The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 640: The Jade Girl’s Mysterious Erosion Technique

"What should I do? Once all the souls of gods and demons in this valley wander away, Shenquezi will definitely kill them..."

Meng Xian'er's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. In the past, she had always been calm and collected. Even the last time Shenquezi led people to besiege Zuimeng Xianlin, her skill was lower than now and she was not panicked at all. But at this moment, she was in Under this magic mountain restriction, there is no other way.

Xiao Chen also frowned and said nothing. In the past three days, his injuries have recovered, but when he wants to transform into a god, he is always a little behind.

If he can successfully transform into a god in this ancient cave, it will be considered a great opportunity. As long as he succeeds in transforming into a god, he will no longer be afraid of the god. But for some reason, every time he is about to realize the mystery, When he is in this state, a hatred and hostility will suddenly arise in his heart, causing him to fail to transform into a god, and even vaguely making him have the potential to transform into a demon.

"Master Xiao, do you have a way to keep these remnant souls of gods and demons in the valley?" Meng Xian'er frowned and looked at him.

Xiao Chen looked at the remnant souls of gods and demons that were gradually wandering outside, and shook his head. When he came here three days ago, many immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas appeared around him. He didn't know what was going on. Moreover, these immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas were only It will frighten the remnant souls of gods and demons here, making them walk faster.

"In three days, these remnant souls of gods and demons will not be able to leave. We still have three days, you can find a way to restore your skills.

At the end of his words, Xiao Chen looked at Meng Xian'er. There was only one way to survive now. Either he succeeded in transforming into a god, or Meng Xian'er's skill returned to its peak. Otherwise, even if they join forces, they would not be able to deal with Shen Quezi.

Meng Xian'er finally realized that there was no other way, and immediately strengthened the prohibition formation at the entrance of the cave, and then returned to the Chishui Ancient Cave with him. ♦

The two of them sat on either side of the pool, not disturbing each other. Xiao Chen continued to meditate on the transformation of gods, while Meng Xianer put away the magic scriptures and used his skills to restore his skills as quickly as possible.

On the second day, Meng Xian'er suddenly had a cold sweat on her back, and her face suddenly turned extremely pale. She immediately stopped operating the Xuan Gong. If she continues to practice in such a hurry, she will eventually go crazy, but if If she doesn't practice like this, in two days, her skill will only be restored to 50-60% at most. How can she be Shenquezi's opponent?

Cold sweat accumulated on her back. In fact, the technique she practiced was called "Jade Girl Xuan Eclipse Kung Fu". It was passed down from the generation of the founder of the Mengxian Sect. The profound mental techniques in it can only be used by the sect leader and elders. Disciples cannot acquire profound mental skills during cultivation. Although she has learned the complete "Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Technique" now, she is still far away from reaching the highest level of cultivation.

At this moment, she remembered again in her mind the words of her master when he taught her the complete mental method of the Jade Girl Mysterious Eclipse Kung Fu: "Xian'er, you must remember that if anything has its strengths, it must also have its shortcomings. This is what the Patriarch left behind. This 'Jade Girl Xuan Erosion Technique' is by no means inferior to the techniques of any sect today, including the Xuan Qing Sect, but it also has one of the biggest drawbacks.

At that time, Meng Xian'er was just a little girl. She didn't know much. She was just curious. "Xian'er didn't understand. Since the master said that the Jade Girl Mysterious Eclipse Technique was the most powerful technique in the world, why was it so bad? Well, senior sister, was it because she did something bad in her cultivation that she was driven away by the master..."

Meng Xian'er's master was Ziyan Fairy, who was famous in the magic world at that time, and her name was Zi Yanluo.


Zi Yanluo let out a long sigh, "Your senior sister did go in the wrong direction back then. Both of you were brought up by your teacher. How could you tolerate her as a teacher? From now on, she will go on a road of no return. I will destroy her cultivation." It’s for her own good, lest she become that...”

At this point, Zi Yanluo couldn't bear to continue talking. He looked at Meng Xian'er and said, "Xian'er, you have to know that our Jade Girl Mysterious Eclipse Skill has two directions, but this second direction , the Patriarch has ordered that we must not practice..."


Meng Xian'er was still young at the time, so how could she know this? Zi Yanluo sighed, "This second direction is called 'Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique'. In a sense, it is more powerful, but we cannot practice it. Xian'er, do you know why?"

"Since it's more powerful, why can't we practice..."

At that time, Meng Xian'er was very confused, but after hearing what Zi Yanluo said, her face immediately turned red and she couldn't hide her shyness, " could this happen..."

It turns out that the Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Technique is very magical. It can be practiced in two completely different directions. The first direction is called Jade Girl Bingxin Jue, and the second direction is called the Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique.

Let’s talk about the first direction, Jade Girl Bingxin Jue. To practice this direction, one must keep a pure and pure body all his life. Once he has an affair with a man and loses his virginity, all his power will be immediately dissipated.

Although the Mengxian Sect is a demonic sect, in fact, all of its disciples are pure and pure, and they are definitely not as chaotic as the outside world reports. If there are disciples who cannot withstand the temptation and lose their virginity outside, and their skills are exhausted, they can be seen through at a glance. If you are captured, you will definitely be tortured and life will be worse than death.

Now, the reason why Meng Xian'er looks so otherworldly and possesses an immortal aura that cannot be compared to the fireworks of the human world is precisely because she has achieved such success in practicing the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue. It is extremely difficult to achieve this with other techniques.

Let’s talk about the Soul Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique. If Jade Girl Bingxin Jue is said to be an immortal, then this Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique must be a demon. Practicing the Soul-Ecstasy Bone-Erosion Technique is completely opposite to the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue. The Jade Girl Bingxin Jue must maintain a pure and pure body. However, this Soul-Ecstasy Bone-Erosion Technique is exactly the opposite. It must be practiced with a man and constantly use the man's Yang Yuan for practice.

The power of this Soul-Ecstasy Bone-Erosion Technique is that if you first practice the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue and switch to the Soul-Ecstasy Bone-Erosion Technique in the middle, not only will the lost cultivation level be restored instantly, but it will also be enhanced several times. The practice will also become faster day by day. Back then, Meng Xianer's senior sister Luo Yaoer practiced the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique, part of the reason was this.

However, once you practice the Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Skill, you will never be able to go back. In the future, you will only be dissatisfied with your desires every night and continue to absorb the Yang Yuan of men. If you cannot practice it with men, you will gradually lose your mind and eventually become murderous. Sex becomes a terrifying female devil.

Now, Meng Xian'er is very clear about these things. She has kept her master's teachings in mind, practiced the Jade Girl's Bingxin Jue all her life, and regards the Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique as a taboo method. But now, what should she do now?

In two days, Shenquezi will attack. If she is captured by Feng Wuyin, she knows clearly what will happen. Even if she resists in every possible way, she will definitely lose her body to this person and have to practice ecstasy. Bone erosion skill.

If she, the majestic leader of the sect, loses her virginity to such a person, in the future she will reach the peak of her soul-ecstasy bone-corroding art and destroy the entire Taishi Taoist sect. The hatred in her heart will be gone, but everything she lost can be regained. Do you have to go?

Suddenly, Meng Xian'er became a little confused. What should she do now? Suddenly, a thought made her whole body tremble, and she looked blankly at Xiao Chen on the other side of the pool.

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