The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 637: Under Restriction

Taking a deep breath, Shenquezi looked at the forbidden entrance of the magic mountain and said in a cold voice, "Now that Xiao Yichen and Meng Xian'er have entered, you must know in your heart what the cultivation level of Xuanming Youjun and the others is. We If you enter rashly now, if they find out, there is no chance of winning.

With his ability, it is not difficult to enter the bottom of the mountain quietly without alerting other people here. However, the only fear in his heart is the people of Motian Ancestor. But if Meng Xianer and Xiao Chen come out, At that time, he had almost no chance to capture the opponent. Meng Xianer's cultivation was not inferior to his.

Feng Wuyin said, "If we meet those people head-on, we really have no chance of winning now, but they may not be scattered. Once they are scattered, our chance will come. These days, Tianmeng Xian'er maintains the formation here, and her skills It must not have been able to return to its heyday..."

Shenquezi looked at him, and seemed to understand his plan at this moment. However, doing so would be a bit desperate, but this time, if he wanted to capture the two people, he had to take a desperate risk.

Feng Wuyin smiled lightly, as if he had a plan in mind, "I have my own way, but Elder Shenque must spend his energy to completely cover up your aura and prevent them from discovering it..."

And there is indeed a cave under the magic mountain. As soon as the five people came down there, they immediately felt a heavy aura of gods and demons. It was like a lost world. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of the last time he went to the Sword Tomb in the Hundred Thousand Jungle Forest. It was the same down there, like a world buried underground. But at this moment, it was obviously much wider than the last time under the Sword Tomb, as if Boundless and endless.

At this moment, the heavy aura of gods and demons under the Demonic Mountain was even more suffocating. Even when he went to the Eastern Continent and in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, Xiao Chen had never felt such a heavy aura of gods and demons.

At this moment, he couldn't help but have a very absurd idea. Could there be a dead ancient god and demon suppressing under this magic mountain? And where they are at the moment is actually inside the body of this god and demon. Even the body of such an ancient god and demon after death is like a boundless world to mortals.

The group of people walked for an unknown amount of time. There was no difference between night and day under the mountain, but the aura of gods and demons in front of them became heavier and heavier, gradually making people feel a little suffocated.

Several people finally stopped. The master of Baiyun Pavilion looked at the deep place in front and said, "If we continue searching like this, we will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack. God knows where the magic scripture is?"

Meng Xian'er said, "The size of this place is indeed beyond my expectation, but I can confirm that the magic scripture must have been brought here by someone thousands of years ago, and that person has never gone out since then."

"Why is the fairy so sure?"

The Master of Baiyun Pavilion looked at her, and Meng Xian'er frowned and said, "I sensed that, if it is correct, that person should have been hunted down, and then by some strange combination of circumstances, he encountered the magic mountain's restriction opening and accidentally entered the bottom of the mountain. But it didn’t take long for the restriction above to be closed again, so all the people who chased down here were ultimately unable to get out alive.”

After hearing what she said, the master of Baiyun Pavilion smiled, "Since Fairy Chuchen's sensing power is so great, then why couldn't she sense it back then? Who was chasing Xiao Cangtian with the fragments of the Heavenly Book? Where is Xuanqing Realm?”

Suddenly hearing what happened to the strange senior back then, Xiao Chen immediately condensed, and the master of Baiyun Pavilion also looked at him at this time: "Everyone says that you have a close relationship with Xiao Cangtian, and you have gained his true heritage, then you You know, where is Xiao Cang Tian now?”

In fact, as early as when they were above, several people had always had this matter in their minds. The Magic Scripture was important, but the fragments of the Heavenly Book were also very important. However, when they were above, they did not mention this matter because they wanted to work together, and At this moment, the master of Baiyun Pavilion suddenly mentioned this matter, but he didn't know what his intention was.

The atmosphere gradually became a little tense. Regarding what happened back then, Xiao Chen also really wanted to know who was chasing the strange senior and was forced to hide under the Xuanqing Back Mountain. This matter is very likely to have something to do with Ning. The village was later destroyed, but now, where can he find Xiao Cangtian?

If we can't find the strange senior who taught him Xuan Kung, then all of this will always be a mystery that no one can solve. The lives of more than 300 people in Ningcun will always be lingering, and Ah Mother, grandma...

Every time he thinks of this, Xiao Chen will suddenly feel a strong anger in his heart. If he can't find that person and pay homage to the souls of more than 300 people, this hatred will never be quelled. Even if he falls down in the future, Even if you go into the abyss, you will take revenge.

"Okay, the most important thing now is to find the location of the magic scripture. We'll talk about the rest after we get out."

At this time, the ancestor of Motian stood up. At the end of his words, he glanced at Xiao Chen, thinking in his heart that Xuan Qing's incident had quietly planted the seeds of this child's demonic heart. Now that the inner demon is so deep, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a demon. , when this child becomes possessed, Xiao Cangtian will definitely show up. There is no need to worry at all at this time, just let the righteous sects outside make trouble on their own.

