
At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to finally wake up and immediately stopped the retrograde movement of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques.

Gradually, the evil spirit that enveloped him began to dissipate, causing him to slowly return to his previous appearance.

Meng Xian'er stood not far away from him, thinking about the force that had just shaken her away. She was still a little wary at this time, and she raised her eyebrows and asked, "How are you?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt relaxed all over. The remaining poisonous fire in his body had indeed been removed by the unlucky Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques.

Meng Xian'er's eyes were slightly focused. Seeing his appearance at this time, it was natural to see that he had eliminated the remaining poisonous fire from his body, but just now he seemed to be possessed by a demon. What kind of technique was it that was so weird?

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said, "Xiao is fine. How is the situation outside?"

Meng Xian'er shook her head, turned away, looked outside and said, "Shenquezi is guarding outside. I have asked people to open twenty-four prohibition formations. I can probably resist for a while, but..."

When she said this, she turned back, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Even if all the poisonous fire in your body has been eliminated, my cultivation has been damaged and it will be difficult to recover in a short period of time. That Shenquezi is already close to the Xutian realm." Cultivation, you and I are no match for him, we must leave.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen also gradually frowned. Although all the poisonous fire in his body had been eliminated, he failed to transform into a god last time. If he could not successfully transform into a god this time, he would never be Shenquezi's opponent. He asked "Has the fairy already thought of a way to escape?"

Meng Xianer turned around and walked out, saying, "In half an hour at most, the spiritual power of the twenty-four prohibition formations will be exhausted. At that time, Shenquezi will definitely attack. At that time, I will order the two The fourteen forbidden formations will self-destruct. If we can severely injure this person, that would be great. If not, we can take advantage of the chaos and leave."

Xiao Chen followed behind and heard what she meant. By then, the destructive power of the twenty-four formations would be extremely strong, and the entire Drunken Dream Immortal Forest would be blown into nothingness. Meng Xianer's sacrifice would be a bit too much. It's big, but there are still many people from the Mengxian Sect here. Does she plan to let so many people be buried here?

Meng Xian'er seemed to have guessed what he was thinking at the moment, and said, "The purpose of Taishi Taoism this time is only for you and me. As for the disciples in my sect, they will not pay attention to it. I will let them go elsewhere when the time comes." "What you have to worry about now is you and me. It's best not to be caught up by Shenquezi."

When the two of them were talking, they had already arrived outside the cave. Xiao Chen saw the whirlpool of spiritual power outside. He said nothing, but thought in his heart that even a small altar has such a powerful restraining circle. The entire Mengxian The strength of the sect is evident, but I wonder what the strength of the other three demon sects are.

"That's where their main force is."

With a flick of Meng Xian'er's sleeves, the spiritual whirlpool that had enveloped the entire Drunken Dream Forest seemed to suddenly disperse, allowing them to see the situation outside, but they still could not see the inside.

In front of Zuimeng Immortal Forest, Shenquezi stood in the air, staring at the entire Zuimeng Immortal Forest. Even if it didn't move, it still gave people a very heavy pressure.

Not far from him, Feng Wuyin was seen standing on the treetop, still with a faint smile on his face, gently waving the folding fan in his hand, looking at the spiritual whirlpool outside the Drunken Dream Forest, without moving a bit.

"It's him……"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he immediately recognized Feng Wuyin. It was this person who brought people to the Imperial State to change people with him. He still remembers it clearly.

"Why, Mr. Xiao also recognizes this person?"

Meng Xian'er looked towards him, while Xiao Chen stared at Feng Wuyin, silently concentrating, thinking how could this person be here? Weiyang and the others will be fine...

At this moment, he couldn't help but start to feel a little worried. Meng Xian'er saw his strange expression, which must be related to Feng Wuyin, and said, "This is the person who brought people here."

At that moment, she told everything about Feng Wuyin. After Xiao Chen heard this, his expression became even more solemn, thinking that although this person's cultivation level was not as good as Shenquezi's, he was so good at scheming. From a certain point of view, In this sense, this Feng Wuyin may be much more terrifying than Shenquezi. With this person around, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, as if they had suddenly reached a certain consensus. If they did not get rid of Feng Wuyin, it would be detrimental to them in the future.

But at the moment, what the two of them should consider is not getting rid of Feng Wuyin, but how to escape. Meng Xianer looked towards the back mountain and said, "I will let Ling Mo lead people to the southeast to attract their attention. Let’s go this way.”

Xiao Chen looked in the direction she was pointing and saw the mountains over there, which finally disappeared into the depths of the clouds. He nodded and said no more.

When dusk fell, the twilight began to close, and the spiritual whirlpool that enveloped the entire Drunken Dream Immortal Forest was finally getting weaker and weaker. At this time, outside, Feng Wuyin smiled lightly and said, "The spiritual power of these formations has almost been exhausted. The man is already a turtle in the urn, Elder Shenque, do you want to go there in person? "

Shenquezi remained silent. Only when the whirlpool of spiritual power disappeared and the entire Drunken Dream Immortal Forest was completely exposed, did he see him kicking off his feet and flying down quickly. However, what was waiting for him this time was the two The destructive power of the fourteen forbidden formations.


With the sound of huge thunder, the sky and the earth suddenly turned into billows of smoke and dust, and that terrifying force exploded, destroying everything nearby instantly, whether it was the mountain peaks or the troughs, they were all turned into powder in an instant. .

Such a terrifying force caused even Shenquezi to fly backwards. If he had not had the mysterious power to protect his body, at least his physical body would have been blown up. The low disciples, before they could react at all, were already destroyed physically and mentally by the impact of this destructive force.

Feng Wuyin reacted the fastest. At that moment, he saw something was wrong and immediately flew back, thus escaping the disaster.

The sound of rumbling went away like rolling thunder, and it was not until a long time ago that the dust and smoke covering the world gradually dispersed. Everything nearby was destroyed, and the entire Drunken Dream Fairyland was completely gone. The palaces and buildings were all destroyed by that blow just now. Zhonghua turned into powder.

Shenquezi looked extremely embarrassed, his clothes were in pieces, his skin and flesh were torn apart by the explosion, and blood was flowing out. He looked shocking. The other disciples were even more dead and injured, but Feng Wuyin was the only one who could avoid it. Fastest, nothing happens at this time.

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