In the cold night, Xiao Chen sensed that Shen Quezi was chasing after him. He originally planned to run to the southeast, but at this moment, he suddenly turned around and ran to the northwest. There were many mountains connected there, so he might be able to temporarily avoid the gods. Quezi's pursuit.

"Boy, there's no way you can escape!"

At this time, Shenquezi was approaching from behind, his eyes shimmering with cold light, like a ferocious wolf in this evil night, staring closely at its prey.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The sound of the wind was pressing into people's hearts. In the blink of an eye, Shenquezi had caught up with Xiao Chen. The distance between the two was only a thousand feet at most. For a master of the Cave Ruins Realm, the distance between the two was only a matter of seconds.

"Don't even think about escaping again!"

Shenquezi's murderous aura surged, and he raised his palm, and a hundred-foot palm shadow suddenly appeared. The palm was so fierce that the clouds in the sky surged, the earth shook, and the rocks collapsed!

Seeing that terrifying palm power coming, Xiao Chen knew that this battle was dangerous and did not dare to be careless at all. With a flick of his palms, he quickly activated the true energy in his body. He used the Great Freedom Palm Technique in an instant to wipe out the palm of Shenquezi. The force was pulled to the side, and there was a loud "bang", and dust suddenly filled the sky, smashing a mountain into pieces.

Shenquezi's eyes narrowed. This was his first time fighting against Xiao Chen. He didn't expect that the other party had such a weird skill that could divert his palm power aside.


With a cold snort, the murderous intent did not diminish, Shenquezi Xuan Gong was activated again, and a blood mark loomed between the eyebrows. As he moved two fingers to the center of the eyebrow, a blood mist flew out and attacked Xiao Chen.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, a dark wind blew up all around, and mist filled the air. Under the dark night, the sound of ghosts crying could be heard from within the blood mist, which made one's scalp numb.

Not knowing what kind of trick this was, Xiao Chen did not dare to be careless. When he was escaping in a hurry, he did not forget to use the palm technique in the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, and hit the blood mist with one palm. It was originally a sure hit. , but the blood mist seemed to have intelligence. When it saw the palm force coming, it moved aside and avoided it.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Dodging this powerful palm, the blood mist rushed up again. In front of it, the shadow of a blood skeleton actually appeared. Xiao Chen was slightly shocked. Is this a technique practiced by people in Xuanmen? It is so evil. This technique must have been cultivated with the blood souls of countless people.


Shenquezi snorted coldly, pinched the seal in his hand, and the blood mist suddenly started to billow, as if countless people's souls were imprisoned inside, and the sound of ghost cries continued to be heard, and in the next moment, it turned into a bloody ghost shadow. , suddenly opened his bloody mouth and pounced towards Xiao Chen.

Waves of fishy wind blew towards his face. The evil ghost transformed from the blood mist was extremely ferocious. Xiao Chen did not dare to look down upon it. He connected seals with both hands, and the true Taoist method emerged instantly. A hundred-foot-long golden light mysterious seal flew out, immediately surrounding the surrounding area. The light shines brightly, this is the Xuan Qing Magic Breaking Technique, which has amazing power against evil spirits.


With a sharp sound, the Demon-Breaking Mysterious Seal hit the blood mist evil ghost, making continuous "sizzling" sounds. Finally, the blood mist evil ghost couldn't hold on and disappeared.

Xiao Chen swiped his fingers, withdrew his profound power, and looked coldly at Shenquezi across from him, but his eyes were not afraid at all. He said coldly, "You claim to be the right way of Xuanmen, but you secretly practice such a harmful method. You are worthy of the title." "Senior Xuanmen, if Xiao hadn't failed to transform into a god, you would have been eliminated today as a demon that harmed the common people!"

Shenquezi was seen standing motionless in mid-air, his clothes rustling in the wind. At this time, a layer of strange blood mist was wrapped around his body. He looked extremely evil. He no longer had the usual fairy-like demeanor of his predecessors. .

"Boy, if you kill my junior brother... this place is your burial place today!"

Shenquezi's face was full of murderous intent. He wanted to kill Xiao Chen not only to avenge Xuanjizi, but just now he saw that Xiao Chen possesses both the supreme Taoist method of Xuanqing Sect and the strange magic method of the Demonic Dao Book. There is the rumored technique of the Nine Yin Blood Demon.

This child is extremely talented and can master several completely different skills at the same time. It is really rare to see him in thousands of years. The most important thing is that he has the blood of that clan. If he cannot get rid of it at this time, he will be in trouble in the future. This person... will be in serious trouble!

At this moment, Xiao Chen saw a cold and murderous intention in Shenquezi's eyes. He knew that he had failed to transform into a god. There was no way he could be his opponent at this moment. The other party's murderous intention had been revealed, and he could not Staying here again, thinking about this, his body moved, Lingxian Steps unfolded again, and he fled far away in an instant.

"If you want to's impossible!"

Shen Quezi's eyes were sharp, and suddenly he was like a gust of wind, and he chased after him again. This time, he raised his palms with thunderous force, and his palm power was so powerful that it shattered mountains and cracked rocks, heading towards Xiao Chen!

Before the power of the palm could reach, Xiao Chen already felt a pressure and suffocation. In desperation, he had no choice but to sacrifice Di Gu and use Di Gu's power to resist this palm.


With a loud noise, several nearby mountains were shaken to pieces, and dust suddenly filled the sky. Even though Xiao Chen had Di Gu in his hand, he only felt a shock all over his body. His steps were staggering, and he kept retreating. Looking again The mouth of his hands was actually cracked open by the force of Shenquezi's palm just now, and blood continued to flow out.

"There's a universe in your sleeves - put it away!"

Shenquezi shouted and raised his left hand. The sleeve robe immediately enlarged a hundred times and enveloped Xiao Chen. He actually wanted to take Xiao Chen in with the magical power of Qiankun in his sleeve.

The Qiankun in the Sleeve is originally a magical power for storing things, and few people use it to put living people in. But when his cultivation level reaches his level, he can do whatever he wants.

Seeing the sleeve robe covering him, Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly deployed the Lingxian Steps to avoid it. Although he had a white infant that ignored any Nascent Soul laws, if it was put into the other party's sleeve like this, both sides would be in trouble. Due to the huge difference, it is difficult to predict whether they will come out again.

When Shenquezi saw him dodge with extremely fast movements, he raised his sleeves, rolled up the dust in the sky, and enveloped him again. When Xiao Chen saw him attacking again, he naturally dodged away quickly.

The two sides were chasing each other in this vast mountain range while showing off their magical powers. Unknowingly, it was already mid-night.

Xiao Chen only focused on running away, not knowing where he was in front of him, but he felt the cold wind blowing against his face, and there was a faint smell of death coming from the front.

Shenquezi chased him for half the night, and at this time he gradually became more impatient and murderous. When he caught up again, he didn't say a word and launched a thunderous and deadly move.

Under the agitation of the palm power, I saw dust rolling along the way, mountains collapsing and rocks cracking. Shenque Zizhi was sure to hit it with one strike. This time, there was no way to hide from both sides. Xiao Chen was in a dead situation and it was difficult to avoid it by force.

At the moment of life and death, I saw that in the deep valley ahead, at some point, a strange green path suddenly appeared, filled with a strange aura, as if... it was the road leading to the netherworld.

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