The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 621 Dream Immortal Sect

Shenquezi held the black foggy magic pill in his hand, and his face seemed to be much older. In the end, his eyes gradually became cold and scary, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother, you have a good journey. Even if I become a demon in the future, I will definitely avenge you..."

At the end of his words, he no longer hesitated, put two fingers to his mouth, and swallowed the magic pill.


The moment he swallowed the magic pill, Shenquezi felt a strong suffocation. The next moment, the true energy in his body was flowing wildly, and his body gradually became shrouded in black mist. A strange black magic mark appeared between his eyebrows, and his lips changed suddenly. The color was purple and black, and his eyes became blood red, as if he had been possessed by a demon, and no longer looked like the immortal spirit of the past.


Suddenly there was a burst of thunder, and it started pouring rain outside. Under the thunderstorm, Shenquezi's eyes were closed tightly, and a strange mist shrouded his body. The sword wound on his chest slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It went like this until mid-night, when two disciples suddenly came in a hurry outside, "Report! Elder Shenque, outside..."


There was another thunder, and lightning pierced the night sky, illuminating the scene inside the cave. When the two disciples saw clearly the elder Shenque who was almost demonized at this time, they both froze on the spot at the same time. The next half sentence, He was frightened back.

At this moment, Shenquezi suddenly opened his eyes. Someone saw his appearance at this moment. Without hesitation, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the two disciples from the air.

The two disciples were so frightened that they didn't even have time to scream or beg for mercy. Shenquezi's ten fingers were dug into their heads, and blood suddenly gurgled, leaving five terrifying blood holes on their heads. .

In an instant, Shenquezi's magic power was activated, and the blood souls of the two disciples were sucked into the body. The skill increased a little, and those two disciples became the dead ghosts in the mountain.

In the early morning of the next day, Shenquezi slowly walked out of the cave. At this time, he became the elder of Shenque Palace who had the fairy wind and Taoism during the day, but there was an invisible demonic intention in his pupils.

"Xiao Yichen, Meng Xian'er, this endless mountain range is the burial place for you two..."

Let's talk about Xiao Chen. He floated along the river for three days and three nights. At this time, he was washed up by the river. He didn't know whether it was this bank or the other bank. He only saw that the bank was full of bright red flowers that looked like blood. They were alluring and charming. There is a bit of taboo weirdness about it.

The bursts of strange fragrance are like a call from the underworld, making people fall into a deep dream, unable to wake up, and immersed in the memories of past and present lives.

This is the strangest flower on the other side of the river, on the road to Huangquan, on the bank of Wangchuan River. For some reason, it blooms all over the world.

"There is so much gloom here, Lord Suzumo, should we continue searching along the shore..."

Suddenly I saw a group of people coming from a distance, about twenty or thirty people. The woman at the head was wearing a purple dress and her figure was enchanting. She was none other than Yuchao Xuanji of Mengxian Sect, because She is good at using a pair of purple jade ecstasy bells to enchant and captivate the soul, which is extremely powerful, so she is also known as the "Bell Demon Jade Girl".

"According to the instructions of the sect leader, clues to the 'Magic Sutra' should be found here. However, I have been waiting for three days and I still can't find any clues about the Magic Sutra. It's strange...wait a minute!"

"Sama Suzuma...what's wrong?"

The disciples behind saw her suddenly stop and not go away. The place was full of strange demonic flowers. The twenty or so people were all on guard.

"That person is..."

Yusha Xuanji's eyes were focused, and she obviously found Xiao Chen who was sleeping on the shore and could not wake up. Behind her, more than twenty disciples of the Mengxian Sect followed her gaze and saw the unconscious figure among the red flowers. The one who doesn't wake up.

One of the female disciples in red clothes recognized Xiao Chen, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "It's Xiao Yichen from the Xuanqing Sect..."


Yuchao Xuanji looked solemn and walked over slowly. She was sure that it was Xiao Chen, but how could this person be sleeping here? Really weird...

She slowly knelt down, and after a closer look, she found that Xiao Chen was seriously injured, with all his internal organs damaged. It was a miracle that he was still alive. She couldn't help but be shocked. This Xiao Yichen was not with someone from Lianhua Palace. together? Could it be that people from Lianhua Palace also came in here? Who could hurt him so badly?

"Lord Suzumo, this man...what happened to him?"

The female disciple in red clothes walked up. Last time in the Hundred Thousand Forest, she had seen Xiao Chen displaying his power and severely injuring countless people in the Taishi Taoist Sect. Therefore, she felt that Xiao Chen should also be as cultivating as the sect master. How could such a profound person fall asleep here at this time?

Yusha Xuanji frowned and said, "He suffered extremely serious internal injuries. The person who hurt him, it seems, is at least someone close to the Xutian realm..."

"A cultivator in the Xutian Realm..."

Hearing this, not only the Hongshang disciple was shocked, but also the twenty or so disciples behind him were all shocked. Could it be that there is such a powerful master in this mountain range? Could it be that he also came here for the legendary magic book...

What Yuchao Xuanji was thinking at this time was different from that of the twenty or so disciples. She could only see her eyes fixed on Xiao Chen, thinking that if she could not find any clues to the magic scripture this time, the sect leader would definitely be displeased after she returned. But Xiao Yichen has a lot to do with the Book of Heaven. If she takes it back, the merits and demerits will be balanced, and the sect master will definitely absolve her of the responsibility for not finding the clues to the magic scripture.

Thinking of this, she slowly stood up, looked at the twenty disciples behind her, and said in a low voice, "Don't make any noise about this person for now. We will secretly take him back to Zuimeng Immortal Forest and leave him to the sect leader." , During this period, be sure to avoid people from Taishi Dao Sect.”

Apparently she had guessed that no one else could hurt Xiao Chen so seriously except the elder from the Taishi Taoist sect who was extremely skilled in cultivation.

After hearing this, the twenty or so disciples looked at each other and asked no more questions. The woman in red clothes stepped forward and carried Xiao Chen behind her. The others followed closely behind, and the group left. Near here, go northwest.

Three thousand miles to the northwest from here, there is a place called "Drunken Dream Immortal Forest", which is a branch altar established by the Dream Immortal Sect in the Endless Mountains in the early years.

Although it is early spring in January, the ice and snow have just melted in many places, and it is still chilly to the bones. However, in the Drunken Dream Fairy Forest, you can see blooming flowers, misty clouds, and a dust-free air coming towards you, vague and indistinct. Like the human world.

Deep in the clouds, you can see palaces and buildings looming, just like a fairyland in the clouds, which makes people intoxicated and forget to leave.

At this time, in a jade pond behind the palace, I saw sparkling blue water in the pond, and a flower tree growing in the middle. The light red petals fell with the wind, covered the water surface, and landed on the tips of a person's hair and jade shoulders.

The man was sitting quietly in the water. The water was shallow and just submerged into his chest. However, he could see his snow-white skin, as flawless as jade. He was so beautiful and graceful. He came out of the world indifferently. How could he be a fairy on earth?

This person is none other than Meng Xian'er, the leader of the Meng Xian Sect, known as the "Chuchen Fairy".

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