Everyone continued to explore forward, and unknowingly three days had passed outside. During these three days, Yusha Xuanji, Xie Tianluo and others had been waiting outside and never left for a moment. However, during these three days, there was no movement inside. There was no news, and the disciples of various sects couldn't help but gradually started to become a little anxious.

At this time, under the Magic Mountain Restriction, the five people have been exploring for three full days, and have roughly figured out the situation below. If the prediction is correct, the below is divided into layers, and between each layer, there are There is a very heavy layer of restrictions.

But where they are at the moment is only on the first floor. The lower they go, the more dangerous it becomes. Without absolute strength, it is impossible to reach the lower floors.

"It seems that this is only the first floor. It will probably take a lot of effort to get to the second floor below."

Several people stopped again. The master of Baiyun Pavilion looked at the dark land in the distance and spoke slowly.

Meng Xian'er said, "We came in this time not to explore the bottom of this magic mountain, but to find the magic scriptures that were lost back then. It was impossible for that person to bring the magic scriptures to the second level, so we don't have to do it now." Go to the second level, and when you and I both break through to the realm of Xu Tian, ​​it might be a good idea to come back here to explore."

"What Fairy Chuchen said makes sense. After a hundred years, when you and I have all entered the Hehe Stage, it won't be too late to come back and have a look. At least then, we won't lose to the old Taoist Qingxuan..."

Xuanming Youjun said gloomily, there is no one here who doesn’t want to go to the second floor below to have a look. It’s just that the cultivation level of a few of them is extremely high for ordinary people, but after all, they don’t have absolute strength. If we go on rashly, we are very likely to encounter some unknown dangers. Now that the situation outside is unstable, it is really not appropriate to take this risk at this time.

Just as Mr. Xuanming You finished speaking, a shock suddenly came from the distance. This shock came extremely fiercely and quickly, making several people look at each other in concentration. "What's going on!"

In all directions, it was as if the space suddenly collapsed. Cracks appeared on the ground and began to collapse and sink. Countless cracks also appeared in the air, and dust and smoke suddenly billowed.


Seeing this situation, the master of Baiyun Pavilion immediately reacted, "Someone has touched the prohibition above...get out of the way!"

However, the place was collapsing so quickly, and a heavy restriction suddenly appeared. Even though the four of them were not ordinary people, how could they escape?

Before the four people could unfold their movements, the concussive force had already surged in like a torrential wave. Their feet suddenly fell into the air. In the panic, Meng Xianer stretched out her hand and revealed a white ribbon in her sleeve. Flying out, Xiao Chen was immediately entangled with him.


The shocks continued, and under the layer of restraining power, several people suddenly felt severely injured, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from their throats.

After an unknown amount of time, the smoke and dust around her gradually dispersed, and the shaking finally stopped. Meng Xian'er didn't know where she had fallen. She was originally dressed in white clothes that were not stained by dust. Now she was in pieces, but she looked a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Yichen...where are you?"

There was still a wisp of blood on the corner of her mouth. Meng Xianer's face was pale. She pulled the ribbon in her hand hard, and with a "bang" sound, the ribbon broke. Xiao Chen fell into a pile of rubble, and his body was pressed by several huge rocks. , and there was blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

Meng Xian'er quickly walked over, slapped away the boulder pressing on him, and asked, "How are you?"

"No, it's okay..."

Xiao Chen tried his best to sit up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked around, but saw nothing but a vast area, and asked, "Where are they?"

Meng Xian'er immediately took out the message jade paper, but before the spiritual message was sent, the jade paper fell into pieces. Apparently, everyone's jade paper was destroyed by the force of the restriction just now.

"There is no one in the radius of a hundred miles. They must have fallen somewhere else. The space here is full of weirdness. Maybe they are far away from us now and there is no way to find them..."

Meng Xian'er spoke slowly, Xiao Chen looked at her and saw that she was originally wearing a white dress, but now it was in pieces, with large areas of skin exposed, and asked, "How are you injured?"

Only then did Meng Xian'er notice that her clothes were in pieces, and she immediately reached out to cover her chest and skirt, saying, "It's okay..."

The two of them looked around. They didn't know where they had fallen. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Meng Xian'er's eyes, and she said in a deep voice, "The formation will not have accidents for no reason, but the restriction above was released just now." The problem, if my guess is correct, is Feng Wuyin and Shenquezi..."

"It's the two of them..."

Xiao Chen frowned, but before he finished speaking, Meng Xian'er's face suddenly changed, as if she sensed something in an instant. At this moment, in the darkness in the distance, a faint man's laughter suddenly sounded, "Fairy Chuchen, it's true that A wonderful plan..."

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