Mrs. Xianshu knew that this matter was not trivial. She had a solemn expression on her face and no longer hesitated. She immediately ordered the disciples outside to strengthen their vigilance in the past few days and strengthen the defensive formations everywhere. At the same time, no one was allowed to enter or exit at will.

After arranging everything, night has fallen quietly, the evening breeze is blowing, and a crescent moon gradually rises above the treetops, like the top of a beauty's eyebrows. The Valley of Flowers tonight is particularly peaceful.

"What happened to Weiyang...? But because of last time..."

Xiao Chen still had a frown on his face. Even though he had brought back the hibiscus flower last time to wake Weiyang up, if it was true as Shen Jing said at the beginning, if she was a Xuanyin body that would only appear once in ten thousand years, her fate would have been sealed. , cannot be changed, so what should we do?

Mrs. Xianshu frowned slightly and said as she walked, "Weiyang...she has been feeling unwell these days and often feels chills.'s nothing serious."

"Is this so..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He didn't know if Shen Jing had returned from Dingfeng City. If Shen Jing was here, it would not be difficult with Shen Jing's medical skills. Healing injuries with exercises and treating diseases with acupuncture are completely different things. Even if No matter how high-minded Madam Xianshu is and how profound her skills are, she only has a little research on medical skills and is not proficient in them. Among the four Valley Masters, it seems that there is no one who has very good medical skills.

The two of them were walking and talking, and before they knew it, they had arrived outside a unique courtyard. The fragrance of flowers came to them in the evening breeze, which was refreshing. ✫

Under the light of night, we can see that things in the courtyard are vague, the rocks are ancient, and the flowers are blooming. It is quite quiet.

The two of them entered the courtyard, passed through two lotus ponds and several vermilion corridors, and then came to a palace house with carved railings and jade walls. When they got to the steps, Mrs. Xianshu gently opened the door twice and asked in a low voice. "Weiyang, are you in there?"

"Xian Shu, um... you come in."

Hua Weiyang's slightly weak voice came from inside, and Xiao Chen even frowned. Mrs. Xianshu opened the door and saw a screen at the end of the room. Behind the screen, candlelight flickered, and Weiyang could be vaguely seen. figure.

"Well? Is there anyone else?"

As if sensing another breath, Hua Weiyang's voice came from behind the screen again, and Mrs. Xianshu said, "It's Young Master Xiao here."

"'s him..."

Hua Weiyang's voice was filled with surprise, and Xiao Chen had already walked inside. "Weiyang, how do you feel? But you feel a cold air in your body..."

"Hey! You, you, you, get out..."

Hua Weiyang's voice came from behind the screen. Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, and then stopped, only to hear her say, "My daughter's room, come in as you say, and get out quickly."

I saw her shadow looming behind the screen, her hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. She was probably only wearing a close-fitting shirt at this time. There were usually no men in the Lianhua Palace. Only then did Xiao Chen realize that it was a little abrupt, and then went to The outside retreated.

After a while, after her clothes were sorted, Mrs. Xianshu said, "Young Master Xiao, you can come in."

Xiao Chen then slowly walked in, and behind the screen, he saw Hua Weiyang sitting on the bed, her lips were slightly white, and she looked a little haggard.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his mind immediately recalled the time when they first met, and that time on Pingding Mountain when she disguised herself as herself. How could she be so haggard and haggard as she is now? Because of the time when she was buried in Immortal Cliff and later in Tianling Sect, she asked for the seeds of Dieffenbachia for herself, otherwise... how could it be like this.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen frowned deeply. It was a pity that Shen Jing was not here now. Otherwise, with just a few acupunctures, Wei Young would not have to suffer from the cold in her body. He asked, "Mrs. Xianshu, Lianhua Palace now, Who is the most skilled healer?"

"The person with the highest medical skills..."

Mrs. Xianshu frowned slightly and glanced outside. Finally, she slowly turned back and looked at Xiao Chen. "If you are right, I think the person with the best medical skills here is you, Young Master Xiao."


Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that if there were people with skilled medical skills in Lianhua Palace, why would Wei Young have to suffer like this? However, although he had learned a lot of skills from Shen Jing, Wei Young's situation was complicated and complex. Specially, he really didn't dare to act rashly.

"'s not as serious as you think..."

Hua Weiyang looked at the two of them and said, "The coldness in my body has been there for a long time. It will happen once a month. After a few days, it will be fine. By the way..."

When she said this, she changed the subject and said, "I just heard a lot of noise outside, and the spiritual energy of various formations fluctuated very violently. Xian Shu, did something happen outside?"

Mrs. Xianshu's brows had not relaxed since she came in just now. She really didn't want to cause her any more worries at this time, so she shook her head gently, "It's okay, I just let the outsiders stabilize the formation."

"No, you must be hiding something from me..."

Hua Weiyang saw the clue immediately and asked Xiao Chen, "Is it someone from Taishi Taoism who came to visit again?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, "It doesn't matter. You have a good rest tonight. I will discuss the rest with Mrs. Xianshu."

That night, in the dead of night, the two of them left Hua Weiyang's courtyard. Along the way, Xiao Chen frowned and finally asked, "Wei Yang... still can't remember her?"

Mrs. Xianshu sighed softly, shook her head and said, "I haven't remembered it yet. I just occasionally saw her having nightmares. She probably dreamed about the Xuan Qing Sect incident again. Maybe it was because that incident was too profound, so , she just forgot about it for the time being... By the way, Young Master Xiao."

When she said this, she suddenly stopped, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "During this time, I heard many people outside saying that when Xiao Cangtian took the fragments of the Book of Heaven and hid under the Xuanqing Hou Mountain, I don't know who it was at that time. Chase, Young Master Xiao, do you know anything about this?"


Xiao Chen recalled what happened back then in his mind. Even though it had been many years, he still clearly remembered the appearance of the old man at that time, and he also remembered every word clearly...

Seeing that he was attentive and silent, Mrs. Xianshu continued, "I also heard people say... Ningcun was destroyed overnight. Some people said it was because of Xiao Cang Tian's demonic power..." After saying this, she looked at Xiao Chen intently. His face changed and he stopped talking.

However, there was no change on Xiao Chen's face from beginning to end. Finally he shook his head and continued walking forward, "It can't be him..."

With just a few words, she denied the rumors outside. Mrs. Xianshu stood there for a while, then slowly walked up. Xiao Chen stopped again, turned around and said, "Wei Yang's cold injury, I'll take care of it tomorrow." Let's see for her and see if we can find a way to temporarily suppress the coldness in her body."

Mrs. Xianshu nodded slightly, "There are many strange flowers and famous medicines in the valley. If you need it, just ask. As for Shenquezi, you don't need to worry for the time being. I have sent people to strengthen the formations everywhere. There is also a Hundred Flowers Formation outside. "It's not easy for him to break in."

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