The treacherous path appeared very suddenly, but at the moment, Xiao Chen had no other way to go, and he didn't care about the place in front of him. He jumped into the treacherous path and disappeared in an instant. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’


There was a loud noise, and the palm force of Shen Quezi came up from behind, immediately shattering the nearby rocks into pieces, and smoke and dust billowing up. However, it failed to destroy the strange path glowing with green light.

With his knowledge, he naturally realized that this strange path suddenly appeared here, and where was it inside?

Looking around, he could only see the vast darkness of night, strange peaks standing strangely, and not a single disciple nearby. He chased Xiao Chen for half the night, but did not notice where he had arrived at this time.

The strange path in front of him was glowing with green light, like a spring leading to the underworld, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. After Shenquezi pondered and hesitated for a moment, he finally decided to go inside and explore. Capture him before escaping.

In the treacherous path, you can see dense thorns, no distinction between left and right, no distinction between north and south, up and down, and a misty mist. It is completely unclear where it leads.

Xiao Chen walked quickly, regardless of where he was in front of him, he just wanted to get rid of Shenquezi who was chasing him from behind.

I ran like this for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly, a rustling wind blew up, causing a sudden surge of Yin Qi nearby. I don't know where the green light came from, nor where the Yin wind blew, nor where the devil's breath came from. , suddenly enveloped the surrounding areas.

The ground suddenly shook, as if a wild beast that had been dormant for a long time was about to wake up, or as if a great demon sealed deep underground was about to reappear. A terrifying atmosphere hit people's hearts!

Xiao Chen immediately stopped, stared around, and slowly gathered a stream of true energy in his palm as a defense.

While he was concentrating, a figure suddenly flew up from behind, and it turned out to be Shenquezi chasing after him again. Xiao Chen's heart froze, and without saying anything, the real energy in his palm suddenly turned into an air blade, whizzing out.


With a quick sound, Shenquezi easily blocked this blast of energy, then formed a seal with his left hand and grabbed Xiao Chen's shoulder with his right hand like lightning.

It was an extremely fast move, but at this moment, the ground suddenly shook, and as the dust rolled, an abyss-like crack opened up between the two of them, and there was a black pitch below. There is a piece of paint, and at a glance, you can't see the bottom.

Shenquezi hurriedly stopped his attack, and that move almost caused him to fall into this strange ground. Xiao Chen was opposite him at this moment, and without hesitation, he continued to walk towards this strange ground with a little step of his feet. went to the depths.

"Don't leave!"

Shenquezi gave a cold shout, and the Xuanqi in his body was stimulated, and in an instant it turned into a quick light and chased after him.

The two of them came deeper into the strange land, only to see a vast fog. They couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south. There was a dead silence for hundreds of miles, and no birds or animals were seen.

"There is something weird everywhere in this place. If you continue to pester me, neither you nor I will be able to leave here alive tonight!"

Xiao Chen suddenly stopped. He didn't know where he was at this time, but it gave him a very depressing feeling. He didn't want to continue to be entangled with this Shenquezi.

But Shenquezi refused to argue and insisted on taking his life. Suddenly, like a gust of wind, he attacked suddenly, "Then I have to take your soul first and sacrifice it to my junior brother!"

The sharp move came as soon as he said it, and there was no room for maneuver. Xiao Chen had to rush his true energy, raised his palms to fight, and with a "boom", the two palms collided, and both felt their inner energy being shocked. Shenquezi's eyes narrowed. , I thought to myself, it seems that after coming to this strange place, this kid's skill has become much stronger, and he can actually catch a palm with nearly five power of his.

Xiao Chen didn't know what was going on. After coming to this strange place, although he felt depressed in his heart, his moves seemed to become more arbitrary. He even condensed his true energy much faster than usual. What happened? What's going on?

Just as he was meditating, Shenquezi struck again with his sharp move. Xiao Chen used his true energy to protect himself and jumped back more than ten feet. The emperor in his hand was shocked, and a hundred-foot-long sword light appeared out of thin air. He struck at Shenquezi and killed him.

As if he was afraid of the power of the sword, Shenquezi did not dare to use the sword directly. He avoided it in an instant and walked to Xiao Chen's side, hitting him in the side with a palm.

Xiao Chen couldn't retract his sword in time, but Shen Quezi's palm force had arrived in an instant. In desperation, he had no choice but to throw away his sword and jump back. Di Gu flew forward, with a bang, and inserted into a huge stone. Suddenly, the sky was filled with dust and smoke, and He jumped back and narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

Seeing that his emperor was gone, Shenquezi no longer had any worries. He turned around and suddenly struck with another sharp palm strike. Dust spread all over the sky, and the palm movement shook the heavens and the earth!

Xiao Chen was caught in a fierce battle and had no time to recall Di Gu, so he had to lift up his true energy and jump back suddenly. He also avoided the palm with great danger, but when the remaining force of the palm was scraped, he could only feel bursts of energy and blood. Roaring.


