Obviously Xiao Chen also understood what Meng Xian'er was thinking at this time, and continued, "What I said below is absolutely not false. Previously, Xiao had risked a narrow escape, passed through layers of restrictions, and hid in the demon. In the palace, I just escaped a disaster..."

After hearing this, Meng Xianer basically believed what he said. If he wanted to save him, he only had to agree and help him deal with the other three sects. There was really no need to make up these words. Liar.

And from the beginning to the end, Meng Xian'er observed carefully, and she found that Xiao Chen's speech was very clear, and it was definitely not like he was making up random things on the fly.

"Okay, I believe what the young master said, and I also hope that the young master will not break his promise when the time comes." Meng Xian'er still said in a calm tone, while slowly pouring the true energy into Xiao Chen's body.

"Xiao's life was saved by the fairy today. I will never break my promise."

Although Xiao Chen knew that Meng Xian'er was willing to save her only because of the legendary magic book, it was an indisputable fact that she saved his own life.

If she hadn't come to the rescue this time, even if he didn't die from the Five Fire Poison Heart Palm, he would have been caught by the Taishi Taoist people. This life-saving grace was genuine, and he didn't want to owe anyone anything. , it would be great if we could help Meng Xianer get the magic scripture this time, and then we would not owe each other anything.

Meng Xian'er said no more and said calmly, "Within three days, I will remove the poisonous fire from your body. After three days, you take me to find the demon palace. After that, he pinched the seal with both hands and pressed hard against it. Behind Xiao Chen.

As the two waves of black ice cold energy entered, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became paler, but this was clearing the five fire poisons from his body.

Three days passed like this. On the third day, the poisonous fire in Xiao Chen's body had been almost eliminated. However, Meng Xian'er continued to use energy to heal his injuries and consumed too much. At this time, his face looked extremely pale, especially his eyes. The lips were even more colorless.

"Uh... poof!"

Suddenly, a mouthful of purple-black poisonous blood gushed out from Xiao Chen, and his face suddenly turned very pale. Meng Xianer supported him from behind, and her voice was a little weak, "How do you feel?"

"Thank you, Fairy, for spending all your energy to heal my wounds these days. Xiao, I think everything will be fine..."

Xiao Chen said a little feebly. The fire poison in his body has not been completely removed. At this time, he is unable to perform his exercises and his whole body is still very weak.

"Sit tight and don't move."

Meng Xian'er helped him sit upright, then crossed her hands on her chest, and began to perform the "Bingxin Yunyue Jue" again. However, she saw traces of ice energy, which were continuously introduced into Xiao Chen's body through the seal in her hand. I don't know how much time passed like this, but Xiao Chen's face finally gradually regained its color, while hers became increasingly pale.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration outside, which shocked both of them. Xiao Chen's brows condensed. At this moment, he was keenly aware of a hint of cold murderous intent. This murderous intent was so familiar that it came from God. Quezi.

"It's Shenquezi..."

His face changed slightly. Xiao Chen didn't expect that this person would actually find this place. The Ten-Day Soul Chasing Curse must have expired. How did this person find this place? And this person's aura seems to be much stronger than before...

"Don't panic."

After all, he is the head of a sect. In these years, Meng Xian'er has not seen any storms. At this time, he is still calm and composed, and seems to know that this person will come. He said, "I will go out to meet this person. Don't move around here, so as not to The poisonous fire has spread again, and I won't be able to save you if I don't have enough power."

"This person is very powerful, can you handle him?"

Xiao Chen frowned deeply. If it was Meng Xian'er's heyday, he wouldn't have to worry. But in the past three days, she had spent too much on healing herself. Can she still be able to deal with the Shenquezi now?

"You are here, just don't come out." Meng Xian'er flicked her sleeves, and before she finished her words, she walked out with her graceful appearance.

At this time, outside, the Drunk Dream Fairy Forest, which was originally like a fairyland in the clouds, was now filled with murderous intent. Only a figure was seen reflected in the clouds. The figure of that person looked like Shenquezi. At this time, it transformed into a towering figure. , almost covering half of the sky, the terrifying appearance is really trembling, and the pressure of the breath makes it even more difficult to breathe.

In Zuimeng Xianlin, everyone in Mengxian Sect was on guard nervously as if facing a formidable enemy. Yuchao Xuanji had already followed Mengxian'er's instructions a few days ago, but for some unknown reason, This person still found his way here.

I saw Shen Quezi in the clouds with an extremely terrifying expression. He said coldly, "I will tell you one last time, hand over that man, otherwise this place will be razed to the ground immediately!"

The voice was thick and powerful, shaking everyone's minds. In fact, Shenquezi had the ability to raze this place to the ground, but he was afraid of several taboo formations inside and the unfathomable Meng Xian'er, so he didn't Dare to attack rashly.

"You are going to raze my place to the ground with one word. You are so capable..."

At this moment, a lukewarm female voice came from a distance. After hearing this ethereal voice, all the disciples of Mengxian Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sound echoed back and forth in the valley, and then a figure was seen floating up. The man's clothes were fluttering, like a fairy from heaven. It was Meng Xian'er who had just come out of the ice cave. At this time, her face had already... No longer as pale as before.

When Yuchao Xuanji saw that she was fine, she felt a little uneasy. She thought that the sect leader's healing of Xiao Yichen's injuries in the past three days could not be without any consumption. At this time, she seemed to be fine, so she must have forced herself to do it. The more this is the case, the more it means that something is wrong with her.

At this moment, when he saw Meng Xian'er coming out outside, Shenquezi couldn't help but narrow his eyes. In fact, regarding Meng Xian'er, he had only heard what people in the family said about her, but he had never seen her before. , I didn’t expect that she would be such a peerless woman, but who would have thought that such an unworldly fairy would actually be the leader of one of the four major demon sects today.

At this moment, Shenquezi's eyes were getting colder, and he said coldly, "I, Shenquezi, I don't want to argue with Fairy Chuchen about what happened outside the mountains before, but that person is here with you, but you must hand him over..."

Facing the chilling murderous aura at this time, Meng Xian'er's expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly, "Although I don't know who the person you are referring to is, but what do you think this place is? I think... what is going on here?" It’s not the turn of a few people from the Taishi Taoist sect to act wildly!”

As soon as these words came out, the two sides became even more tense, and the atmosphere became tense for a moment. Cold sweat had formed on Yushao Xuanji's back. Only she knew that the sect master had consumed a lot in the past three days, and he must have been there at this time. Just holding on.

"That means I won't cry until I see the coffin..."

Shenquezi's face suddenly became gloomy. As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of mysterious light of a hundred feet shot out from all directions. Suddenly, there was a storm. Only a few "bang bang bang" sounds were heard. There are several layers of defensive barriers outside.

How can a person whose cultivation is close to the Xutian realm take action casually? I saw the mysterious light breaking through the defensive barrier and heading straight inside. At this moment, all the disciples of the Mengxian Sect present felt their breaths were suffocated and they could not breathe!

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