If she takes the initiative to practice the Soul Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique at this time, her skill will definitely increase greatly within two days. It will be easy to deal with Shenquezi at that time...

However, taking the initiative to practice the Soul Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique, doesn't it mean that she has to practice double cultivation with the man in front of her whom she has only known for less than a month?

Meng Xian'er suddenly shuddered and immediately gave up this idea in her mind. She had been pure and pure all her life. Even if she was in such a difficult situation, how could she be so easy to have skin-to-skin contact with a strange man? It was really ridiculous...


Just as she was thinking wildly, Xiao Chen suddenly let out a muffled groan and saw him sitting there cross-legged. For some reason, his face suddenly became extremely pale and ugly.

"What's up with him……"

Meng Xianer's eyebrows condensed, and she saw that Xiao Chen seemed to be possessed by a maniac, with a red blood mark looming between his eyebrows.

But at this time, the voice of the inner demon kept ringing in his mind: "Hate? Resentment? That's right, avenge Wu Niang, avenge Weiyang, and kill all those who have betrayed you. The weight of the demonic breath here is not right. Is it suitable to become a demon? Have you seen them? Why should you insist on becoming a god or cultivating an immortal? After becoming a demon, you will gain stronger power and you will be invincible. Bound, yes, that’s it, run the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills completely in reverse, don’t worry about anything anymore, don’t think about turning back...” ✬

"Devil...I failed to transform into a god today, and I turned into a demon instead...all because of you! Okay! Okay! Okay! Then I will become a demon from now on! I will never step into the immortal gate again in this life!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his eyes became blood red, his body was full of demonic aura, and a demon mark gradually appeared between his eyebrows. Immortals and demons often only have one thought, and this thought is eternal. There is no turning back.

"He...Oh no, he's going to be possessed!"

Meng Xian'er's expression suddenly changed. Who is she? How could she not see that Xiao Chen was about to become a demon at this time? Although she was a member of the devil's path, she did not want to see Xiao Chen become a demon at this time. God knew what this person would do to her after becoming a demon.

She jumped up and flew over in an instant. The real energy in her palm condensed, and she slapped the top of Xiao Chen's head with one palm, trying to wake him up. However, Xiao Chen's attack was as fast as lightning at this time, and he hit her in one fell swoop. He pinched his wrist and said, "Stop trying to stop me, get out!"

At the end of his words, he slapped her away with his palm. Meng Xian'er immediately felt a pain in her abdomen, and was actually slapped away by him. If it weren't for her magical body-protecting power of Tianxiang, she would have been seriously injured at such a close range.

"Tao is not Tao, and demons are not demons! Immortals and demons are at home in my heart... who can stop me!"

At this moment, the demonic aura on Xiao Chen's body became even stronger. Meng Xian'er flew up again in an instant. With two fingers condensing his true energy, he tapped the Tanzhong point in the middle of his chest.

"If you want to stop me... then I will send you to the west first!"

I saw Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, and he moved his five fingers to grab Meng Xian'er's shoulder. Meng Xian'er stepped aside and said, "You want to become a demon, but I won't let you!" As soon as he finished speaking, he hit her with several consecutive fingers. on his chest.

"court death!"

Xiao Chen struck out with a palm, which was as fast as lightning. Meng Xian'er failed to dodge in time and received a hard slap on the shoulder. She groaned and blood flowed out.

But after all, she is the head of a sect, and her qualifications are far above Xiao Chen. Is she still unable to subdue him at this time?

I saw her figure swaying, and suddenly went around behind Xiao Chen. The real energy of her palms condensed and slapped Xiao Chen's head heavily. Xiao Chen immediately became more manic. However, this time, Meng Xianer's body was like a swimming fish. He kept wandering around him, and every time he appeared, he would definitely inject a burst of ice energy into his body.

Gradually, the evil spirits on Xiao Chen retreated. Meng Xian'er seized the opportunity and moved in front of him. She pushed her palms against his chest, making him unable to move anymore, and the evil energy on his body disappeared. A little dissipated.

Just like this, after a stick of incense, all the demonic energy from Xiao Chen's body dissipated, and he finally regained his consciousness. He saw Meng Xian'er sitting in front of him, doing his exercises for him. His face was so pale, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. Could it be that he had been raped just now? Injured by yourself?

"Fairy, you..."

"Finally awake?"

Meng Xian'er's eyes were indifferent. As soon as she finished speaking, she retracted her palm and looked at him and said, "How can you transform into a spirit when the hatred in your heart is so heavy?"


Thinking that just now, he was almost possessed by a demon, Xiao Chen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, she was there, but he still hurt her, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. "Just now, I'm sorry, I..." This is where he finished his words. , remembering that there was still some healing medicine she had given him before, he immediately handed over the bottle of Tianxiang Jade Dew.


Meng Xian'er took the Tianxiang Jade Dew, but her eyes were fixed on his face, with a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes, and she said to herself, "You haven't transformed into a god yet, but you have such profound skills, which is completely beyond common sense. If you transform into a god, Success, wouldn't it be..."

At this moment, she seemed to have finally thought of a way. Now there are only two days left. Shenquezi will definitely attack. It is impossible for her to recover her skills. The Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique is obviously unrealistic, but this kid is about to transform into a god. He has not yet There is such profound skill in transforming into a god. How can it be repaid once it is transformed into a god? Why don't I help him transform into a god? If so, wouldn't the problem at hand be solved immediately?

Thinking of this, Meng Xian'er's eyes gradually calmed down. Looking at him now, she no longer called him Mr. Xiao. Instead, she looked at him as if he were a junior, and said, "Boy, if you call me senior, I will help you transform." How about God?"


For a moment, Xiao Chen didn't realize it. Why did she suddenly seem to be a different person? Could it be because I hurt her just now...

And this kind of look suddenly reminded him of the time when Weiyang was disguised as a strange mother-in-law, and she looked at him like this, as if she were looking at a junior, and it always felt weird...


Meng Xian'er snorted coldly and said, "I'm hundreds of years older than you, so what's wrong with you just calling me senior? If you don't want to, forget it. When Shenquezi takes over in two days, you and I will come together Just die down here."

Xiao Chen saw the serious look on her face at this time, and it didn't seem like she was joking. It was just that the other party's sudden change made him unable to react.

But thinking about it carefully, although she looks younger than him, she is indeed older than him. Moreover, she saved his life before. Just now, he almost became a demon, but she came to save him again. At this time, he called her senior. , there is nothing wrong with it, but she is the master of the Demon Sect after all, and back then...

That's all, now I still want to think about the difference between good and evil. Even today, he is by no means a pedantic person. If this call from senior can resolve the current urgent situation, then there is nothing wrong with it.

However, just when he was about to speak, Meng Xian'er suddenly said, "That's all, just call this in your heart, Senior. I'll hear it."

In fact, when she asked Xiao Chen to call her senior, it was definitely not a joke or a whim, but at that moment, she suddenly thought that the person in front of her would have extremely terrible achievements in the future, but this "senior" was Want Xiao Chen to remember her kindness today.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside. Meng Xian'er's brows condensed, "It's too late, sit down!" After saying this, she straightened Xiao Chen upright and then sat behind him, condensing the real energy in her two palms. , pressed against his back.

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