There was a sharp sound, as if sensing the master's danger, the Digu Sword flew back to his hand on its own initiative, and the Divine Sword returned to his hand. At this moment, Xiao Chen had no reservations anymore, and the thirty-three-layer Bixiao Sword Technique was instantly launched. When he came, he saw sword shadows in the sky, one after another, covering the divine palace. In an instant, they blocked his left and right retreats.

Shenquezi did not expect that he would possess such exquisite swordsmanship. In just a short period of time, his body had been struck three times by sword energy, and his blood gradually stained his robes red.

With the last sword, Xiao Chen seemed to come from the void. The sword was invisible and shadowless, but the tip of the sword was already in front of Shenquezi's throat. Shenquezi was suddenly startled, his palms shook, and his whole body was instantly covered with a layer of The strong energy and a "dang" sound blocked Xiao Chen from the outside.

"You even want to attack and kill me!"

Shenquezi's eyes were cold and stern, and his inner energy was shaken. Xiao Chen suddenly felt his blood boiling. The sword assassination failed, and he had to fly back immediately to avoid being injured by Shenquezi's internal force.

"A worm shakes a tree, and you don't overestimate your own capabilities!"

Shenquezi suffered three sword wounds. Although these three swords were far from damaging him, they made him extremely angry and he attacked again in an instant.

Fighting with profound strength, Xiao Chen could not match this person, so he had to fight and retreat, and continued to go deeper into this strange place. After a moment, he finally had no way to retreat, and there was an abyss ahead of him. There is no way out.

"Let's see where you run this time!"

Shenquezi was filled with murderous aura, and before he could finish his words, another sharp attack was coming. Xiao Chen only felt a strong wind blowing towards him. The next moment, he was enveloped by the opponent's palm wind, and his movements became more and more difficult. In desperation, he He had no choice but to inject 30% of the true essence into the Emperor Gu Sword in an instant, and risking his life, he activated the "human sword" in the Sancai Sword.


As a sword whistle sounded, the Emperor's sword suddenly became dazzling with golden light, and a terrifying sword energy surged out. Although Shenquezi didn't know what kind of sword style it was, he also felt the terrifying intention of this sword in an instant. , but he has reached the realm of Cave Ruins, so why should he be afraid of a junior who has not yet transformed into a god?

He raised his left sleeve to resist Xiao Chen's sword, but he seemed to have underestimated the power of the Sancai Sword. This was a sword move that Xiao Chen launched instantly at the expense of 30% of his true energy. How can the power and power be so easy?


There was just a sharp sound. Not only did Shenquezi not block the sword, but the left side of his chest was directly pierced by the sword, causing blood to pour out.

Shenquezi never expected that this sword style was so powerful that it could break through his body-protecting essence so easily. However, after all, he had the cultivation level of Cave Ruins Realm. Even if he was injured at this time, he could still attack him in an instant. Stable internal interest rate.

In the next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly lost 30% of his true energy. Before he could even adjust his inner energy, he recovered first and used all his inner energy in a palm to hit Xiao Chen.

Faced with such a desperate attack, Xiao Chen was shocked. Without enough time to think, he raised his right hand and used the Dead Wood Dragon's Roar in an instant.

Amidst the roar of the dragon that shakes the sky, the palms of the two collided with each other. The mountains trembled and the dust rolled. Xiao Chen felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

Facing the palm power of a master in the Cave Ruins Realm, he was still in a disadvantage. His whole body was out of control and he fell into the abyss.

Shenquezi also suffered serious internal injuries. When he saw him falling off the cliff, he had to take a strong breath and rushed down instantly, trying to catch him back. Unexpectedly, as soon as he jumped off the cliff, three bullets with murderous intent were thrown at him. The silver needle shot towards him quickly.

Shenquezi could naturally feel the terrifying power of these three silver needles. They were definitely not ordinary hidden weapons. In a hurry, he had to duck to the side to avoid these three life-threatening needles. However, unexpectedly, before he could return, Turning around, Xiao Chen had two more blood-transforming needles in his hand and shot them towards him.


There was a sharp sound. This time, even though Shenquezi had great supernatural powers, he could only avoid one of them. The other blood-transforming needle pierced into his left arm.


As the blood-transforming needle entered his body, Shenquezi immediately let out a scream. In just such a short moment, his left arm suddenly turned purple and black, and his blood solidified instantly, and it was rapidly spreading throughout his body.

He was well-informed and knew immediately that this was an unusual hidden weapon. He shouted in his heart that something was wrong. At this moment, he no longer cared about Xiao Chen. While flying back to the cliff, he connected the two fingers of his right hand and pointed towards his left arm. He went and sealed all the acupuncture points on his left arm, and then managed to temporarily solidify the blood-transforming needle.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen. He was knocked off the cliff by Shen Quezi's palm. That palm had damaged all his internal organs. If it weren't for Di Gu protecting his soul, I'm afraid even his soul would have been severely injured. Those five... He used his last breath to send out the blood needle.

At this time, he no longer had any strength, his eyes slowly closed, and he gradually lost consciousness, as if he suddenly fell into a quiet dream, falling layer by layer.

But I don’t know what place is under this abyss.

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