyes gradually became distant and quiet. After a while, he slowly said, "Three thousand years ago, the demonic founder Tianxin left behind a fragment of the Heavenly Book." Volume, but these three thousand years have caused constant strife in the world... The three junior brothers still remember that the senior asked us to escape here and meditate on the mystery of immortality, in order to prevent us from also Involved in the battle among the five realms of Xianyuan."

Hearing this, the other three people nodded slightly. After a while, the old man in green looked into the virtual image of the formation and said slowly, "What happened today is just the beginning. This man is carrying the fragments of the Book of Heaven. I'm afraid he will come." Day will really lead to a bloody storm..."

The four of them were silent.

At this time, the battle on the sword platform became more and more intense. The old man in gray robe sounded like waves, and he kept attacking Xiao Chen one by one. The old man in purple robe had sharp palms like thunder, one palm after another, falling from the sky, shaking the dust in all directions. Sand is flying.

There were several other old men, either wielding swords or offering their own magic weapons, and kept using the most powerful killing moves on Xiao Chen. However, even so, they still could not defeat Xiao Chen.

At this moment, countless masters from the Taishi Dao Sect outside also rushed up. Their goal today was to take Xiao Chen's life. After fighting for a long time, several masters still couldn't take him down. They were afraid that something might happen, so they rushed up with all their strength.

The killing intent enveloped the entire sword platform. Although the cultivation of the nearly 1,000 people was far inferior to that of the few old men, they had the advantage of being more numerous. Once all of them attacked, they would definitely be very powerful.

Seeing these people rushing up, Xiao Chen slapped them with one palm, and the palm shadow instantly became a hundred feet. In the rolling dust, only nearly a hundred people spit out blood and flew down.

"Don't be so arrogant!"

Suddenly a purple shadow flew over, but it was the old man with fierce palm power. This person's palm method attainments were extremely high. When he raised his palm, the wind and clouds surged. At this time, the palm power pressed together, intimidating the world. Even the cultivators in the distance felt their breath choked.

Seeing the fierce palm coming, Xiao Chen remained calm and raised his palm. The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Art was immediately activated to the extreme, and the palm power instantly formed two yin and yang mysterious energy.

This Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Art was originally Xiao Cangtian's skill, so in the eyes of the righteous people, it was the evil skill of the demon sect, but in fact most people don't know that this skill was a miraculous skill that had long been lost in ancient times and had nothing to do with the devil.

At this time, when Xiao Chen displayed it, the two mysterious energies, one yin and one yang, were even more in line with the Taoist Yin and Yang Mysterious Law. The two mysterious energies intertwined together, like the waves of the sea and the ruggedness of the mountains, which can be said to be like the great way, a palm that perfectly matched the same as Chen's!

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