The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 636: Entry Restriction

There were many hallucinations, and it was difficult to distinguish between reality and reality. Sometimes they were as majestic as the waves of the sea, and sometimes they were as strange as the clouds and mist in the middle of the mountain. For a moment, Xiao Chen only felt a splitting headache, as if for an instant, he fell into the dream of the previous world again, falling layer by layer.

I don't know how long it took for this weird feeling to slowly dissipate. Xiao Chen gradually came back to his senses. However, he saw that the scenery in front of him suddenly became brighter. It was already dark. In that short moment, a whole night had passed.

The strange phenomena caused by the formation have also disappeared, and only the four directions of "Qian, Kun, Kan, and Li" can be seen, with the four people holding the formation: Motian Patriarch, Baiyun Pavilion Master, Xuanming Youjun, and Meng Xian'er. Don't dare to relax at all.

The four directions of "Zhen, Xun, Gen, and Dui" were maintained by Xie Tianluo and others. After three days and three nights, the restrictions on the entire Demon Mountain finally began to loosen.

After three days, due to the maintenance of the formation, the consumption of the four ancestors of Motian was not too great. When dusk fell that day, a crack suddenly appeared in front of the mountain. It seemed that it was the forbidden area leading to the bottom of the mountain. opened.

"The restrictions have been gradually opened. It seems that as the Chuchen Fairy said, the real secrets hidden in this magic mountain are all at the bottom of the mountain."

The master of Baiyun Pavilion said lightly, and the disciples in the distance looked here. When they saw the cracks in the restriction gradually appearing in front of the mountain, their eyes also showed incredulity.

And these three days, Xiao Chen has been guarding in front of the mountain. He only needs to wait for the cracks to open a little more and the restriction to become weaker, and then he can break the restriction in front of the mountain with the Emperor's Sword.

Meng Xian'er said, "Then you need to be more cautious next time. Don't be careless at this time.

The other three people stopped talking. The restrictions on this entire magic mountain are so heavy. If they try to force their way in, the four of them here, even if there are forty more people with the same cultivation level as them, they will have to break through. The ashes cannot be destroyed.

Fortunately, Meng Xian'er figured out the weakness of this restriction. At this time, they formed a formation to temporarily open the restriction, which was considered a very tricky move.

Three more days passed like this, and on the seventh day, the restriction in front of the mountain was finally loosened, and the crack in the restriction seemed much wider than three days ago.

Meng Xian'er looked down and saw that the restraint had almost been loosened, and said loudly, "Master Xiao, it's okay."

The tense moment was about to come, and the four disciples of the Demon Sect in the distance all held their breath. Xiao Chen stared at the crack in the restriction not far away, and without saying a word, he used the Emperor's Sword in an instant, just like cutting open the flowers. Just like the crack in the secret realm, a sword slashed at the restricted crack in front of the mountain.


Just hearing a loud noise, the whole valley trembled violently, and the restriction in front of the mountain suddenly shattered in response. A dark and bottomless treacherous path slowly appeared in the void.

Thinking about it, that treacherous path is the road leading to the bottom of the mountain. There must be a cave under this magic mountain. At this time, many disciples in several demon sects held their breath and watched it slowly appear. The strange path is silent.

At this time, Meng Xian'er and the others still did not dare to relax and maintained the formation. It took them nearly three hours. It was almost dark before the four of them finally stabilized the formation. With this formation in place, Supported here, the restriction of this magic mountain will not be restored in a short period of time.

The four of them came to the front of the mountain and looked at the bottomless dark path. They were all silent. At this time, bursts of strange demonic breath seeped out from the path, even though the people here were all from the Demon Gate. People can't help but feel a little scared.

After a while, the sky gradually became dark, and a bright moon slowly rose into the sky. There was a hint of coldness in the night wind.

Meng Xian'er looked at the other three people and said, "The restriction here has been opened. We can enter it now and find out what's going on."

