The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 649 The devil is coming


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said no more. On the next day, Mrs. Xianshu sent someone to bring him all the medicinal materials he needed, most of which were cold-repellent.

After frying the medicine, he personally sent it to Hua Weiyang. When Hua Weiyang saw that he had personally sent the medicine, he asked, "Where's Xian Shu?"

"Mrs. Xianshu will lead people to strengthen various formations in the past two days. During this period, I will treat the cold in your body. Sit down and drink the medicine."


Hua Weiyang looked at him and felt something was strange.

"Ah what? You haven't drank the medicine yet."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he handed the medicine bowl in his hand to her. Hua Weiyang frowned, "Hey, I'm the Master of Lianhua Palace, are you talking to me like this?"

"You may be the master of Lianhua Palace or the princess of the dynasty, but now, you are my patient, drink medicine."


Hua Weiyang glanced at him gently, and then she was willing to drink the medicine. However, when the medicine reached her mouth, she felt it was very bitter. "What kind of medicine is this? It's so bitter..."

Seeing her reluctantly drink the medicine, Xiao Chen said calmly, "Don't you know, good medicine is bitter and good for the disease..." As he said this, he took out a set of silver needles.

Seeing that he was about to prick herself again, Hua Weiyang hurriedly hid in the bed, "You, you, you, what are you going to do? I'm old, but I can't stand your torture..."

Xiao Chen took out the silver needle, glanced at the cold light on the needle tip, and then looked at her, "If you don't use the needle, how can I suppress the cold in your body?"

"But..." Hua Weiyang stammered, "You and I are different between men and women, so how can we do acupuncture? Otherwise, you can ask Xian Shu to come, and she will also do acupuncture..."

"Don't worry, even with a thin layer of clothing, I can find the exact acupuncture points and won't accidentally hurt you.

After talking for a long time, Hua Weiyang was willing to lie down obediently. Xiao Chen's technique was also very good. Even with a layer of clothes, she could hardly feel anything strange.

It's just that the two of them were alone in a room and didn't talk. It would be awkward for a long time. Hua Weiyang said, "You haven't told me yet. Where did you go after you left the Imperial State?"

"Beyond the Endless Mountains..."

At that moment, while applying the acupuncture, Xiao Chen briefly explained what had happened before, not even hiding the matter between the Demon Mountain and Shenquezi from her.

After Hua Weiyang finished listening, her eyebrows gradually deepened. No wonder Xian Shu was evasive when she spoke last night. It turned out that this happened. This Shenquezi's cultivation level was extremely high, and he was possessed by a demon and lost his mind. If this person broke in If you come to the valley, the consequences will be disastrous.

"You have a good rest these two days. You don't have to worry about Shenquezi. Madam Xianshu and I will deal with it on our own. As for the rest of the Taishi Taoist sect, there is no need to worry. The master of the Four Valleys is here. Those people Not enough for trouble.

As Xiao Chen spoke, he continued to apply acupuncture on her. After the coldness was suppressed temporarily, he took out the silver needles one by one. At this time, Hua Weiyang's face had improved a little, but she was still a little pale. After a while, Suddenly she said, "I heard from Xian Shu that we knew each other before."

At this point, she sat up, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "During these days, I often dreamed of the same dream. I fell from a very high place, and there was someone who was always beside me. I'm around you, but every time, I can't see his appearance... Every time I wake up, I'm always confused. "

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen put away the silver needle and said, "Then I will prescribe you some soothing medicine tomorrow..."

"Hey, I'm not joking with you."

Hua Weiyang looked at him seriously, and just as she was about to continue saying something, a violent shock suddenly came from outside. Xiao Chen's expression suddenly condensed. At this moment, he seemed to have figured out something.

"Master, Master, it's not good, it's not good...Master..."

At this moment, a girl's voice as clear as a silver bell sounded outside, followed by a little girl in a white dress running in. The little girl looked about five or six years old. She was very beautiful and cute, with a petal mark between her eyebrows. , like a little fairy in the forest, it is Xiao Lianhua.

"Don't worry Lianhua, what's wrong?"

Hua Weiyang sat up from the bed. Xiao Lianhua looked at Xiao Chen in the room. She seemed a little scared and ignored him. She ran to Hua Weiyang, pulled her sleeves and said, "Some bad guys have entered the valley. Master, please let me know." I'm hiding here with Master, don't go out..."

"It's Shenquezi. I didn't expect to break in so quickly."

Xiao Chen frowned, and couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. Last night, Madam Xianshu said that there was a Baihua Formation outside Baihua Valley. Even if this person's strength increased greatly after becoming a demon, he would never break in so quickly. Could there be someone else? Help?

"Weiyang, you are here, don't come out." As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Chen swayed and went outside the house.


Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand and shouted, but Xiao Chen was nowhere to be seen. Little Lianhua next to her was very scared and tightly pulled her sleeves, "Master, Master, what should we do? That bad guy is so powerful..."

"Don't be afraid of Lianhua."

Hua Weiyang reached out and gently carried her to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and said, "Lianhua, let me go out and take a look. You are in the room. If anyone calls you, don't come out. Do you understand?"


Little Lianhua was very obedient and nodded vigorously.

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, stroked her forehead, and then walked out. When she arrived at the square in front of the main hall, she saw that the valley where flowers were blooming was now filled with demonic energy. The scene was extremely terrifying. The young disciples were all frightened and panicked. They were all women in the world, and they had never seen such a terrifying scene with overwhelming demonic energy.

"Where's the monster? It's not showing up yet!"

Hua Weiyang's face was cold, and with a swipe of her finger, a ray of green light shot towards the billowing demonic energy that enveloped the valley. The original terrifying demonic energy dissipated a lot when it encountered this green light.

Although she was able to dispel the demonic energy, Hua Weiyang had been feeling unwell recently. This time she only used her spiritual power a little, and her face, which had gradually regained its color, suddenly turned pale again.

"Weiyang, didn't I tell you not to come out?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and came to her side. As he spoke, he looked towards the valley. After the demonic energy shrouding the valley dissipated, a demon with a shawl appeared inside.

"Hahaha! Xiao Yichen, are you finally willing to come out? If you don't come out, I will raze this valley to the ground!"

The devil's shawl was spread out, his eyes were blood red, and his body was filled with devilish aura. He seemed to be insane, but his strength was extraordinary.

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt a terrifying aura. This power was definitely not the power that should appear in the human world now.

"This person is not easy to deal with, Weiyang... you stay back."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face became very solemn. When he spoke, he moved his hand and sacrificed Emperor Gu in an instant. However, seeing the demonic energy surging in the sky, at this moment, even Emperor Gu's sword let out a roar. With the sound, the sword body continued to vibrate.

All the disciples of Lianhua Palace stepped back. They knew in their hearts that this demon was terrifyingly powerful and could forcibly break the formation outside. I am afraid that only Xiao Chen here has the strength to compete with him.

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