Xiao Chen fell into deep dreams. Gradually, the sound of running water sounded in his ears, as if he was carrying a dream from his previous life. But on the other side of the River of Forgetfulness, I wonder if there are still flowers blooming all over the ground.


With a clear sound, Xiao Chen fell into the flowing river. He saw that the river was murky red. Under the large and small whirlpools, it seemed that countless resentful spirits were trapped in the whirlpool. There were continuous screams, being forgotten by the river. Unable to re-enter reincarnation.

I don’t know where the river leads to. I don’t know if it leads to the Yellow Spring under the Nine Netherworld. Xiao Chen lost consciousness. He could neither feel the coldness of the river at this moment nor the pain on his body. He just followed the river like this. Where to flow.

… ❊

Let's talk about Shenquezi. He was first injured by Xiao Chen's "Human Sword" launched by Emperor Gu, then he was shocked by the power of the dead wood dragon's chant, and finally he was shot into his left arm by a blood-transforming needle. If he hadn't had With his cultivation in the Cave Ruins Realm and the fact that he had absorbed Xuanjizi’s blood soul not long ago, he might have died long ago.

At this time, with all his strength, he returned to the top of the cliff. His left arm was shot by the blood-transforming needle, and he gradually lost consciousness.

Shenquezi's face was filled with shock. He didn't have time to think too much at this moment. He quickly used his mysterious skills to force the blood-transforming needle out of his arm. Otherwise, in half a moment, even if his life would not be threatened, this arm would most likely be. No guarantee.

After a while, he heard a "chi" sound, and under the moonlight, he finally forced the silver needle out, but his left arm was still numb and without any feeling.

Shenquezi's face became increasingly gloomy. He had never been in such a sorry state since he entered the Cave Ruins Realm. But this time, not only was his junior brother dead, but he himself was also made to do this by a person who had not yet transformed into a god. He was embarrassed, not only seriously injured by a sword, but also almost lost his life. Teach him how to swallow this breath.

"Xiao Yichen, when I capture you, I will definitely crush you to ashes..."

Shenquezi's eyes became more and more terrifying. When he was about to use the Ten-Day Soul-Chasing Spell to track Xiao Chen's whereabouts, he unexpectedly discovered that the Ten-Day Soul-Chasing Spell had expired.

"what happened?"

Shenquezi's expression condensed and he immediately looked down the cliff. However, it was pitch black below and nothing could be seen. Once the Ten-Day Soul-Chasing Curse is issued, as long as it is still within ten days, it will never happen. Interruption, there is only one possibility, that is, the other party is dead.

"That kid...is he dead?"

Shenquezi focused his gaze again, but no matter whether he used spiritual exploration or other methods, he could not find out the situation under the cliff. But he never believed that Xiao Chen would die so easily, but why did the Ten-Day Soul Chasing Curse work? Lost your senses?

Just when I was puzzled, suddenly, the entire cliff shook violently, and suddenly the sky was full of smoke and dust, as if a demon that had been dormant for thousands of years was about to rush out from the depths of the earth. A terrifying aura, instantly Covered the surrounding areas.

Shenquezi was suddenly startled. Even if his cultivation reached his level, he felt depressed at this time. He no longer hesitated and immediately ran in the direction he came from. Finally, he escaped from this strange place after a moment.

The next day, he sent his spiritual thoughts and summoned all the disciples. However, no matter how hard he searched, he could not find the strange path last night. The strange path disappeared, and together with the strange place, he could not find it. It seemed like it had suddenly disappeared. No matter how hard I looked for it, I couldn't find it.

Unconsciously, it was getting dark again, but Shenquezi still refused to give up and ordered everyone to search around here. Even if the place was turned upside down, he would still find Xiao Chen.

However, after searching for three days and three nights, the people from Taishi Taoist Sect could not find the strange path and the strange place he mentioned, and there was no trace of Xiao Chen.

At this time, Shenquezi slowly recalled that it was like he had a dream three days ago, but the sword wound on his chest, his left arm that was slowly regaining consciousness, and the blood that penetrated into his bone marrow were slowly eroding his imperial power. The evil spirit was clearly telling him that everything that night was real and could not be a dream. It was just Xiao Chen. Where was he now?


At this moment, a disciple from a distance hurriedly ran over and said breathlessly, "Elder Shenque, we followed the route you mentioned and searched thousands of miles around, but there was no trace of Xiao Yichen. Now... Do you want to continue searching now?”

After listening, Shenquezi slowly fell into deep thought. Now the ten-day soul-chasing spell has no effect, and the boy's aura has completely disappeared. Looking for it in this vast mountain range is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but even if it is a needle in a haystack, He must also find Xiao Chen. The question is... what to do now?

"Elder Shenque!"

At this time, another old man in red hurriedly came from a distance with a sword, followed by more than twenty disciples. This man was the two incarnations who chased Xiao Chen into the Endless Mountains last time. One of the cultivators is Yun Zhongxuan from Qianji Pavilion of Taishi Taoist Sect.

Seeing this person arriving, Shenquezi's eyes narrowed, "Why are you so panicked?"

"Report to the elder..."

Yun Zhongxuan immediately dismounted the flying sword, with a somewhat panicked look on his face, and said with his hands raised, "We found traces of the Mengxian Sect three thousand miles to the north. Many of our people died at their hands outside before. If The disciple's expectation is correct, this time Meng Xian'er should be the one personally leading people into the mountain..."

"Meng Xian'er..."

Upon hearing this name, Shenquezi's eyes immediately turned cold, which actually made the dozen disciples behind him feel an inexplicable chill.

After a while, I heard him say in a deep voice, "No matter what the people from the Mengxian Sect came in to do, our first priority is to find Xiao Yichen as soon as possible. We must not let him leave this mountain range. Order him down and let everyone outside , Everyone who can come, come in, even if this endless mountain range is sealed, he will never be allowed to escape! "

"Yes, disciple, I obey..."

Yun Zhongxuan only felt a little anxious and uneasy, and he cupped his hands, not daring to stay any longer, and immediately retreated.

Shenquezi looked at the looming green mountains in the distance, and his eyes suddenly became colder and more terrifying. "Xiao Yichen, Meng Xian'er, when I recover from my injury, none of you can escape from my Wuzhi Mountain..."

The cold moon was silent at night, and the cold wind was biting. Inside a cave, Shenquezi's face was terrifying. The sword wound on his chest was even more shocking. He was injured by Emperor Gu, and the vicious aura in the sword had penetrated deep into his bones. How could it be possible? Easily restored?


Spitting out a mouthful of purple-black blood, Shenquezi's face immediately turned paler and uglier. In order to recover from this injury, he had lost hundreds of years of Taoism. However, this sword wound never healed, and the evil spirit in the sword still remained in him. It is difficult to force it out of the body. If this continues, under the erosion of the sword energy day and night, not only will his moral conduct be reduced, but his life will definitely be endangered within three years.


He laughed miserably and suddenly took out something from his sleeve, which was a strange black pill. The pill was shrouded in a layer of black mist and looked extremely evil.

"Mr. Guiwu, I didn't expect that the bet I made with you was actually right now. This time, the evil causes planted in the past have matured today. I will finally take this magic pill..."

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