After hearing this, the other three people were all silent. After a while, the Demonic Patriarch said, "It's okay to go inside, but the dangers under this mountain are unpredictable. I hope everyone will not mess up when the time comes." position."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, that is, I don’t want everyone to still have their own thoughts at this time, otherwise not only will no one be able to find the magic scripture, but they may also be trapped in it and have difficulty getting out.

Xuanming Youjun and Baiyun Pavilion Master also understood this truth, and Patriarch Motian stopped talking and said behind him, "Tianluo, please lead someone to guard outside. If anything happens, report him immediately."

"Yes, foster father."

Xie Tianluo cupped his hands. As for Yusha Xuanji, Gongzi Bai and others, they naturally had to stay outside to maintain the formation to avoid accidents. So now, only the four of Meng Xianer entered the mountain. Plus Xiao Chen.

After the few people made their decision, they no longer hesitated and immediately came to the bottomless strange path. After arriving here, for some reason, Xiao Chen had a strange feeling. Meng Xianer next to him saw his expression. If something was wrong, he immediately sent a secret message and asked, "Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?"


Xiao Chen sent back the secret message, wondering if it was because he was carrying the blood jade and the mysterious hexagonal stone plate?

When I first went to the Eastern Continent, the countless immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas that suddenly appeared on the sea that night were closely related to the hexagonal stone plate and the mysterious blood jade. Could it be that there is something related to it under this magic mountain? ?

"If there is no problem, why not... just go in."

Xuanming Youjun's voice was gloomy. Even if he knew that there might be unknown dangers hidden under this mountain, he and the others were the leaders of several major demon sects today, and they each had their own abilities, so they would not be afraid of anything.

Several people no longer hesitated and jumped into the dark path. The disciples of several sects outside looked nervously. After Meng Xianer and the others entered, there was no movement at all, just like It seemed like it had disappeared deep into the treacherous path.

Until the middle of the night, the moon in the sky was as bright as day, shining brightly around the magic mountain. The ghosts in the darkness of the past had long been frightened away. At this moment, everything was silent, and there was only the sound of the wind rustling by. , chilling.

At this time, behind a huge rock in the distance, under the moonlight, there were two figures standing there. They were none other than Feng Wuyin and Shenquezi.

"These people are trying every possible means to open the restrictions here. I wonder what is hidden under the mountain... to attract them so much. What is Elder Shenque's plan now?"

Feng Wuyin looked at Shenquezi and said lightly.

As early as two days ago, they tracked here. Shenquezi had paid attention to this place before. It was not difficult to find this place now. It was just that he was afraid of Patriarch Motian and others, so these two Ricai has been hiding his breath and has not appeared.

At this moment, Shen Quezi's eyes were cold and vicious. Xiao Chen had taken away Xuanjizi's creation here before, causing Xuanjizi's death and even her soul to vanish into thin air. Shenquezi could not wait to crush her bones and spread her ashes. But just a few days ago, he suddenly received a message that Xiao Chen was going to be captured alive and the Emperor's Sword must be retrieved, which made him very angry.

Obviously he didn't dare to disobey orders. Even though he now has a cultivation level close to the Xutian realm and his status in the Taishi Taoist sect is not low, if he offends the two elders with unpredictable cultivation levels above him, he will die. , the other party only needs to move their fingers.

If this were not the case, he could kill the people from the Demon Sect outside now, and then collapse the formation here. By then, the restrictions on the entire Demon Mountain would be suppressed. How could Xiao Chen and the others still have a way to survive if they were inside? ?

But if he does this, he will undoubtedly be implicated, not to mention that Feng Wuyin is unlikely to agree. He knows clearly in his heart that Feng Wuyin just wants to capture Meng Xian'er alive and force her to become his dual cultivation partner, so Feng Wuyin would never let Meng Xianer die inside.

Shenquezi clearly understands this in his heart, so he can't avenge his junior brother now. He can only wait until he captures Xiao Chen and then find a way to get a wisp of Xiao Chen's soul from the two elders, and then do it day and night. Refining and torture, perhaps the only way to dispel some of the hatred in his heart.

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