At this time, there is no doubt that Xiao Chen understands his own situation. If Wu Mengxian'er comes to rescue him, he may not be able to leave this vast mountain even for a hundred miles, so he will let the people from Taishi Taoist Sect find him. , and he also knew in his heart why Meng Xianer took the risk to save him.

"More than three thousand years ago, a heavenly book came to the world, which caused the good and the evil to fight continuously. Finally, it fell into the hands of a person named 'Tianxin Patriarch' in your evil way. This person was eventually killed by several major sects in the world. The leaders joined forces to besiege, and their whereabouts have never been known, but this heavenly book has been left in the world. For more than three thousand years, the five realms of Xianyuan have not had a day of peace."

Xiao Chen spoke slowly, and Meng Xian'er took over the words and said, "To this day, Mr. Xiao is still obsessed with the distinction between good and evil? You were born in Xuanmen, why don't you tell me, this right Taoism, and There are some differences between our Demon Dao and Evil Sect.”

This sentence left Xiao Chen speechless. When he was in Xuanqingmen, he always felt that people in the demonic path must be people who do evil things and are extremely cruel and terrifying. However, after experiencing what happened back then, he felt that I discovered that the shadows hiding in the dark corners of the righteous path are even more like demons.

Seeing that he was silent, Meng Xian'er continued, "Since Young Master Xiao can't tell, let me change the question. Now, Young Master Xiao, do you think he is a member of the righteous path or a member of the devil's path?"

"It's not a demon, it's not a Tao, it's not an evil... It's just one person who travels across thousands of mountains. Xiao Chen slowly closed his eyes. ✧❃❁

Meng Xian'er said lightly, "What a man who is neither a demon nor a Taoist nor an evil man. What a man who has traveled thousands of mountains by just one person. It seems that Mr. Xiao is going to be the first person to stand alone in this world."

"Isn't it the same with Fairy Chuchen?"

"Me? No, I'm just a layman above the mortal world in Zimo. Unlike Mr. Xiao, I will die in the morning if I hear the Tao. How can I dare to be called the 'Chenchen Fairy'?"

Meng Xian'er spoke lightly, and as she spoke, she injected another air of ice into his body to prevent the poisonous fire from spreading further.

This air of ice slowly brought Xiao Chen back to the reality in front of him. He was possessed by Shenquezi's Five Fire Poison Heart Palm, and now only the Chuchen Fairy behind him could save him, but the other party, He would never save people for no reason, and said, "The fairy is still determined to find the Book of Heaven? Have you ever thought that even if the Book of Heaven is obtained by the fairy, it will definitely lead to death."

"Is it a murderous disaster..." At this moment, Meng Xian'er stopped beating around the bush and said bluntly, "Xiao Cangtian caused a fatal disaster back then, but now, where is he?"

Xiao Chen smiled palely and said, "Everyone outside said that Xiao knew the whereabouts of Xiao Cangtian. That day near the Sword Tomb, someone deliberately forced Xiao to show Xiao Cangtian's Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills. It can be seen that someone secretly planned it. Wanting to turn everyone's attention to Xiao, does the fairy really think that Xiao knows the whereabouts of Xiao Cangtian? "

At this point, he paused and continued, "I wonder if Fairy still remembers that mysterious masked man in black in the forest that day? It was that man who forced Xiao to reveal his identity at the Sword Tomb before. Yin Jiuyang Xuan Gong, and Xiao also tracked that person all the way here, and just met the fairy and the others. According to the fairy, who could that person be? "

Hearing his question, Meng Xian'er gradually fell into deep thought. The mysterious masked man she met in the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forest that day was a very high-minded person. He was most likely just a clone, and he tried his best to hide his identity, so There is no doubt that this person is a person with a very high status in the righteous path, and there is also no doubt that this person's purpose is naturally for the fragments of the Book of Heaven.

"That person, he is a member of your righteous path, Mr. Xiao, how can you ask me?" Meng Xian'er couldn't tell who that person was at the moment, so she said this.

Xiao Chen said, "Xiao said just now that I am no longer a person of the righteous way, nor a person of the devil's way."

"I forgot."

Meng Xian'er said lightly while still thinking about the person she met in the Hundred Thousand Thousand Forests that day. After a while, she turned the topic back to "So, Mr. Xiao doesn't know the whereabouts of Xiao Cangtian?"

"Now Xiao's life is in the hands of the fairy. If Xiao knew about it, why would he rather die than say anything?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and the appearance of the disheveled man from back then reappeared in his mind. How could he have thought before that the strange senior was the Nine Yin Blood Demon Xiao Cangtian, who had a deep hatred for his master...

"That's fine..."

Meng Xian'er stopped questioning. In fact, she didn't have much hope for Xiao Cangtian's whereabouts, and she didn't expect to find out anything from Xiao Chen. However, she had to ask Xiao Chen about the magic scripture. Chen promised to help, otherwise she would never rescue him.

"The poisonous fire in your body has penetrated deep into your internal organs. I must use the Bingxin Yunyue Technique to clear the poisonous fire for you. However, using this technique consumes a lot of my energy and damages my true energy..."

Meng Xian'er spoke slowly, Xiao Chen was also a sensible person and knew that she could not save him for no reason, so she said, "I don't know what the fairy wants Xiao to do, but it doesn't matter."

"Since Mr. Xiao is so straightforward, I won't beat around the bush."

Meng Xian'er's tone was calm, and she immediately talked about the magic sutra. After Xiao Chen heard it, his heart couldn't help but condense, it's this magic sutra again, what exactly is this magic sutra?

The withered bones in the Demon Palace before were also here for this Demonic Sutra. Could it be that this Demonic Sutra can compete with the Heavenly Book? And it seems that Meng Xian'er doesn't know about the Demon Palace yet. Do you want to tell her about it?

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment, and finally decided to tell the story about the Demon Palace. In this way, Meng Xianer would definitely try his best to save himself in order to find the Demon Palace and the clues of the Demon Scripture.

"To be honest, I know a little bit about the magic scripture that the fairy just mentioned."

At that moment, he also told the story about the Demon Palace. After Meng Xian'er listened, the expression on her face did not change much, and she seemed to still have some doubts about what he said at this moment.

But then I thought about it, if he deliberately made up these things to deceive himself just to get himself to save him, it seemed unnecessary. But about the Demon Palace, why had I never seen him in the Endless Mountains for so long? What kind of demon temple are you talking about? This is a bit fanciful.

"It's not that I don't believe you, young master, but the demon temples you just mentioned are really unbelievable. You said that there are huge ancient demon temples hidden deep in the mountains, and there are extremely powerful restrictions inside them. ...It’s too absurd.”

Even so, the look on Meng Xian'er's face gradually became serious, and she was thinking in her heart, if what this person said is true, those demon temples are located deep in the mountains. What is it used for? When was it built? If word spreads, it is simply unimaginable what kind of turmoil this incident will cause in the entire Five Immortal Realms.

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